Winter Celchu

Winter Celchu, the only offspring of Sheltay Retrac, found herself growing up alongside Princess Leia Organa as a close friend and like a sister during the oppressive years of the Galactic Empire's rule. Just as her adopted sister did, Winter became a key participant in the Galactic Civil War, fulfilling a number of roles, most significantly as a spy. As an agent working for Alliance Intelligence, she dedicated herself to the cause of the Rebel Alliance and, subsequently, the New Republic. Her exceptional memory, encompassing both holographic and audiographic information, provided her with a distinct edge when it came to deciphering complex situations or simply processing data. She frequently worked alongside Rogue Squadron as an intelligence officer, sometimes operating under assumed identities.

Winter also played a crucial part as Leia Organa's closest friend, aide, and trusted confidante. She developed special bonds with Leia's children, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, taking care of them during their formative years. Her relationship with Tycho Celchu was a long-lasting romance, often strained by the conflicts of war, but the two eventually married. She was also known to be a good friend of Admiral Ackbar.


Early life

Winter was the sole child of Sheltay Retrac, who served as a senatorial aide to Bail Organa during the Clone Wars, and an unidentified Alderaanian artist (possibly Ob Khaddor). Winter's parents passed away when she was quite young.

Leia and Winter as young girls on Alderaan

Bail and Breha Organa adopted her, and she became the closest friend and companion of Princess Leia. The two girls were raised together on the peaceful world of Alderaan, attending the finest schools and studying art, history, and the graces expected of ladies. Endowed with a natural elegance and composure, Winter was frequently mistaken for Princess Leia by visitors to the Alderaanian court. This impression was amplified by Leia's youthful and somewhat less regal demeanor compared to Winter's dignified bearing.

Despite their contrasting personalities, Winter remained a source of comfort for Leia, who struggled to connect with the snobbish and unkind girls at court. Although their physical resemblance was tempered by Winter's striking white hair, the two friends soon learned to use their similar appearances for tactical advantage, a practice they continued throughout their lives. Winter would sometimes impersonate Leia, allowing the Princess to escape the palace for mischief and forbidden encounters. It is likely that Winter attended the University of Alderaan alongside Leia, who recalled Winter's perfect memory being extremely helpful when studying for exams.

Both Winter and Leia received instruction in Alderaanian ideals of freedom and liberty, as well as weaponry, at Leia's insistence. Sabé, the former handmaiden of Leia's mother, Padmé Amidala, was a key tutor.

As teenagers, the young women also encountered Emperor Palpatine on Imperial Center. The memory of Palpatine and his piercing gaze, which made her feel as though he was draining her spirit, remained with Winter and influenced her decision to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

In 3 BBY, during the 25th anniversary celebration of the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention, Winter and Leia met Jahan Cross. Having not seen the two young women for three years, Cross pretended not to recognize Leia, intentionally "mistaking" Winter for the Princess.

Rebel spy

Early missions

Winter and Leia during their years with the Rebellion

In 3 BBY, Winter participated in a meeting of Rebels on Cloud City, which was organized by Bria Tharen. Winter, along with Hric Dalhney and a Caamasi named Ylenic It'kla, represented Alderaan. Winter, posing as Dalhney's daughter, acted as the recorder for the Alderaanian delegation. Following Bria's opening speech, Winter joined her for a cup of vine-coffeine. The two young women discussed their backgrounds, the cultures of Corellia and Alderaan, and the cruelty of slavery on Ylesia, quickly forming a bond. Winter confided in Bria that, despite Alderaan's tradition of pacifism, she supported military action and would attempt to convince Leia and Bail Organa of this. She also mentioned that she and Leia could accomplish much for the Rebellion, as both were trained with blasters, and the prevailing belief that women were weak would cause them to be underestimated. Ultimately, the meeting on Cloud City led to the formation of the Corellian Treaty, which officially established the Rebel Alliance.

