Cardo (Sedrian)

The Sedrian High Priest of the Golden Sun named Cardo, originating from the planet Sedri, was a male figure. Pek was his offspring, his son.


As the High Priest, Cardo held leadership over the Sedrian population, deeply committed to the Sedrian religion, and acted as the guardian of the sun caves. Pek, his son, also served as a priest. Cardo approached his responsibilities with utmost seriousness, aiming to isolate the Golden Sun from the common people, convinced that direct interaction should be restricted, genuinely believing in his superior judgment for his community's well-being. Furthermore, he dismissed the notion of the Golden Sun possessing independent sentient awareness, keeping it confined beneath the Great Shell Dome in Fitsay. Cardo dedicated himself to studying the enigmatic aspects of the Golden Sun, knowledge he then imparted to his son, Pek.

Cardo failed to grasp Karak's complaints concerning the Golden Sun, firmly convinced that his method of managing it was the correct one. Despite recognizing Karak's motivations—a desire to seize control of the Golden Sun for himself—Cardo experienced sadness and bewilderment regarding his actions. Upon Kark's theft of a fragment of coral from the sun caves, Cardo instructed the warrior monks to expel Karak and his followers from Fitsay.

The arrival of the Galactic Empire on Sedri left Cardo unaware of the extent of the threat they posed to his people. The High Priest recognized their malevolence, labeling them "fish-killers," but opted to observe their intentions before deciding on a course of action. As a proponent of peace, Cardo hesitated to involve his people in conflict or aggression, placing his faith in the mysteries of the Golden Sun and the ability of the oceans to defend themselves.

Agents from the Alliance to Restore the Republic were brought before Cardo by his son, Pek. He welcomed them in the Audience Hall, responding to their inquiries and providing information about Karak and his rebellious group, as well as the recently arrived Imperials. He was evasive when questioned about the Golden Sun, asserting that it was a matter exclusive to Sedrians, and claimed to have no information regarding an Alliance dignitary, Mors Odrion, who had gone missing on their planet. Following the audience, Cardo forbade his son from escorting the Alliance team to the Imperial Aquatic Garrison.

During the Battle of Fitsay, Cardo attempted to prevent Karak, the former bishop of war, from entering the sun caves where the Golden Sun resided. However, he was nearly killed when a member of Karak's renegades slashed him across the chest. Following the triumph over Karak's renegades and the revelation of the true sentient nature of the Golden Sun, Cardo was succeeded as High Priest by Pek and Fala, who intended to hold Cardo accountable for his misguided actions.

Personality and traits

Cardo was among the tallest of the Sedrians, characterized by his joyful and peaceful nature, desiring nothing more than to guide his people and delve into the mysteries of the Golden Sun. As a pacifist, he preferred that the warrior monks resort to using their spear guns only as a last resort.


Cardo adorned himself with a weighty golden circlet featuring an elaborate coral design. He also carried a scepter.

