Delta Source Schematic Delta Source served as the code name for an Imperial intelligence asset in the initial years of the New Republic. It was critical in supplying Grand Admiral Thrawn with classified data, which he leveraged to advance his military operations against the emerging Republic.
A relic from the era of Emperor Palpatine, Delta Source was one of numerous secret networks located throughout Coruscant that the Emperor employed to surveil his officials and officers. The system comprised two rows of ch'hala trees situated in the Grand Corridor of the Imperial Palace. A communication conduit, hidden within the taproot of one tree, transformed the tree's audio-triggered vibrations into audible sound. Subsequently, these converted signals were broadcasted through maintenance communication channels.
During his military campaign, Thrawn intentionally revealed details regarding the existence of Delta Source, leading the New Republic's high command to suspect a mole within their organization. Later, Winter and Zakarisz Ghent, tasked with identifying the source, initially theorized it was a mechanical espionage apparatus (with suspicion even briefly directed at droids), until Leia Organa Solo ascertained the ch'hala trees' true function while observing a droid tending to their foliage.
Despite the Rebel Alliance and New Republic only discovering Delta Source during Thrawn's command of the Empire, this intelligence-gathering system had been operational since before the onset of the Clone Wars.