Sedrians were the original inhabitants of the oceans found on the planet called Sedri.
These aquatic mammals, known as Sedrians, typically reached lengths of about three meters. Their bodies were covered with smooth fur that could be yellow, brown, or gray. They possessed two arms ending in webbed hands, along with a pair of fins near their hips for stabilization. Their legs were fused, forming a tail with flukes. Sensitive whiskers on their heads allowed them to perceive movement and electric fields in the water. Interestingly, Sedrians had both gills and lungs, unlike most aquatic mammals.

Sedrian society revolved around the worship of the Golden Sun, a collective Force-sensitive entity residing within a coral reef. The Golden Sun was housed in a dome within Fitsay, the Sedrian capital, and served as an energy source for their early industrial technologies. All Sedrian technology depended on the Golden Sun's energy. Even their medical practices were limited to placing the sick or injured in the Golden Sun's cavern, allowing the Golden Sun to use Force healing on them. The High Priest of the Golden Sun held the position of ruler on Sedri. Paradoxically, despite their worship, the Sedrians were unaware that the Golden Sun was a sentient, living being. Warrior monks served the High Priest.
Sedrians were rarely encountered far from Sedri, largely because separation from the Golden Sun caused them to become uneasy, anxious, and sometimes aggressive. Those found off-world were often slaves. Some of these Sedrians were employed as underwater researchers or explorers. One notable exception was the Shahlik family, who maintained the Imperial aquariums on Kailor V. However, this family had been living away from Sedri for several generations.
Following assistance from a Rebel Alliance group in driving out an Imperial garrison from Sedri, the Sedrians became supporters of the Alliance, and subsequently the New Republic. A Sedrian held a seat on the New Republic Provisional Council after the Battle of Endor. SedriMotors was the manufacturer of the Amphibion aquatic assault vehicles utilized by the New Republic during the Battle of Calamari in 10 ABY.