Aban was a Human male who held the rank of captain within the Imperial Starfleet. As a military officer, he commanded the Star Destroyer known as the Bellicose during the period when Grand Admiral Thrawn was waging his campaign against the New Republic.
Early on during the Galactic Civil War, Aban, then holding the rank of Commander, received orders to supervise the construction of the Imperial Aquatic Garrison located on the planet of Sedri. This assignment came after the Galactic Empire discovered the world. Due to the necessity of disabling hyperdrive inhibitors for ships traveling to Sedri, many vessels were lost, leading Imperial command to hesitate in sending additional ships. Consequently, the base suffered from understaffing, insufficient supplies, and isolation from the broader Empire. Aban was also tasked with acquiring the Golden Sun with the utmost urgency. To fulfill this objective, Aban instructed a lieutenant to deploy patrols throughout Sedrian villages in search of the Golden Sun. Aban's plan was to systematically destroy the villages if the Golden Sun was not found by the time an Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport became operational, forcing the Sedrians to reveal its location.
Aban formed an agreement with Karak, who led a group of Sedrian renegades. In return for military assistance and weaponry, Karak promised to provide Aban with half of the Golden Sun, along with Mors Odrion, an Alliance diplomat. The attack on the settlement of Fitsay, spearheaded by Imperial forces, ultimately failed. When Aban requested reinforcements from Imperial command to continue his campaign, he was informed that he would have to manage with the forces already at his disposal.
Following the Battle of Endor, he was reassigned to the Imperial Starfleet, taking command of the Bellicose. Being a member of Thrawn's personal fleet, Aban was placed in charge of Thrawn's operations within the Taanab system after the setback at the Battle of Sluis Van. During this particular operation, the Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth acted against Aban's direct orders, exercising control over the gunnery systems as he saw fit.
Later, Aban commanded the Bellicose during an offensive against the New Republic base stationed on Ord Pardron. This action was intended to facilitate the Empire's capture of the Ukio system. Similar to many of the commanders serving under Thrawn, Aban's last known involvement was during combat operations, commanding the Bellicose at the Battle of Bilbringi.