As she had promised Bria, Winter became heavily involved in many of the Rebellion's operations, due in part to her unassuming nature, but primarily due to her holographic and audiographic memory. Because Winter could perfectly recall everything that happened to her, she was particularly well-suited for a career in intelligence. She took part in several Rebel undercover missions, using various code names such as "Targeter." Her time under the alias "Targeter" may have been cut short when Imperial spies discovered and eliminated the Rebel cell she was working with on Averam. As a result of her successful procurement efforts, "Targeter" was placed on the Imperials' "most wanted" list and continued to serve in this role throughout the period from the Battle of Yavin to the Battle of Endor.

Winter had an impeccable memory.

Winter was not on Alderaan when it was destroyed by Grand Moff Tarkin in 0 BBY. She was on a mission for the Rebellion's Procurement and Supply division, assigned to the position by her adoptive father, Bail Organa. In this role, Winter worked to liberate caches of Imperial matériel for the Rebellion's use. Tragically, Bail Organa perished with his planet, leaving Winter with many painful—and perfect—memories. These memories of her home world would haunt her forever. Yet ultimately, the destruction of Alderaan only strengthened her dedication to the Rebel cause.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Winter joined Han Solo's group of criminals to carry out a heist on Black Sun official Avrak Villachor's heavily guarded vault on the planet Wukkar. She was chosen by Mazzic, a Myke smuggler, for her photographic memory and extensive knowledge of security systems. At the time, Winter was unsure if Leia was still alive, as she did not know whether the Princess had been on Alderaan when the Death Star destroyed the planet. She eventually learned from Solo that Leia was safe, much to Winter's relief.

Around 0.5 ABY, she was in contact with Porter and Casement, two Rebel agents on Drunost. As "Targeter," Winter worked with the duo off-planet, helping to coordinate arms shipments and reporting their status back to General Carlist Rieekan.

Winter was present at a briefing that was also attended by Tanda Marelle, also known as the notorious thief "the Tombat." Winter was angered by Marelle's wearing a pendant that she claimed was a heirloom of the House of Organa. Several days later, Princess Leia Organa was seen wearing the pendant after Marelle left.

Mission to Cilpar

Winter, disguised as Leia and accompanied by stormtroopers on Cilpar

In the period shortly after the Battle of Endor, Winter continued to serve as a Rebel agent under the name "Targeter" and collaborated with Rogue Squadron on several occasions. Her first encounter with the squadron occurred on Cilpar, where she assisted in defending the planet's native resistance forces. During this mission, she disguised herself as her childhood friend Leia Organa. She discovered Rogue Squadron pilots Tycho Celchu and a severely injured Wes Janson in a Cilpari cave infested with ronks. After an initial misunderstanding, Winter convinced Tycho to pose as an Imperial captain to infiltrate the planet's Imperial leadership. Unfortunately, after Tycho had joined Cilpar's Imperial forces, Winter accidentally shot down his TIE Fighter while piloting his X-wing, unaware that it was him. Soon thereafter, Winter and Janson were captured in their hidden cave by Vance Rego, an Imperial spy posing as a Cilpari resistance member. Believing Winter to be Leia, Rego took her into Imperial custody. Once transported to the Cilpari capital of Kiidan, Winter was treated as a princess and the personal guest of Governor [Norquest], even being given a seductive gown to wear and treated to a formal banquet. Fortunately, when Kiidan was attacked by Rogue Squadron and ground forces led by Elscol Loro, Moff Boren Tascl requisitioned Winter to pilot his shuttle. As Winter and Tascl entered the ship, Rogue Squadron arrived to save the day. Winter and Tycho then flew the Moff's shuttle back to her base. It was on this mission that sparks first flew between Winter and Tycho. Not only was Tycho personally compatible with Winter, he shared many tragic memories of Alderaan, like her. However, early in their relationship, Winter often rebuffed Tycho's advances, fearing the pain that an attachment to him might cause.

The Tatooine affair

Winter (disguised as Windmere Wellen) at Huff Darklighter's ball with Tycho

Approximately six months after the Battle of Endor, Winter was to work with Rogue Squadron again. This time, the Rogues were summoned to Tatooine. There they attended a reception thrown by Huff Darklighter to commemorate the anniversary of his son Biggs's death. Together, Winter and the Rogues were investigating the continued Imperial presence on the planet in an attempt to prevent anarchy. Winter's mission was to stage a diversion so that she could steal a data disk containing Imperial intelligence from Darklighter's safe. Winter, in disguise as Windmere Wellen, was escorted by a smitten Tycho Celchu to the party. However, Winter's planned diversion was sabotaged by a group of Rodians. She and Tycho chased the Rodians, eventually meeting up with the other Rogues—but failed to obtain the data disk. Winter intimidated Huff Darklighter into handing over his copy of the disk, which she analyzed to discover the location of an important cache of Imperial ships, including the Eidolon. Unfortunately, the stolen copy of the disk was now in the possession of Firith Olan, a crazed Twi'lek who hoped to take over Jabba Desilijic Tiure's role as the primary crimelord on Tatooine. Using Huff Darklighter's weather satellite, Winter tracked Olan's forces to their hideout. Unfortunately, while the Rogues were in pursuit of Olan, they encountered an Imperial squadron commanded by Marl Semtin and were forced to retreat, leaving Olan free to escape.

Winter relaxes on Ryloth after the race for the Globe of Victory.

Soon thereafter, Winter, along with Wedge, Tycho, and Elscol Loro followed Olan to his homeworld of Ryloth. There they met with Cazne'olan, the head of Olan's clan hoping to purchase his capture with valuable transparisteel. However, the Imperials had beaten the Rogues to Kala'uun and were also negotiating for Olan's release. Cazne'olan and his associate Koh'shak had devised a competition between two Rebels and two Imperials to determine who would obtain Firith. After a brief debate, it was decided that Wedge and Winter would represent the Rogues. The two participated in a race for a gold "Globe of Victory," encountering strange beasts and a deadly heat storm along the way. Because Wedge protected Winter during the race (despite the fact that she ordered him to abandon her), the Imperial naval commando Sixtus Quin reached the Globe first. When the dust cleared, however, the race participants realized that their experiences had been an illusion created by headband monitors which created a sort of virtual reality. Koh'shak congratulated Winter and Wedge for their courage and teamwork during the race, but refused to grant them victory. Meanwhile, Marl Semtin had bribed his way through the Twi'lek compound and fled with Firith Olan. Angered by his commander's lack of honor, Sixtus Quin defected to the Rogues.

The group, now accompanied by Quin and his companion Septaas, rejoined the other Rogues on Tatooine, hoping to take Olan by force. Marl Semtin and Olan, who now occupied the hidden Eidolon base, were engaged by the Rogues. In the ensuing firefight, several Rogues were shot down, Firith Olan was stabbed by Semtin and captured by Bib Fortuna's brain walker, and Sixtus Quin killed Semtin. Thanks in part to Elscol's heroic attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer, the Rogues successfully captured the Eidolon.

Winter and Tycho kiss after a successful mission.

By the end of the Tatooine affair, Winter's relationship with Tycho had reached a new level. Throughout the mission, Tycho had flirted with Winter, but she had continually spurned him. At one point, it seemed that Tycho might even give up on Winter, stating that she seemed to have "ice water in her veins" when she informed him that she would have abandoned Wedge in order to obtain the Globe of Victory. During the final battle for the Eidolon, Winter was convinced that Tycho was killed when his X-wing crashed into several TIE Fighters. Previously hesitant about giving into her feelings for Celchu, Winter broke into tears, only to be informed by Wedge Antilles that Tycho had used a code phrase, "going out with a bang," to indicate that he was about to eject from his craft. Finally putting aside her trademark stoicism, Winter shared a kiss with Tycho as their mission concluded.

