K'hondo existed during the era of the Galactic Civil War and was a Sedrian male hailing from the planet Sedri. During the Sedri civil war, he made the choice to align himself with Karak, the bishop of war, and his renegades, acting as Karak's personal protector. K'hondo, along with Karak and five other renegades, participated in an attack on the Sun caves within the city of Fitsay during the Siege of the Fitsay Sun Caves, aiming to seize the power of the Golden Sun. A group consisting of Rebels and the Sedrian priest Pek pursued Karak and his followers into the caves, where K'hondo, along with everyone else except Karak, lay in wait for an ambush. When the Rebels approached his position, K'hondo engaged them with a sun gun, but he met his death in the resulting conflict.
A male Sedrian, K'hondo originated from the planet Sedri, a water-dominated world located in the Sedri system, relatively isolated within the vast galaxy. In K'hondo's time, a civil war erupted on his home planet. This conflict pitted the religious order known as the Priests of the Sun, who governed Sedri from the city of Fitsay, against a band of renegades led by Karak, the former bishop of war, who opposed the Priests' dominion. Despite his inherently pacifistic nature, K'hondo chose to support the renegades in this war. The renegades stood against the Priests of the Sun because of the Priests' control over the Golden Sun, a massive collective of polyp species known as Golden Sun coral. This coral formed a sentient, group-minded entity with a significant connection to the Force, possessing considerable healing abilities. However, the priests concealed the Golden Sun within the Great Shell Dome located at the heart of Fitsay and strictly regulated access to it. Karak led the renegades with the stated belief that all Sedrians should have access to the Golden Sun, although Karak's true motivation was to seize the coral's power for his own purposes.
During the conflict, an Imperial scout ship stumbled upon Sedri. After reporting its location, the Empire established a small garrison on the planet, commanded by commander Aban. The Imperial presence, in turn, drew the attention of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, leading a Rebel dignitary named Mors Odrion and his companion Rekara to travel to Sedri as well. However, the renegades soon encountered the Rebels and captured them for interrogation, being unaccustomed to off-worlders. The renegades decided to use Odrion as a potential bargaining chip with the newly arrived Imperials. Rekara, however, managed to escape and steal a small piece of Golden coral that the renegades had taken from Fitsay.
Karak then brought Odrion to the Imperial garrison and struck a deal with Aban, forming an alliance between the renegades and the Empire to attack Fitsay and seize the power of the Golden Sun, dividing it equally between the two factions. The former priest of war kept this agreement secret from most of the renegades, many of whom distrusted the Imperials. A group of six rebels who had come to Sedri with Rekara, and who had managed to reach the rebel Delta Base on New Kisge seeking assistance, exploited this situation. The group leveraged Karak's betrayal of their trust to convince many renegades, including Karak's daughter, Fala, to side with them and the Priests of the Sun in the impending battle.
Those renegades who remained loyal, including K'hondo, and the Empire then launched their siege on the Sun Caves, utilizing an Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport. The Imperial forces, primarily composed of Aquatic assault stormtroopers, clashed with the forces of Fitsay and the Rebels outside the city. Karak, however, selected six of his most trusted and powerful renegades – Dragob, Glish, K'hondo, Porm, Spodan, and Burborok – along with his pet razort Tooch and their prisoner Odrion, and headed to the Sun Caves, intending to claim the coral for himself and defeat both the Imperials and the priests.
At the cave, the group was confronted by the High priest Cardo, however one of them slash him across the chest, causing a near fatal wound. They then moved into the cave, with Karak and Odrion heading straight for the main chamber while the others spread out through the cave so to slow down any pursuers. K'hondo waited within a hall in the cave, armed with only a sun gun and hidden behind a pile of rubble and coral. The group of six rebels, Rekara and Cardo's son Pek soon entered the cave in search of Karak and came upon K'hondo. The Sedrian opened fire at the group, but was killed in the fight that followed.
K'hondo possessed a pacifistic nature, which led him to abstain from using lethal weapons in combat, opting instead for a non-lethal sun gun. Despite his pacifism, he chose to align himself with the more aggressive renegade faction against the Priests of the Sun, due to their control over the Golden Sun coral.
Dragob initially made his appearance in the West End Games adventure module titled Battle for the Golden Sun. It was authored by Douglas Kaufman and released in 1988 as a component of the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. He functions as an adversary that the player characters encounter during the adventure's concluding chapter, whom they are compelled to eliminate in order to reach Karak and successfully conclude the adventure.