Mission to Prefsbelt IV

title: Mission to Prefsbelt IV

The operation known as the Mission to Prefsbelt IV unfolded when Wedge Antilles, a Rebel pilot, under the direction of General Madine, endeavored to seize back the Imperial shuttle called the Tydirium. Antilles gained entry into the Academy through the southern mountain passage, successfully avoiding detection by the Sensor Outposts. Subsequently, he boarded the shuttle, initiating its departure towards the designated meeting location. Following the arrival of his escort, he made his escape.


The Rebel Alliance had a need for an Imperial shuttle to transport a commando unit to the moon of Endor. In the year 4 ABY, Ace Azzameen, a Rebel pilot, managed to secure the Lambda-class shuttle, the Tydirium, from Outpost 327 during the Mission to Zhar. However, the Galactic Empire quickly took back control of the shuttle and moved it to Prefsbelt IV.

General Crix Madine dispatched Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles to the Imperial Naval Academy located on Prefsbelt IV, with the objective of commandeering the Tydirium for the Rebel's purposes.


Madine instructed Wedge Antilles to approach from the south via the mountain pass, informing him that the shuttle was stationed at the northern Academy platform. Madine also issued a warning to avoid the Sensor Outposts. Antilles successfully evaded detection by the eight sensors, proceeding into the next area of the Academy.

He then left his starfighter behind to hijack a TIE/LN starfighter after neutralizing its pilot. Antilles then infiltrated the Academy. He then moved towards the Academy, going past the landing platforms, other installations, and the AT-AT and AT-ST defenses. Close to the Academy, he fired upon the rows of TIE starfighters and the gun turrets, revealing his presence. He also flew through one of the other landing pads and acquired a vehicular upgrade.

The Academy personnel announced a lockdown to occur in four minutes, and fighters were deployed. Antilles disabled the four turrets guarding the shuttle, docked at the landing pad, and boarded the Tydirium.

While being pursued by TIE fighters and interceptors, he flew towards the rendezvous point, where three pursuing fighters were taken out by Antilles' newly arrived escorts, two pilots from Rogue Squadron. Together, they successfully escaped the Academy.


Shortly after the mission, Rogue Squadron participated in a raid targeting the tibanna gas storage on Bespin. Alliance General Han Solo utilized the Tydirium to infiltrate the Endor system alongside his commandos, which led to the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

The 2001 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader featured two iterations of the mission, one set at night and the other during the day, determined by the GameCube's internal clock. A T-47 airspeeder was used during the night, while a Y-wing was used during the day.

  • In the Night Mission, the player had to evade scanners in a Speeder under cover of darkness. At the mission's conclusion, the player was pursued by three TIEs and escorted by two X-wings.
  • The Day Mission involved Rogue Squadron disabling the scanners using their Y-Wings's ion cannons. At the end, the player was chased by several TIES, with two Y-wings arriving for escort.

Because there are two versions, this article includes only the information present in both missions, without specifying which version is official. If the player fails to capture the shuttle before the lockdown is initiated, the shuttle will be lowered into the landing pad, resulting in mission failure. Each version offers distinct vehicle upgrades. In the daytime version, the player can acquire Advanced concussion missiles. The nighttime mission allows the player to acquire Advanced spread proton bombs instead. This article assumes the player picked it up during the mission.

In the co-op campaign in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, both players must board the Tydirium before it can be used. One player pilots the ship from the cockpit, while the other uses the aft gun to fend off the pursuing TIEs.

Players have the option to unlock the TIE fighter by capturing it in both versions, each offering unique upgrades. This article assumes the player captures the TIE fighter as part of the infiltration. In the day version, the player must hit the TIE with the ion cannon, and in the night version, the player must shoot the pilot near an Imperial outpost. Players can choose to continue in their starfighter instead of capturing the TIE fighter. Players may also destroy any Imperial target as long as they destroy the four turrets guarding the shuttle. The player can also maintain cover up until they reach the loading platform for the Tydirium, with Wedge noting upon arrival that he can't steal the shuttle while the turrets surrounding the loading platform are still active. The strategy guide recommends pre-emptive attacks to earn a mission medal, suggesting the use of the Y-wing over the TIE fighter for these attacks. The strategy guide also recommends that the player head straight to the rendezvous point, and this article follows that recommendation.

Madine's initial dialogue varies slightly between the two versions. In the night version, if the player steals the TIE fighter, a separate cutscene shows Antilles picking up his speeder's gunner. Antilles says "I've found him. We're on our way" as alternate dialogue. There is no dialogue at the end of the day mission.

The capture of the Tydirium was also depicted in the 1999 video game Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, where Ace Azzameen stole it from an Imperial station. The 2007 reference book Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections attempted to reconcile the sources by stating that Antilles stole the shuttle while Azzameen acquired codes. Leland Chee, the Keeper of Lucasfilm's Holocron continuity database, has confirmed that both thefts of the Tydirium occurred, with the X-wing Alliance mission taking place first.

