Destrillion, a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories' Dubrillion system, existed near Dubrillion and the asteroids known as Lando's Folly. From space, this desolate world appeared brown and unclean, possessing a volatile atmosphere. Furthermore, it housed diverse energy tunnels and an energy field that contained a tibanna gas platform. Wedge Antilles led Rogue Squadron to this location in 3 ABY during the Galactic Civil War to investigate a suspected Imperial research installation. They only encountered some TIE Hunters and an Imperial convoy there; the Alliance subsequently discovered the facility on Dubrillion. Twenty-one years after that, Lando Calrissian journeyed to Dubrillion seeking novel asteroid mining techniques and constructed multiple ore processing facilities within Destrillion's upper atmosphere. During the Yuuzhan Vong's galactic invasion, the planet was seized, compelling its residents to flee to Dantooine.
The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, a novel from The New Jedi Order series, marked the initial appearance of Destrillion.