The Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service (GAIS), also referred to as GA Intelligence or simply the Intelligence Service, functioned as the primary intelligence-gathering arm of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Originating from its predecessor organization under the New Republic, known as the New Republic Intelligence Service, this Intelligence Service was tasked with safeguarding the Galactic Alliance from potential dangers, providing crucial data, and delivering insightful analysis on various entities, individuals, and unfolding situations.
As the foremost agency within the intelligence community serving the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service furnished the Galactic Alliance government with vital information pertaining to diverse circumstances, organizations, and individuals that could potentially jeopardize the Alliance's security. Oversight of the Intelligence Service's operations was conducted by the Galactic Alliance Senate's Security and Intelligence Council. The agency was headed by the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence, who reported directly to the Chief of State. The Director of Intelligence later took on the additional role of Head of Galactic Alliance Security.
GA Intelligence officers underwent comprehensive training in areas such as interrogation techniques, analytical skills, and observational methods, and were granted the authority to make arrests. This conferred upon them a dual function, serving as both intelligence operatives and security officers for the Galactic Alliance. Although distinct from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, the Intelligence Service adopted military ranks, including designations like Captain and Lieutenant.
The Intelligence Service maintained close collaborative ties with other security services, particularly its military intelligence counterpart, Galactic Alliance Fleet Intelligence.

The establishment of the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service occurred in 28 ABY following the dissolution of the New Republic amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War and its subsequent restructuring into the Galactic Alliance. The Intelligence Service inherited the operations of its forerunner, the New Republic Intelligence Service (NRI), under the leadership of the then Director of New Republic Intelligence, Dif Scaur. Its early days were marred by the controversial deployment of an experimental chemical weapon known as Alpha Red. Alpha Red, a chemical toxin engineered by a clandestine unit (bearing the same name as the toxin) within the NRI, was designed to target the biological systems of all living organisms associated with the Yuuzhan Vong.
In 29 ABY, upon the orders of Chief of State Cal Omas, the Intelligence Service released the toxin on Caluula, a planet seized by the Vong, with GAIS agent Wraw monitoring its effects. While the toxin effectively eliminated the Vong, it also proved lethal to the planet's natural ecosystem, despite assurances from Director Scaur and the Alpha Red scientists. This incident nearly spelled disaster for the galaxy as a whole, leading to the permanent termination of the project.
The Intelligence Service persisted in providing information and analysis concerning the Vong's movements and the situation on Coruscant, which had been captured by the Vong two years prior. This intelligence aided the Galactic Alliance forces and their allies in eventually launching an assault and recapturing Coruscant, compelling the Vong to surrender and bringing the war to an end. Shortly after the battle, Chief of State Omas compelled Scaur to retire prematurely, and Belindi Kalenda succeeded him as Director of GA Intelligence.
In 36 ABY, leading up to the Swarm War, the worlds of the Galactic Alliance faced a surge in pirate activity involving the smuggling of an addictive strain of Black Membrosia. Following the capture of several of these pirates, the Intelligence Service determined that the Killik Colony in the Utegetu Nebula served as a safe haven for them. Princess Leia Organa Solo later presented these findings to UnuThul, who denied the accusations.
In 40 ABY, tensions escalated between the Galactic Alliance and the Five Worlds, with Corellia at the forefront. A key point of contention was Corellia's refusal to remit taxes and provide troops for the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, opting instead to maintain its own planetary military. The Galactic Alliance discovered that Corellia was constructing a secret fleet that exceeded the permitted size for planets within the Alliance. Furthermore, under the leadership of Thrackan Sal-Solo, Corellia initiated efforts to make Centerpoint Station operational, a move that the Galactic Alliance government deemed unacceptable. As military action loomed, the Intelligence Service was directed to detain individuals whose loyalty was questionable. Captain Elsen Barthis and Lieutenant Titch were dispatched to retrieve Wedge Antilles from Corellia and hold him on Coruscant. However, after several days of confinement, Antilles managed to outsmart Lieutenant Titch and escape his holding cell.
As the Blockade of Corellia and minor skirmishes edged closer to full-scale war, terrorist attacks on Coruscant heightened tensions between Coruscanti and Corellians residing on the planet. The Anti-Terrorism Unit of the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) primarily investigated these acts of terrorism, rather than the Intelligence Service. However, the Galactic Alliance government believed that the threat could not be fully neutralized without eliminating all pro-Corellians on Coruscant. Seeking a means to address these threats without alienating public opinion, the government recognized the need to bridge the gap between the civilian police and the military. Consequently, Chief of State Cal Omas, in collaboration with Senator G'vli G'Sil of the Galactic Alliance Senate Security and Intelligence Council, established the Galactic Alliance Guard under the command of Jacen Solo, who was granted the rank of Colonel.
