Ciutric IV, often shortened to Ciutric, functioned as the capital world for the political entity known as the Ciutric Hegemony. This planet possessed at least a pair of moons, and experienced frequent, though relatively short, instances of heavy rainfall.
This planet was an industrialized one, featuring a relatively small ship-producing facility, and its location was central to numerous commercial hyperspace lanes.
The primary metropolis on Ciutric IV was Daplona around 980 BBY. In proximity to Daplona lay the residence of Darth Bane, a Sith Lord. After the loss of his orbalisk armor, which made interacting with other beings difficult, Bane took up residence on Ciutric IV, where he resided for a number of years alongside his Sith trainee, Darth Zannah.
During the Clone Wars, Ciutric IV was a participating member of the Separatist Alliance.

By the era of the Galactic Civil War, Ciutric IV's location was approximately twenty parsecs away from significant Imperial military installations. Initially, it was under the control of the Imperial administrator Brothic, but later it fell under the jurisdiction of Grand Admiral Delak Krennel.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Ciutric IV was taken by the Yuuzhan Vong early in the war. Following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, Ciutric IV was located within the borders of the Galactic Alliance, and by 137 ABY the planet was part of Roan Fel's Imperial Remnant.