The defection of Sate Pestage

Winter in disguise as Leia Organa

In hopes of spending more time with Tycho Celchu, Winter voluntarily participated in further missions with Rogue Squadron, including the squadron's rescue of Imperial defector Sate Pestage. Winter's role involved standing in as a double for Princess Leia. Successfully testing her disguise, Winter discussed the relationship between Tycho and herself, without him catching on to the deception. After arriving on Eiattu 6, Han Solo sent Tycho up to Leia's room, where he finally met the disguised Winter and shared several kisses. However, the two were interrupted when Rayt and his thugs, agents of Leonia Tavira, knocked out and captured the couple, bringing "Leia" and her "aide" to their boss on Axxila. Under the cover of their capture, the real Princess Leia met with Sate Pestage. In exchange for his life, along with ten worlds for himself and fifteen worlds for four friends, Pestage offered to leave Coruscant virtually undefended from attack. He also arranged for his agent Kavil to arrange the release of Winter and Tycho from Tavira. Yet Tycho and Winter managed to escape on their own, breaking out of their separate cells, fighting past the guards, stealing a Y-wing, and out-flying the pursuit offered up by Kavil's Corsairs. Fortunately, they managed to send out a distress call, and Rogue Squadron and the Millennium Falcon cleared the way back to base for Tycho and Winter. However, an Imperial Star Destroyer, the Reckoning, arrived in the system at the same time. The ship under command of Admiral Delak Krennel was sent by Ysanne Isard to capture Leia. After have recovered Pestage, the Admiral launched his TIE fighters on the planet and began orbital bombardment. The New Republic agents situation was critical when Krennel was stopped by an AT3 Directive issued by Soontir Fel. Delak Krennel was forced to obey at the behest of Sate Pestage and left the system. Winter and Tycho then shipped back home aboard the Falcon.

Winter and Tycho enjoy a garden stroll.

Back on base, Winter enjoyed walking among the gardens, as well as dining and dancing with Tycho, Wedge, and Reina Faleur at the officer's club. One of their nights at the club was cut short, though, when Rogue Squadron was called back to headquarters. There, Winter participated in the rushed planning of Pestage's extraction from Ciutric IV, accompanying the ground intrusion team to rescue Pestage. Along with Kapp Dendo's commandos, they broke Pestage out of prison, but were trapped on the surface of Ciutric IV by Delak Krennel and his Reckoning, reinforced by the Interdictor Binder. The intrusion team and Rogue Squadron fled to the night side of the planet, and Wedge ordered an attack on an Imperial outpost. Once it was seized, Winter helped rig a HoloNet communication for Wedge so he could send a message out, though he did not tell her who he was calling. As it turned out, Wedge had called Mirax Terrik, who arrived in the Pulsar Skate and helped sneak the commandos, Winter, and Pestage out of Ciutric, escorted by the Rogues and aided by Aggressor Wing, who had arrived with Terrik. However, Pestage turned his back on the Rebels during the mission and deserted them, leading to his death at the hands of Krennel. Following the mission, Winter attended the funeral of Ibtisam, the one Rogue Squadron pilot killed during the fight.

Throughout the post-Endor period, Winter piloted a freighter that was perfectly designed for her profession as a spy. Though it had no consistent name, it possessed such technological innovations as surveillance equipment, slicer droids, an advanced storage module, powerful deflector shields, and Aurum thrusters for speed.

Expanding the New Republic

Later, after Rogue Squadron re-formed in 6 ABY, Winter was instrumental in the New Republic capture of Coruscant. She and Iella Wessiri initially infiltrated the planet and set the stage for the Rogue Squadron commando team to arrive. During this period Winter used the pseudonym "Rima Borealis" as well as her standard "Targeter" alias. She served as a contact for Corran Horn and Erisi Dlarit while Iella worked with Wedge Antilles and Pash Cracken. While leading Corran and Erisi on reconnaissance missions (disguised as tourists), Winter inquired about Tycho. Horn was wary of Tycho after his capture by Ysanne Isard, who was known for brainwashing her prisoners and sending them out as covert agents. Suspicious of his fellow Rogue, Horn picked a fight with Winter about Tycho's tragic losses on Alderaan. Winter, however, won the argument when she fully revealed Tycho's personal history, leaving Corran chagrined. Corran and Winter soon reconciled, however.

Winter briefs Rogue Squadron.

While stationed on Coruscant, Winter leveraged her impressive slicing abilities to infiltrate the planet's heavily guarded Imperial computer systems, with the goal of disabling the planetary shields. An initial strategy, which involved physically inserting a sliced computer core directly into the central hub, was compromised due to the presence of informants within the Rebel ranks. After surviving a carefully planned ambush, Winter emerged as one of the few individuals whom the Alliance could truly trust. Subsequently, Winter played a key role in a daring raid targeting a secondary computer facility and a EVS Construction Droid, an action that ultimately led to the deactivation of the planetary shields. Collaborating closely with Wedge Antilles, her capacity for swift decision-making, combined with her proficiency using a datapad, proved invaluable in coordinating the efforts of Rogue Squadron pilots during the intense battle to liberate the planet. In a pivotal moment, Winter, in conjunction with Wedge, successfully sliced into the control systems of a TIE Interceptor's, causing it to plummet into a critical power station. Furthermore, she commandeered OSETS 2711 to obliterate an Imperial Golan space defense platform.