The majority of the initial members of the GAG were soldiers from the 967 Commando unit of the Galactic Alliance Special Forces and police officers from the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit, including Solo's second-in-command, Captain Lon Shevu. Nevertheless, some members of the Intelligence Service were also transferred to the GAG, notably Captain Heol Girdun. Furthermore, the GAG was granted access to the Intelligence Service databases. As a secret police force, they conducted raids and counter-intelligence operations against pro-Corellians, interning and subsequently deporting them. Disagreements arose between GAG members from the CSF and those from the Intelligence Service, with the intelligence agents employing more brutal and hands-on interrogation methods than the former police officers.
As the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia escalated into the Second Galactic Civil War, the Intelligence Service collaborated with Fleet Intelligence and the GAG to gather information on Corellia and its allies, who later formed the Confederation. The Intelligence Service also had to contend with rumors alleging their involvement in the assassination of Thrackan Sal-Solo, as well as several Bothans belonging to the True Victory Party, although both accusations were unfounded.

During the initial stages of open warfare, Belindi Kalenda briefed Admiral Cha Niathal and Jacen Solo on a meeting orchestrated by the Corellian separatists, instigated by the Bothan faction, to elect a new supreme commander. Recognizing the strategic advantage of disrupting such a gathering and capturing or eliminating the attendees, Niathal instructed Kalenda to dedicate all necessary resources to gathering intelligence on the meeting. These efforts ultimately led to the Battle of Gilatter VIII.
As the war progressed, Jacen Solo, who had succumbed to the Dark side of the Force and become Darth Caedus, conspired with Admiral Niathal to stage a coup against Cal Omas. To this end, the GAG assumed responsibility for Omas's protection, replacing the CSF. However, Omas sought to broker a peace agreement with the Confederation leader, Dur Gejjen, through a clandestine meeting. Omas chose to bring two Intelligence Service agents with him instead of his GAG detail, believing in their loyalty and trustworthiness. Following the arrest of Cal Omas, the Intelligence Service experienced a decline in influence, as they were perceived as having supported Omas's regime.
Later, Director Kalenda informed Cha Niathal, now serving as the temporary co-Chief of State, that scientist and intelligence operative Doctor Toval Seyah had been removed from Centerpoint after being suspected of espionage by the Corellians. This decision led Caedus to view Kalenda as incompetent and Seyah as a traitor, prompting him to order the spy's arrest.
Towards the conclusion of the war in 41 ABY, control of the Intelligence Service was transferred to the Galactic Alliance Guard. Captain Heol Girdun succeeded Kalenda as Director of Intelligence. However, Caedus was soon killed, bringing the war to an end. Following his death, the GAG was disbanded, and the Intelligence Service was once again placed under the leadership of Belindi Kalenda. However, Kalenda's tenure in the position was short-lived. With the war over, Natasi Daala was elected as Chief of State. She initiated a campaign against all those who had not opposed Caedus's rule, and Kalenda fell victim to these purges. In her place, Daala appointed General Borath Maddeus as Director of Intelligence. It was also at this time that a new security force, Galactic Alliance Security, was established. This new security force separated the intelligence and law enforcement functions that the Intelligence Service had been performing. However, the Director of Intelligence also served as the head of Galactic Alliance Security, ensuring that Maddeus remained in charge of both agencies.
In 44 ABY, Maddeus became involved in the Lecersen Conspiracy, playing a supportive and highly secretive role. Fearing that his captured co-conspirators would reveal his involvement, Maddeus attempted to silence all remaining members of the conspiracy. He also tasked long-time intelligence operative Garik Loran with unofficially re-establishing Wraith Squadron to investigate and dismantle General Stavin Thaal, who was also a member of the conspiracy. Unfortunately for Maddeus, Wraith Squadron uncovered Maddeus's plans, leading to his exposure and arrest. In the aftermath, Chief of State Wynn Dorvan appointed Loran as Head of Galactic Alliance Security and Director of Intelligence. One of Loran's first actions was to officially reinstate Wraith Squadron as a unit within the Intelligence Service.
The Intelligence Service continued to provide information throughout the Sith–Imperial War. With the surrender of the Galactic Alliance to the Fel Empire in 130 ABY, the majority of the Galactic Alliance government was absorbed by the new Empire. However, some Intelligence agents remained with the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet and became Covert Agents for the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the Second Imperial Civil War.