The Pulsar Station represented a system-domination weapon, conceptually similar to the Death Star, and was conceived by the Ciutric Hegemony.
This Pulsar Station was envisioned as a dramatically smaller iteration of the original Death Star battle stations. Its design drew inspiration from the Emperor's deployment of the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, specifically for the purpose of obliterating capital ships.
Positioned along its equatorial plane were several gravity-well generators, purposed to obstruct all hyperspace travel into and out of the immediate vicinity. The superlaser was miniaturized, and multiple superlaser batteries were installed; each possessing the destructive power to annihilate a Super Star Destroyer. To augment its offensive and defensive capabilities, the station was equipped with approximately half a dozen TIE wings along with an array of smaller anti-ship armaments.
Despite the creation of detailed blueprints for the station, there was never any genuine intention to construct such a weapon. It was purportedly slated for construction within the moon of Distna, located in the Corvis Minor system. The designs were intentionally leaked to the New Republic during the Battle of Liinade III. The Pulsar Station was merely a carefully orchestrated deception by the former Imperial Empress Ysanne Isard to entice Rogue Squadron into assisting her in eliminating both her rogue clone and Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel.