
The Dantari were a species of primitive Near-Humans originating from the planet Dantooine. Dantooine is located in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim. These people existed as simple nomadic tribes, constantly moving across Dantooine's plains.

Biology and appearance

The Dantari were an intelligent species that were native to Dantooine. As a Near-Human species, their appearance was very similar to standard Humans. However, they were noticeably more muscular and physically robust. Common traits included large, flat faces, black hair, and tan, leathery skin.

A Dantari was considered a child until they reached the age of eleven, and young adulthood began at twelve. By sixteen, they had passed adolescence and would live as adults for nineteen more years. Thirty-six was considered middle age, fifty-five was old age, and those living past seventy were seen as "venerable."

Society and culture

The Dantari civilization was technologically underdeveloped, existing at a stone level. Even during the Galactic Civil War, after 4000 years of sporadic interaction with offworlders, they remained unaware of interstellar travel. They had neither developed agriculture nor discovered metallurgy. Instead, they roamed the plains in search of sustenance, utilizing basic tools like stone axes and spears for hunting. Daily life involved setting up temporary villages each evening, only to dismantle their tents and resume their journey the following morning. These villages consisted of simple shelters made from animal skins, with multiple [campfires](/article/fire-legends] burning in front.

Known Dantari tribes included the Janta, Kunga, and Mokk. Within each tribe, important decisions were collectively made by a council of five to six elders, selected from the most experienced and senior members. This council addressed any challenges faced by the tribe. While they lacked a king or chief, the garoo held a position of special authority. The garoo, a respected member of the tribe, functioned as both a priest and a sorcerer, believed to possess the ability to command animal spirits and known for their honesty.

The Dantari possessed extensive knowledge of the medicinal properties found in local plants and animals. They highly valued the root of the Vincha plant for its powerful anesthetic qualities. They also engaged in a complex system of gift-giving to strengthen bonds between individuals and tribes. Any item could be exchanged, including magic stones, weapons, wooden figures, and even the prized Vincha plant.

Their language, Dantarian, was composed of a limited vocabulary, supplemented by facial expressions and hand gestures.


The Dantari were present on Dantooine at the start of Republic colonization, around 4000 BBY, but interactions between them and the colonists were infrequent. Their population was so small that the Republic considered Dantooine to be uninhabited. Theories suggested they were descended from an early, failed Republic settlement, but these remained unconfirmed.

During the era of the New Republic, a small colony was established for refugees from Eol Sha. However, Admiral Daala discovered this colony and targeted it. Under Commander Kratas's command, a regiment of AT-AT's was deployed. The resulting battle obliterated the colony and destroyed one AT-AT.

A hunter of the Mokk tribe

This event led the Dantari to believe the Imperials were gods. Some Dantari acquired crude tattoos depicting AT-ATs, Imperial insignias, images of Imperial blasters, or outlines of stormtrooper armor on their chests. They also attempted to replicate pilot jumpsuit designs in their clothing and crafted tools and weapons from AT-AT armor fragments.

Later, the Dantari attempted communication with refugees from the [New Republic](/article/new_republic-legends], but the Yuuzhan Vong invaded and massacred the refugees before attacking the Dantari themselves, leading to their near extinction.

