Doman Beruss (Corellian)

Doman Beruss was a Corellian politician of the female persuasion, belonging to the human species, and she put her signature on the New Republic's founding documents.


Doman Beruss' signature.

Beruss, Doman, was a member of the Corellian lineage within the distinguished Beruss family originating from Illodia, and she received her name as a tribute to a previous family member. Senator Doman Beruss was her nephew, and Avan Beruss, a pilot in Rogue Squadron, was her great-nephew. Serving as Corellia's representative, Beruss was among the original nine who signed the Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets. Subsequently, four weeks later, she also signed the Declaration of a New Republic. Following this, she took on the role of representative for the Corellian exiles within the New Republic Provisional Council.

Around one year following the Battle of Endor, General Airen Cracken shared information with Beruss and the rest of the Council regarding reports that Emperor Sate Pestage was accused of treason and had escaped Coruscant. Beruss pushed for a New Republic mission aimed at rescuing Pestage, asserting that a successful rescue would encourage other Imperials to abandon the increasingly weak Galactic Empire. A New Republic team did manage to secure Pestage on Ciutric, but they subsequently found themselves trapped by Imperial forces. Although her great-nephew, Avan, was involved in the perilous mission, Beruss advised against sending reinforcements, as she believed that any escalation of the situation would be detrimental to the New Republic. Simultaneously, Avan worried that his great-aunt was deliberately withholding reinforcements to avoid accusations of showing favoritism towards him. Despite the lack of additional support, Avan survived the mission, which ultimately failed to keep Pestage in Republic custody.

In 6 ABY, as the New Republic planned to seize Coruscant, Doman Beruss was in attendance at a Provisional Council meeting. During this meeting, she emphasized to her fellow councilors that the entity that successfully claimed Coruscant would be perceived as the rightful government of the galaxy, and that the warlord Zsinj was likely aware of the Republic's recent advancement towards the capital world. Beruss was also present at another meeting the following day, where the debate regarding the approach to Coruscant persisted. In response to Admiral Gial Ackbar's suggestion of dispatching a group of military experts to Coruscant prior to the main assault, Beruss inquired of Airen Cracken, who specialized in such matters, if he felt adequately prepared to manage the operation. Furthermore, she voiced her approval of Councilor Borsk Fey'lya's strategy to divert Imperial forces by liberating Black Sun operatives from Kessel and unleashing them on Coruscant.

After the New Republic liberated Coruscant, Beruss and other members of the Provisional Council gathered on the world in what previously served as an Imperial Senate apartment complex. In this setting, Beruss was seated next to Mon Mothma as she listened to Commander Wedge Antilles defend Captain Tycho Celchu, who was facing accusations of treason against the Republic. While acknowledging her respect for Antilles' convictions, Beruss asserted that the evidence against Celchu was substantial enough to justify a trial. At a subsequent meeting on Coruscant, the Council deliberated on how the Republic's supply of bacta should be allocated to address an outbreak of the Krytos virus, and Beruss raised an objection when Fey'lya accused Councilor Leia Organa of exhibiting anti-alien prejudice due to her opposition to Fey'lya's proposed strategy for the distribution of bacta.

The Council remained active until 7 ABY, after which it was replaced by the first New Republic Senate. In 10 ABY she signed the document Why Do We Fight the Empire?. Beruss stayed in her position until at least 11 ABY and the start of the Daala crisis.

