The conflict known as the Battle of Dantooine unfolded on the surface of Dantooine. It pitted the forces of the New Republic against the invading warriors of the Yuuzhan Vong.
In the wake of the initial confrontation with the Vong at Helska IV, the New Republic's military, including prominent figures such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, Jacen Solo and Anakin Solo, were compelled to evacuate both Dubrillion and Destrillion. With insufficient resources to reach the Core worlds, the displaced convoy was compelled to seek refuge on Dantooine, awaiting the arrival of much-needed supplies. Furthermore, individuals fleeing conquered territories were relocated to Dantooine, where a designated refugee camp was established. However, the Yuuzhan Vong's pursuit was relentless.

The commencement of hostilities occurred following the discovery by Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker that Yuuzhan Vong combatants had infiltrated the refugee settlement through the employment of Ooglith Masquers. During the ensuing skirmish, Bolpuhr, Leia's devoted Noghri protector, met his demise. Concurrently, a substantial Chazrach offensive force advanced upon the camp. Despite their overwhelming numbers, the Jedi Knights, including Anakin and Jacen Solo, swiftly ascertained the relative ease with which the reptilian adversaries could be subdued. However, the sheer quantity of Chazrach ultimately enabled the Yuuzhan Vong to gain an advantage over the New Republic defenders.

Subsequently, Skywalker made the discovery that the Chazrach were being manipulated by a beetle-like war creature, later identified as a Thrall herder. This entity was shielded by a multitude of dovin basals, which intercepted incoming projectiles and energy weapon fire. Employing the Force, Luke Skywalker managed to seize control of the black hole, causing it to implode upon itself. Consequently, the Chazrach assault was disrupted, resulting in the creatures engaging in indiscriminate attacks, including upon one another.
Regardless of this triumph, the Yuuzhan Vong maintained their tactical superiority. As the conflict intensified, the extensive casualties suffered by New Republic soldiers and refugees alleviated the supply constraints of the refugee convoy, enabling them to depart the planet. Admiral Traest Kre'fey, arriving aboard his flagship, the Ralroost, alongside the Victory I-class Star Destroyer Corusca Fire, escorted the convoy to safety, abandoning the world to the control of the Vong.
In the aftermath of the battle, the Yuuzhan Vong nearly drove the indigenous Dantari population to extinction. Furthermore, Jacen Solo's descent toward the dark side commenced during this conflict, as he experienced a disturbing sense of satisfaction from the mass slaughter of Force-sensitive beings. While the battle concluded in a defeat for the New Republic, the intelligence gleaned from the engagement proved to be a valuable consolation.