Karak's renegades

Karak's renegades were a faction of Sedrians in opposition to the Priests of the Sun's dominion over Sedri. This group sought to seize control of the Golden Sun, the Force-sensitive coral intelligence shared by the community, believing that all Sedrians should have access to it. The group was led by Karak, the power-hungry Bishop of war, who secretly desired the coral's power solely for his own gain.

During the Sedri civil war, Karak secured assistance from the Galactic Empire, who had established an garrison on the planet after an accidental discovery. Karak intended to share the Golden Sun's power with the Imperials, and also offered them Mors Odrion, a Rebel Alliance diplomat previously captured by the renegades. The former priest of war concealed this arrangement from the majority of the renegades, many of whom harbored suspicions about the Imperials. Unbeknownst to the renegades, Odrion's companion, Rekara, escaped the planet and sought assistance from the Rebel base on New Kisge to rescue Odrion. Rekara returned to the planet with six rebels and engineered a plan to sway some of Karak's renegades by revealing a recording of Karak's dealings with the Imperials. This strategy proved successful, causing many renegades to lose faith in Karak and align themselves with the Rebel forces.

As the assault on the Fitsay Sun caves commenced, Karak led six of his most loyal and formidable renegades, Dragob, Glish, K'hondo, Porm, Spodan and Burborok, along with his pet razort Tooch and their prisoner, Odrion, to the Sun Caves, aiming to claim the coral for himself and overcome both the Priests and the Imperials. At the cave the group was confronted by the High Priest of the Golden Sun Cardo, however one of the renegades attacked him, slashing him across the chest and causing a near fatal wound. The group then moved into the cave, with Karak and Odrion heading straight for the main chamber while the renegades spread out through the cave to slow down any pursuers. The majority of the renegades perished in the subsequent conflict, and Karak was eventually captured and imprisoned for his treachery.