Following the capture of Coruscant, Tycho, who was romantically involved with Winter, found himself wrongly accused of murdering Corran Horn and was subsequently taken into custody. During his incarceration, Winter frequently visited Tycho, offering support and companionship. She even testified at his trial, fervently hoping to clear his name. The falsely accused Tycho gained his freedom when Corran made a daring escape from the Lusankya, thereby proving his innocence. Horn also revealed that Isard had been unsuccessful in breaking Celchu, eliminating any lingering doubts about his loyalty. Winter accompanied Tycho to the award ceremony where Mon Mothma presented the members of Rogue Squadron with the prestigious Coruscant Star of Valor.

Winter makes repairs.

In the aftermath of these events, the members of Rogue Squadron collectively made the decision to leave the Alliance military and embark on a clandestine mission to invade Thyferra, a planet of significant political sensitivity. Thyferra was the primary source of bacta, a vital substance urgently needed to combat the devastating effects of the Krytos virus, unleashed by the nefarious Ysanne Isard. Prior to their departure for their new headquarters aboard the Yag'Dhul space station, Winter meticulously gathered intelligence on Thyferra and presented her findings to the squadron during a dedicated briefing. Her role was multifaceted, encompassing intelligence officer duties and those of a quartermaster. The information she provided, including the locations of several Imperial supply caches, proved instrumental in the Rogues' success. Additionally, Winter informed Wedge Antilles about a hidden stockpile of X-wings and associated parts on Rishi. Around this time, Tycho Celchu created a memorial at the Graveyard for his late fiancée Nyiestra, who had tragically perished during the destruction of Alderaan. The memorial, an idea suggested by Winter, served as a poignant symbol of his personal evolution and his burgeoning affection for Winter. Not long after, when Rogue Squadron found themselves ambushed by the Imperial Interdictor cruiser Aggregator and Victory I-class Star Destroyer Corrupter, Winter's holographic memory was crucial in uncovering details about the mysterious vessel that had come to their rescue. This ship was the Valiant, an Alderaanian warship that had served as an escort for the renowned Another Chance. The Rogues eventually seized control of the Valiant, and following their triumph on Thyferra, they brought it with them upon their return to the New Republic military, then under the command of Aril Nunb.

Aide to the Provisional Council

Winter investigates Delta Source.

As the New Republic solidified its position as a legitimate governing body, Winter transitioned from her intelligence work to roles with a greater focus on diplomacy. While her close friend Leia served on the New Republic Provisional Council, Winter functioned as her trusted aide. Her exceptional memory made her an ideal choice for recording the Council's critical deliberations, although it seems that not all Council members were fully aware of the extent of her unique ability.

During the tumultuous Thrawn campaign, as Han and Leia were forced to traverse the galaxy in an attempt to evade capture by the elusive Noghri, Winter acted as their liaison on Coruscant, discreetly relaying information about the internal dynamics of the Provisional Council. Specifically, she kept them apprised of the ongoing efforts to discredit Admiral Ackbar with accusations of treason, as well as the manipulative schemes of Borsk Fey'lya.

Later, while Luke Skywalker was engaged in research pertaining to Jorus C'baoth, Winter provided invaluable assistance by leveraging her perfect recall to furnish Luke with a comprehensive physical description and other relevant details about C'baoth. Winter possessed this knowledge due to C'baoth's involvement in mediating a dispute on Alderaan (ascendancy flap on Alderaan), which ultimately led to the Organa family's rise to the position of viceroy.

