
Insurrection represented a specific division of the Order operating within the Pentastar Alignment. It came into being following an inquiry by the Chamber of Order. This inquiry aimed to understand why various star systems had abandoned Imperial allegiance to align themselves with the New Republic. The inquiry determined the fractured Empire was overly focused on military opposition to the New Republic, and reinforcing its existing territories. Due to this, the New Republic was able to sway Imperial planets to break away by promising better living conditions and increased liberties. To counteract the New Republic through political and covert means, Insurrection was established.

To discourage systems from joining the New Republic, Insurrection operatives made use of deceit and false information. Among the strategies implemented by Insurrection were the use of surveillance droids to disseminate reports of failure. They also used fabricated New Republic agents confessing to acts of treason to governmental officials. Furthermore, they operated within planets already aligned with the New Republic, disseminating rumors of prejudice against non-humans and undermining the integrity of planetary administrations. At a broader level, Insurrection aimed to diminish the reputation of the Mon Calamari within the New Republic.


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