Pentastar Alignment

The Pentastar Alignment, also known as the Pentastar Alignment of Powers, represented a corporatist dictatorship situated in the Outer Rim regions of the galaxy, with its capital centrally located on Entralla. Functioning as a descendant of the fallen Galactic Empire, it largely adhered to a policy of isolationism, resulting in the New Republic mostly overlooking its existence. However, in the year 12 ABY, the Pentastar Alignment was integrated into the Imperial Remnant, another successor state that emerged from the remnants of the former Empire.

The Pentastar Alignment came into being as a result of a splinter group that broke away from the Galactic Empire, led by the figure of Ardus Kaine. This occurred within the territory known as the "Velcar Free Commerce Zone" in the year 4 ABY, following the Pentastar Talks. Upon seceding from the gradually collapsing Empire, the Pentastar Alignment's primary objective was to avoid joining the newly established New Republic and to remain undisturbed by its influence.

During the year 8 ABY, the Pentastar Alignment provided some military resources to Grand Admiral Thrawn, but it refrained from formally aligning itself with him during his military campaign in 9 ABY. A year later, the resurrected Emperor Palpatine initiated a process of reuniting various Imperial splinter factions and remnant states, as a component of the pre-Operation Shadow Hand strategy, with the goal of overthrowing the New Republic. The Pentastar Alignment formed an alliance with Palpatine's resurrected clone. However, Kaine met his demise at the hands of the Republic during the military engagement that took place over the planet Palanhi, which led to its weakening and eventual absorption into the Imperial Remnant.

The Inquisitor known as Jerec held a prominent position within the Pentastar Alignment.



Grand Moff Ardus Kaine founded the Pentastar Alignment.

Following the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire experienced a period of fragmentation, breaking down into numerous independent entities. Rather than attempting to maintain control over the entirety of the Outer Rim, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, who had previously succeeded Grand Moff Tarkin as the leader of the Oversector Outer, strategically concentrated his military resources within fourteen sectors situated in the New Territories.

Kaine employed his personal Executor-class Star Dreadnought, known as the Reaper, to exert a degree of intimidation, serving as a venue for hosting discussions with representatives from various star systems and five significant Imperial corporations. These discussions proved fruitful, culminating in the establishment of the Pentastar Alignment in 4 ABY.

Supporting Thrawn

The Reaper leading the Pentastar forces.

In 8 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn made his return from the Unknown Regions to launch a final effort aimed at reuniting and stabilizing the declining Empire. The Alignment contributed some of its military forces to support Thrawn's endeavors; however, it opted not to formally join his cause, preferring to continue its militarization in anticipation of a potential conflict with the New Republic.

Death of Kaine

A year later, the resurrected Emperor Palpatine initiated a campaign to reunite various Imperial splinter groups as part of Operation Shadow Hand, a strategic endeavor aimed at toppling the New Republic. The Emperor proved more successful than Thrawn in enlisting Kaine's support, and the forces of the Pentastar Alignment eventually launched an attack against the New Republic. Joining the remnants of Thrawn's forces, Ardus Kaine mounted a successful campaign against the New Republic forces, securing a dozen victories before penetrating the Core Worlds. Nevertheless, the conflict ultimately ended in failure, with Kaine's death and Palpatine's final defeat.

Annexation by the Imperial Remnant

The Pentastar Alignment was annexed by Admiral Gilad Pellaeon in 12 ABY, thus becoming integrated into the Imperial Remnant. The Reaper then became Pellaeon's flagship until it was destroyed at the Battle of Celanon in 13 ABY. Prior to 19 ABY, Kaine's homeworld, Sartinaynian—which was renamed Bastion—became the capital of the Imperial Remnant, a status it maintained for over a century.


Government and politics

The Pentastar Alignment was a corporatist dictatorship that was administratively divided into two distinct branches: "Order" and "Enforcement." The "Order" branch encompassed the Politorate, Insurrection, Judgment, and Protectorate divisions.

The Alignment made use of the services of several former Inquisitors within its "Judgment" branch. These individuals were known as the Great InQuestors of Judgment, and their ranks included the Dark Jedi Jerec.


The Pentastar Patrol served as the primary military force of the Alignment. This organization, in collaboration with Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems, designed the Enforcer-class picket cruiser).

Outside affairs

The Alignment largely maintained an isolationist stance, striving to establish peaceful relations with all entities. This approach led to the New Republic reciprocating by largely disregarding the Alignment, although pirates and mercenaries such as the Red Moons persisted in harassing the Alignment.


The Alignment was comprised of fourteen sectors and commanded the allegiance of hundreds of planets. Many of these planets had previously been part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including the "Velcar Free Commerce Zone" (which included Capza, Entralla, and Bextar) and the worlds of Jaemus, Cantras Gola, Gabredor III, Bescane, and Criton's Point.

Map of the Pentastar Alignment including the future Imperial Remnant.


Other entities that supported the Alignment included Dynamic Automata, PowerOn Conglomerate, and Galentro Heavy Works.

