Ciutric Hegemony

The Ciutric Hegemony was a prosperous area situated in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, encompassing 25 planets with Ciutric IV holding dominant control. The term Ciutric Hegemony also referred to the aristocratic government that held sway over this region during both the time of the Old Republic and the subsequent Imperial Era.

During the Galactic Empire's rule, the Ciutric Hegemony was governed by Grand Vizier Sate Pestage who transformed the area into an exemplary Imperial territory. Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine during the Galactic Civil War, the Ciutric Hegemony was seized by the warlord Delak Krennel, who then ruled the region oppressively as Prince-Admiral. The Hegemony evolved into a bastion of Imperial authority and became one of the many splinter factions of the Empire targeted by the New Republic in the decade after the Battle of Endor.


The Ciutric Hegemony was a collection of 25 prosperous worlds, located within 12 distinct star systems within the Outer Rim Territories. Ciutric IV, situated in the Ciutric system, politically and economically dominated the Hegemony. The Liinade and Corvis Minor systems were among the other star systems located in the Ciutric sector. While the Ciutric sector comprised the core of the Hegemony, it also included star systems found in adjacent sectors, such as the Axxila system within the D'Astan sector and the Vrosynri system in the Nijune sector.


The Ciutric Hegemony was an aristocratic state where corporate interests held considerable power. The Pestage family had governed it for countless generations. During the era of the Galactic Republic, the Ciutric Planetary Security Forces defended the Hegemony.

During the Clone Wars, the Ciutric Hegemony allied itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which led Republic loyalists, such as the Free Axxilans, to seek refuge in nearby systems. The Hegemony remained under Separatist control until the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Following the war, the newly established Galactic Empire ousted the Separatists from the region during the Ciutric Offensive. Moff Pensar Luc was appointed as the Imperial governor of the Ciutric Hegemony. To restore order in the region, the Moff formed the Axxila antipirate fleet using veterans from the Ciutric Planetary Security Forces. Eventually, Emperor Palpatine granted the Ciutric Hegemony to Sate Pestage, the Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire. Under his rule during the Imperial Period, the Hegemony became a model for other Imperial territories.

The Ciutric Hegemony by 7 ABY

Imperial Admiral Delak Krennel assassinated Sate Pestage on Ciutric IV a few months after the Battle of Endor. Soon after, Krennel, Pestage's murderer, seized control of the Ciutric Hegemony, turning it into his personal empire and a stronghold for Imperial forces. As the New Republic inflicted heavy losses on the remaining Imperial forces, the self-proclaimed Prince-Admiral transformed the Hegemony into a refuge for supporters of the New Order. Despite the fact that only 56% of the Hegemony's population was Human, with many worlds having alien majorities, Krennel governed it as a humanocentrist regime. To maintain his power, the Prince-Admiral implemented frequent and brutal purges of any potential opposition, including members of the Pestage family. Krennel also employed barbaric tactics to extend his influence into neighboring sectors, overwhelming other Imperial warlords such as Gaen Drommel and Walang Grazz.

Rogue Squadron attacked Ciutric Hegemony forces on Liinade III

In 9 ABY, the Ciutric Hegemony offered its support to Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaign against the New Republic. Following Thrawn's defeat later that year, the New Republic aimed to eliminate the remaining Imperial warlords. Krennel, being the most powerful at the time, was their primary target. In response, the Prince-Admiral made some overtures of peace to the New Republic but manipulated the media to promote xenophobic ideologies as a political tool against the New Republic. Furthermore, the warlord attempted to create a new superweapon: the Pulsar Station. As a confrontation became unavoidable, Rogue Squadron initiated a series of raids against the Hegemony. Ultimately, the Ciutric Hegemony's forces were defeated during the Battle of Ciutric, and the Prince-Admiral was killed.

After the Imperial Reunification in 12 ABY, the Ciutric Hegemony remained within Imperial Remnant space until 17 ABY. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the region was invaded in 25 ABY, and the Yuuzhan Vong conquered several of its star systems, including the Ciutric and Axxila systems.

