Fitsay, a prominent city, served as the capital of the planet of Sedri. Within its boundaries were a inn catering to traveling pilgrims, residences for both ordinary citizens and farmers, and bustling marketplaces where the native Sedrians engaged in trade, selling various goods and wares. The center of governance was the High Priest House, which was connected to the House of War, the Audience Hall, and the Priest House. The Great Shell Dome was the structure that housed the Golden Sun, and it featured Sacred Pews, expansive seating areas from which Sedrians from across the planet could observe the wonders of the Golden Sun.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Karak, the ambitious leader of the Sedrian renegades, forged an agreement with the Imperial Commander [Aban]. The terms of this agreement involved surrendering the Rebel diplomat Mors Odrion and half of the Golden Sun. In return, the renegades would receive Imperial weaponry to subdue the City and allow Karak to seize control of the sun caves, the Golden Sun's location. However, this scheme devised by Karak and Aban to exploit the golden sun's power was thwarted by Rebel agents dispatched to rescue Odrion.
The Rebels revealed the truth to Karak's daughter, Fala, exposing her father's deceit through a hologram depicting Karak and Aban, thus demonstrating his self-serving lust for power. Fala, devastated by this revelation, dispatched one hundred Renegade soldiers to aid in the defense of Fitsay and the Golden Sun against Imperial forces, which triggered the Sedri civil war. Following a battle against an AT-AT swimmer and Seatroopers, the Rebels ultimately triumphed over Karak, who was empowered by the dark side. This victory enabled the distribution of the Golden Sun's power to all Sedrians, thereby diminishing the immense power of the coral reef.