Thrawn's confederation, sometimes referred as Thrawn's Empire, was a military force under Grand Admiral Thrawn, a cunning and ruthless Chiss in 8 ABY who returned to the galaxy and led a campaign against the New Republic.
Thrawn had the support of Ars Dangor and the remnants of the Imperial Ruling Council on Orinda, who sanctioned Thrawn to rebuild the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor and the subsequent breakdown of the Imperial Military. Thrawn had also allied with the various warlords with the aim of taking back the galaxy.
Scattered Imperial planets, including Carida , Rendili , Kelada , Bestine IV , Linuri , Chasin , Trogan , Pakuuni , Makem Te , and Columex
Pentastar Alignment : ruled by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine
Ciutric Hegemony : ruled by Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel
Corellian sector : ruled by Diktat Daclif Gallamby
Antemeridian sector : ruled by Moff Getelles
Oplovis sector : formerly ruled by Fleet Admiral Gaen Drommel , as he was stranded in the Fardon system with his heavily damaged Executor-class Star Dreadnought Guardian at the time.
Noghri Overclan : a planetary wide confederation of Honoghr , later defected to the New Republic.
Thrawn also controlled at least three shipyards, these included: Yaga Minor shipyards , Ord Trasi shipyards , and Bilbringi shipyards .
In 8 ABY, four years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn finally returned from the Unknown Regions to the Empire. Thrawn formed his personal armada of six Imperial-class Star Destroyers and gathered other Imperial warships; with this fleet, he launched a series of successful raids against pirate nests and the border regions of the New Republic.

By demonstrating his tactical and strategic genius, he impressed the Empire's remaining Moffs and earned the support of many Imperial officers in addition to the powerful D'Asta family. He was quickly given control of all Imperial armed forces by the Imperial Ruling Council and appointed Supreme Commander of the Empire.
Fearing coups, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine and Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel agreed to give Thrawn command of a temporary military confederation. To keep this unity, Thrawn never acknowledged that his forces as a single political entity and let all the Imperial leaders and warlords rule their territory in their own way.

After Grand Admiral Thrawn's death in 9 ABY, the Imperial leaders dispersed and returned to their personal holdings. The Imperial Ruling Council retook control of the Empire, more extended than ever.
Despite this failure, many Imperial officers kept up morale, believing the Empire could emerge reunited and victorious despite Thrawn's demise. This would happen next year with the return of Emperor Palpatine and later in 12 ABY with the Imperial Reunification.
Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Victory-class Star Destroyers, Carrack-class light cruisers, Strike-medium class cruisers, Immobilizer 418 cruisers, Lancer-class frigates and Interdictor-class Star Destroyers served as primary warships for the fleet.
After the Battle for the Katana Fleet, 179 automated Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were added to the fleet.
At least four Golan II Space Defense Platforms were used by the fleet, with more potentially in their possession. Thrawn did at least have another one that was equipped with cloaking technology.
TIE L/N starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, TIE/IN interceptors were the primary starfighters used by the fleet. Scimitar assault bombers would later be used in the fleet.
F7 "Landing Brick" Drop-Ships would be used notably, alongside Lambda-class T-4a shuttles and Assault Shuttles.
Imperial Naval troopers would be utilized as well, guarding and maintaining military bases in addition to Star Destroyers.
The 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, Black Wing Squadron, and Scimitar assault wing served within the armada, with the 181st Wing and Black Wing serving at the Battle of Bilibringi.
With Thrawn being Supreme Commander, Thrawn was able to gather up a large armed force of the Imperial Army.
All Terrain Armored Transports, All Terrain Scout Transports, and All Terrain Personal Transports served as primary walkers for the fleet. LAVr QH-7 Chariots, HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses, and Swift Assaults 5, PX-4 Mobile Command Bases, S-1 FireHawke Heavy Repulsortanks, Imperial-class 1-H Repulsortanks, HAVw A5 Juggernauts, Repulsor Scouts, 74-Z speeder bikes, and armored transport carriers were also used.
Imperial Army Troopers would be used to guard planets underneath Thrawn's control.
With Thrawn commanding the Stormtrooper Corps, He was able to command the remnants of the 501st Legion during his campaign.
Storm Commandos, alongside Noghri Death Commandos were used on specialized missions.
Stormtroopers, Imperial Assault Troopers, and Biker Scouts were used for conquests, and guarding planets. During the attack on Sluis Van Shipyards, Zero-G Assault Stormtroopers were used to board the battleships. Imperial Radiation Troopers were used to attack the radioactive surface of Qat Chrystac. Sandtroopers were deployed on Tatooine to retrieve a painting.
Although Imperial Intelligence was disbanded after the supposed death of Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard, the agency's assets remained, and were used heavily by Thrawn.
Major Molo Himron was handpicked by Thrawn to travel to Coruscant with his squad of Imperial commandos to infiltrate the repurposed Imperial Palace and capture Leia Organa Solo's twins, with a secondary objective to neutralize Mara Jade, who had defected to the New Republic.
Before Thrawn began striking at New Republic bases, he learned of Delta Source, a series of audio intelligence recording devices installed inside of the the trees within the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. These would be used extensively to spy on Republic senators, military officials, and notable figures, as well as to gather information, until their discovery and removal in 9 ABY.
After discovering Mount Tantiss on Wayland, Thrawn made use of experimental cloaking technology, as well as approximately 20,000 spaarti cloning cylinders. The latter provided the vast majority of the Grand Admiral's manpower late into his campaign, since his fleet was short on crew and soldiers before their discovery.
The cloaking devices at Thrawn's disposal were used heavily; at least several starships were cloaked, and Thrawn would use these devices on dozens of asteroids in order to use them as a siege weapon for his retaking of Coruscant by placing them into orbit.
During the Thrawn Crisis, his fleet utilized several siege platforms stationed above the planet Qat Chrystac. It deployed Imperial Radiation Troopers onto the planet's surface in order to destroy the secret New Republic base.
Torpedo Spheres were used within the fleet.
During the Battle of Woostri, Thrawn used attack cruisers with cloaking devices to perform a surprise attack on the planet.
At the Imperial shipyards within the Bilbringi system, a crystal gravfield trap was kept there by Thrawn. Shield barriers were also stationed there for defense purposes.
Ysalamir was used heavily by Thrawn's forces to combat force-sensitives.
During Raid on Nomad City, 51 Plasma-Jet Mole Miners were stolen and eventually used to hijack New Republic ships at the Sluis Van Shipyards.

At the end of his campaign, Grand Admiral Thrawn controlled more than a third of the galaxy, an equivalent territory to that of the New Republic. After his death over Bilbringi and his confederation's subsequent collapse.
Imperial Space : this included all Thrawn's conquests in his final campaign .
Isolated Imperial planets before Thrawn's return, including Carida , Rendili , Kelada , Bestine IV , Chasin , Trogan , Pakuuni , Makem Te , and Columex
Pentastar Alignment territory
Ciutric Hegemony territory