During this period, Winter also extended her hospitality to Mara Jade while she recuperated from injuries sustained at the Imperial Palace. Mara would eventually become a close confidante of Winter's, joining a tight-knit group of influential women within the New Republic, including Leia, Winter, Mara, Iella Antilles, and Mirax Horn. (Notably, over time, Mara and Leia's bond deepened, while Winter and Leia drifted apart, eventually leading Leia to acknowledge that Iella was Winter's closest friend.) It was Winter who informed Mara about the current state of the Thrawn crisis, as Mara had been unconscious for a month while recovering. During their conversation, Mara expressed her desire for Winter's assistance in acquiring a ship to leave Coruscant. Upon their initial meeting, Winter was intrigued when Mara, after inquiring about Winter's activities during the Rebellion, identified her as "Targeter."

Winter with Leia and one of the Solo twins

As Leia recovered from giving birth to her twins, Jaina and Jacen, Winter began a thorough search of old Rebel Alliance records for any information about possible Imperial agents within the government. Having become suspicious of Mara Jade's recognition of her as Targeter (a designation believed to be known only to a select few Imperial agents on Averam), Winter alerted Leia to the possibility of Mara's Imperial connections. This information prompted Leia to confront Mara about her past. Soon after, Winter was present during an attempt to kidnap Leia and her children. Mara Jade's timely intervention helped to allay Leia and Winter's concerns about Mara's true loyalties. As a result of this incident and out of concern for the safety of the infant Solo twins in the face of ongoing threats, Leia invited ten Noghri bodyguards to Coruscant to protect her, the twins, and Winter. This decision proved to be remarkably prescient—when Coruscant came under attack a few days later, Leia's political obligations took precedence, and it fell to Winter and the Noghri to defend the twins. This event foreshadowed a pattern that would persist throughout much of the twins' childhood.

As the Thrawn crisis intensified, Winter collaborated with Leia and the slicer Zakarisz Ghent to uncover the identity of Delta Source, who had been leaking crucial information to Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces. Winter's exceptional memory once again proved invaluable as she analyzed surveillance holos to determine which individuals within the Imperial palace had access to specific pieces of gossip or diplomatic exchanges. Although initially perplexed as to the identity of Delta Source, Winter soon deduced that the Grand Corridor of the Imperial Palace was likely the location where Delta Source was obtaining its information. Fortunately, Leia was able to determine that Delta Source was, in fact, a sophisticated organic microphone embedded within one of the Grand Corridor's monumental ch'hala trees.

Winter continued to serve the Provisional Council throughout the duration of the Thrawn crisis, providing them with the location of the planet Wayland, and caring for the Solo twins while Leia accompanied Talon Karrde to assist Han, Luke, Mara, and Lando there. Following the resolution of the Thrawn crisis, Winter would transition away from politics to pursue other responsibilities for Leia.

Protector of the Solo children

Winter protecting the Solo twins from Dark Jedi

After the Thrawn crisis ended, Winter became the primary caretaker of Leia Organa Solo's newborn twins, Jacen and Jaina. Leia's brother Luke Skywalker was concerned that the Force-sensitive children would be particularly vulnerable to attacks (both Imperial and otherwise) during their first two years. Therefore, the decision was made to isolate the children for several years, which also freed their parents, Leia and Han Solo, to focus on important New Republic duties. Initially, Winter kept Jacen and Jaina on New Alderaan under the protection of the Noghri. However, the actions of the resurrected Palpatine and the birth of the twins' younger brother Anakin required a change in both location and strategy.

Subsequently, Winter and the children relocated to the planetoid Anoth, where a special base had been constructed for them. In addition to having advanced security measures, this base was designed to be stimulating and educational for young children. Winter assisted Admiral Ackbar with the planning and construction of the base. Along with Ackbar and Luke, Winter was one of only three people who knew the actual location of Anoth. On Anoth, Winter served as the children's primary caregiver until they returned to live on Coruscant with their parents. Every few months, Winter would pick up Han and Leia and transport them to Anoth to visit their children.

Winter favored formal, elaborate dresses.

