Operation Blue Plug was a strategy devised by General Garm Bel Iblis aiming to reclaim the crucial system of Commenor. This initiative followed the New Republic's successful recapture of Coruscant. However, the plan was never executed because the inhabitants of Commenor independently overthrew the Imperial governor shortly thereafter.
The entirety of the scheme was quietly marked as classified and subsequently forgotten. This remained the case until approximately 40 ABY, during the Second Galactic Civil War, when the Chasin Document alleged that the Galactic Alliance was preparing to invade Commenor. Tycho Celchu, drawing on his familiarity with Bel Iblis's methods, suspected that the Chasin Document was, in reality, a modified version of Blue Plug. Consequently, he requested that his wife, Winter Celchu, investigate whether the still-classified Blue Plug documents had been compromised. Winter discovered that the Alliance's backup code had indeed been breached using a Galactic Alliance Guard passcode and altered to transmit files to a spy. After the spy's code was removed from the military networks, Winter presented her findings to Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service. Tycho and Winter then shared their discoveries with a group of Galactic Alliance military personnel, including Admiral Niathal and Colonel Jacen Solo. Jacen Solo was angered by the potential involvement of the GAG in the security breach. However, upon examining the code on his datapad, he concluded that the passcode was listed as unassigned.