The group of individuals who signed the Declaration of a New Republic, operating as the government of the nascent New Republic before the establishment of the New Republic Senate, was formally known as the New Republic Provisional Council, but was commonly referred to as the Rebel Alliance Senate. This Council came into existence in 4.5 ABY from the Alliance Cabinet during a Constitutional Convention.
By approximately 5 ABY, the "Alliance Senate" had established its headquarters within the Palace of the Woolamander, an ancient Massassi temple situated on the fourth moon of Yavin Prime. This remained their mobile base of operations until the liberation of Coruscant in 6.5 ABY. Subsequently, Coruscant became the New Republic's capital and the permanent location for the New Republic Senate.
Due to being perceived as the government that had lost Coruscant, the Provisional Council was disbanded following the conclusion of Operation Shadow Hand and replaced with a different structure featuring a more powerful leader.
- Chief of State / Chief Councilor Mon Mothma ( Chandrila )
- Supreme Commander / Admiral Gial Ackbar ( Mon Calamari )
- Councilor Doman Beruss ( Corellia )
- Councilor Borsk Fey'lya ( Kothlis )
- Councilor Jenssar SoBilles ( Duro )

- Councilor Sian Tevv ( Sullust )
- Councilor Leia Organa ( Alderaan )
- Councilor Verrinnefra B'thog Indriummsegh ( Elom )
- Councilor Kerrithrarr ( Kashyyyk )
Other individuals who were part of the Council included unidentified representatives from both the Ithorian and Sedrian species.