Raid on Bespin

The Raid of Bespin was a relatively small conflict initiated by the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Imperial-controlled tibanna gas mining installation known as Cloud City. The Rebel's Rogue Squadron engaged with Imperial TIE fighters along with siege balloons to gain control of the tibanna gas platforms and facilitate the entry of transports to extract the gas. Subsequently, the squadron advanced into Cloud City to secure the remaining platforms. The Imperials retaliated with a strike involving TIE bombers, but the Rogues successfully eliminated them all.


During 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire exerted pressure on the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian, compelling him to surrender Han Solo and his companions under the threat of occupying Cloud City. Shortly afterward, the Empire violated their agreement and conquered the planet. Subsequently, the Rebel Alliance, then at war with the Empire, acquired information regarding a new and formidable superweapon, the Death Star II battle station. Consequently, the Alliance formulated a plan for an attack against the station in 4 ABY. As a preliminary measure, the Alliance initiated a raid on Bespin to seize valuable tibanna gas for the Alliance Fleet. Rogue Squadron was tasked with the raid following their Mission to Prefsbelt IV.

The Assault

However, the Imperials had foreseen the Rebel's intentions and strategically positioned seven siege balloons to guard a series of six tibanna gas platforms. The balloons were also instructed to prioritize the destruction of the platforms rather than allowing the Rebels to secure the tibanna gas.

Rogue Squadron, led by Commander Wedge Antilles, was assigned the mission of raiding Bespin by securing the platforms and escorting three Rebel Transports en route to Cloud City. Rogue Squadron's initial objective was to neutralize the siege balloons to prevent them from destroying the platforms.

Upon the Rebels' arrival at the second tibanna gas platform, Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles successfully shot down an Imperial tanker, discovering some homing concussion missiles which he acquired, although this came at the expense of most of the tibanna gas containers on the platform.

Rogue squadron attacks the power generator in Cloud City.

Subsequently, Rogue Squadron encountered several squadrons of TIE/LN starfighters and TIE interceptors that were targeting both the platforms and the transports. Antilles and the Rogues engaged and eliminated the Imperial starfighters. The three transports then docked with the platforms as Antilles instructed the Rogues to regroup.

A Rogue pilot identified three primary power generators within Cloud City on his targeting computer and suggested their destruction to weaken the turbolaser defenses. Antilles authorized the destruction of the generators and wished them success. Rogue Squadron also began utilizing Storm Iv Twin-Pod Cloud cars shortly prior to Wedge's attack on the generators. Following the destruction of the generators, Antilles reported the mission's success and directed the squadron to secure the gas platforms. Rogue Squadron initiated mop-up operations by destroying additional siege balloons near the final two tibanna gas platforms, as well as eliminating a newly deployed TIE bomber squadron.


With the Imperial threat to the gas platforms neutralized, Antilles commended the Rogues and notified the transports that they could proceed. Shortly thereafter, the Alliance Fleet departed for the Battle of Endor, where they survived Emperor Palpatine's trap and destroyed the Death Star II superweapon/battle station. The station's destruction resulted in the deaths of both the Emperor and Darth Vader, and the subsequent fragmentation of the Empire.

Behind the Curtains

The Raid on Bespin is featured in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. It is possible to locate a vehicle upgrade during the mission, although it is not essential for victory. This article assumes that the player did so. During the second part of the mission, the player has the option to destroy more balloons, but it is not required. The player can also choose to enter one of three cloud cars.

