A platform utilized for the extraction of tibanna gas. Platforms for tibanna gas were substantial, buoyant constructions employed for the purpose of extracting tibanna gas.
Tibanna gas extraction stations existed on various gas giants, including Bespin, Kaer, Kril'Dor, Vandin and Ord Ibanna.
Rogue Squadron launched an attack on the Galactic Empire's platforms located over Taloraan a few months following the Battle of Yavin.
After the incident at Bespin's Cloud City involving Darth Vader, Han Solo, and Leia Organa, Imperial forces maintained their presence on the planet, positioning a garrison of starfighters to oversee the gas mining operations. Rebel troopers engaged stormtroopers in combat for control of one of the platforms during a skirmish above Bespin. The Rebel Alliance also attacked the platforms in order to acquire tibanna resources. Rogue Squadron was originally tasked with destroying an Imperial research facility on Destrillion, but instead encountered a gas platform defended by TIE Hunters.
The Jedi Knight known as Jaden Korr, together with Wedge Antilles, a pilot from the New Republic, freed a platform on Kril'Dor from Imperial control.
The initial appearance of tibanna gas platforms was in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. They have since been depicted on different planets throughout various media.