In 11 ABY, Winter dropped off Jacen and Jaina on Coruscant. The twins, now two years old, were deemed strong enough to live with their parents. That evening, Winter and Leia discussed Han's disappearance during a scheduled mission to Kessel. Winter advised Leia to contact authorities on that planet to determine if Han had arrived safely. The two then contacted Moruth Doole, whose evasiveness aroused suspicion in both women. (In reality, Doole had kidnapped Han and Chewbacca and forced them to work in his spice mines.) A few days later, Winter left to return to Anoth and care for baby Anakin, much to the dismay of the Solo twins. Even the typically stoic Winter seemed saddened to leave the children behind on Coruscant. Although she remained dedicated to her duty, the lonely days on Anoth had taken a toll on her, and the twins' departure triggered a brief period of depression.

Soon after, Winter hosted Admiral Ackbar on Anoth. Ackbar, disgraced by his unintentional destruction of the Cathedral of Winds on Vortex, intended to visit Winter and then return to his homeworld of Dac to live in seclusion. The two shared a brief meal and discussed Ackbar's scandal. Winter invited Ackbar to stay with her and help care for Anakin, but he declined, much to Winter's disappointment. Little did Winter know that Ackbar was being tracked and that she would soon face the consequences.

Several months later, Winter and baby Anakin came under attack on the secret planet of Anoth. Anoth's location had been revealed by Ackbar's brainwashed aide, Terpfen (who had tracked Ackbar's ship), to the Imperial Ambassador Furgan. Furgan had arrived on Anoth aboard his Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Vendetta captained by Colonel [Ardax] (/article/ardax) in an attempt to kidnap Anakin and raise him as the new Emperor. After deploying her station's FIDO against an attack by Furgan's fearsome Mountain Terrain Armored Transports, Winter fought bravely, hoping to draw the stormtroopers away from Anakin. Through her deception, she was able to lure some troops into a trap, leaving them vulnerable to assassin droids. Then, at the last moment, Leia and Ackbar arrived on-planet to provide assistance and rescue Anakin aboard the Galactic Voyager. However, in the years that followed, Winter's role in the Battle of Anoth would be remembered as decisive. At the conclusion of the Sun Crusher crisis, Winter attended the re-dedication of the Cathedral of Winds on Vortex. There, Ackbar encouraged her to once again take an active role in New Republic politics, hoping that he might be able to spend more time with her in such a capacity.

Winter displays her trademark stoicism.

Following these events, all the Solo children returned to Coruscant to live with their parents, as Anoth was no longer a safely hidden location. The children initially found it difficult to adjust to being raised by someone other than Winter, although Winter still played a significant role in their lives, often traveling with them as a nanny and assistant. In 12 ABY, she accompanied the Solo family and Luke Skywalker to Ithor to attend the Herd Meet. After the deranged Drub McKumb launched an attack on the Solos there, she escorted the children to safety. She was still caring for the Solo children when Leia was kidnapped by Seti Ashgad, and most likely looked after them when Han and Chewbacca left in search of Leia. Meanwhile, one of the skills Winter had learned from an outlaw on Coruscant—lock picking—and passed on to Leia allowed Leia to escape imprisonment on Nam Chorios.

Ironically, Winter was away attending a conference on runaway children when Hethrir kidnapped the Solo kids in 14 ABY. The very runaway children Winter was investigating had been abducted by Hethrir for use in his Empire Youth indoctrination program.

By 17 ABY, Winter continued to spend time with the Solo children, giving C-3PO a well-deserved break from time to time. On one occasion, Anakin Solo, upset by C-3PO, ordered a TDL nanny droid, TDL-3.5, to replace the protocol droid. Winter, however, through gentle persuasion, convinced the droid to return to the warehouse, much to C-3PO's relief. Yet soon after, Kueller's bombing of the Senate Hall forced Winter to temporarily bring Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin back to the safety of the rebuilt Anoth shelter.

Later life

Winter relaxes before Mara Jade's wedding.

Following the Almanian Uprising in 17 ABY, Winter finally married her longtime love, Tycho Celchu of Rogue Squadron. Winter was also present for the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in 19 ABY. She joined Mara's group of friends, including Leia, Iella Wessiri Antilles, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Tionne Solusar in helping the bride with her preparations, including a spa visit and a slingball match versus Champion Squadron.

