The Chamber of Order functioned as the legislative body for the Pentastar Alignment. Its members consisted of former Imperial and corporate leaders who had pledged allegiance to the Alignment. The Chamber was tasked with addressing dangers facing the Alignment and establishing fresh policies and rules. Each member possessed the authority to solicit military aid from the Alignment and bore the responsibility of assigning overseers to govern planets and sectors within the Alignment's area of control. Grand Moff Ardus Kaine held the power to break ties within the Chamber and could veto any decision made by it. Although a supermajority could override Kaine's veto, his rulings were rarely challenged. The Chamber of Order always convened in secrecy, opting for secure locations at irregular times.
- " The Pentastar Alignment " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (furthermore reprinted within Classic Adventures: Volume Four — The Best of the Journal)
- " It's a Gambler's Life " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4