Subsequently, Winter dedicated herself to assisting former New Republic Admiral Gial Ackbar in his efforts to restore safety and prosperity to the aquatic world of Dac. Ackbar had been a close friend of Winter's for many years, dating back to at least the time when they were both privy to the secret location of Anoth. During the devastating Yuuzhan Vong War, Ackbar's health deteriorated due to his advanced age. Winter supported her friend and cared for him as he developed the plans for the pivotal Battle of Ebaq. Winter was present when he passed away during the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, informing Galactic Alliance command of the Mon Calamari's death. After the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar and the end of the war, she told her husband that she would leave him if he did not retire.

By 40 ABY, Winter and Tycho were staunch supporters of the Galactic Alliance in the Second Galactic Civil War, which caused a rift between them and their close friends, Wedge and Iella Antilles. Tycho, suspecting that the Chasin Document was actually a revised version of General Garm Bel Iblis's Operation Blue Plug (which dated back to the Galactic Civil War), enlisted Winter to investigate whether the still-classified Blue Plug documents had been accessed. Winter discovered that the Alliance's backup code had indeed been compromised using a Galactic Alliance Guard (GAG) passcode and had been altered to send files to a spy. Winter purged the spy's code from the military network and turned over her findings to Galactic Alliance Intelligence. Tycho was scheduled to present Winter's findings to a group of Galactic Alliance military personnel, including Admiral Cha Niathal and Jacen Solo, who was infuriated by the implication of GAG involvement in the security breach and refused to believe his former nanny's discovery. Later, however, when Jacen needed to send a message from Uran Lavint to his parents, he sought Winter's help to establish direct contact with the Solos, who had essentially disowned him.

In 43.5 ABY, Winter became a member of the clandestine Darkmeld organization and participated in the Raid on the Armand Isard Correctional Facility. She later assisted Jaina Solo in attending a dinner date with Jagged Fel.

Personality and traits

Winter Celchu

Winter was well-known for her stoic nature, which prompted her future husband Tycho to comment that her name was fitting for her cool demeanor. However, Winter's emotional control was both a coping mechanism for dealing with the destruction of Alderaan and a valuable asset in her career as a spy. It may also have been partly a result of her upbringing in royalty and stood in contrast to Leia Organa's more emotive style. In her personal life, her stoicism was also beneficial, allowing her to endure long periods of separation from Tycho Celchu while they were both engaged in missions across the galaxy. It also made her a very level-headed and composed nanny for the often-mischievous Solo twins.

Winter sans disguises

In terms of personal style, Winter could be described as elegant and dignified. Growing up, Winter was more suited to the role of "princess" than Leia, and while Leia eventually grew out of her tomboy phase, Winter maintained her regal bearing. Although Winter's profession often required her to wear practical clothing such as jumpsuits, her tastes were never as functional as Leia's. Indeed, at various times in their adulthood, Leia would remark that Winter looked fashionable and distinguished even in an old robe and that she preferred expensive, impractical clothing made from materials such as vine-silk.

Her most remarkable trait was her memory, which was both holographic and audiographic. She had perfect recall of everything she had ever experienced and all information that had come to her. This trait was extremely rare throughout the galaxy. Ironically, another individual who possessed this trait, Imperial officer Kirtan Loor, was a contemporary and an enemy of Winter's. Winter's memory proved to be a valuable asset throughout her service to the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic. Eventually, however, this ability would cause her emotional distress, as she remembered every experience, even the most painful ones, in complete detail.

Winter was also a highly skilled slicer and a master of disguise, often impersonating her adoptive sister Leia.

Behind the scenes

Winter was created by author Timothy Zahn for the early 1990s Thrawn Trilogy. In those books, and in many subsequent Expanded Universe novels, Winter's purpose is to fill roles normally handled by Leia when Leia is otherwise occupied due to plot or continuity concerns. She also serves as a foil for the more excitable Leia.

There is a minor inconsistency in the sources regarding Winter's alias "Targeter." In The Last Command, Winter tells Leia that she only used this alias for "a few weeks" and only on Averam. However, in numerous other sources, such as Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition and X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble, Winter uses this alias in other locations and on other missions. Even Timothy Zahn, Winter's creator, appears to contradict his earlier work when, in Allegiance, "Targeter" is mentioned as active on Drunost.

