Stavin Thaal

General Stavin Thaal was a Human male. In 44 ABY, he held the position of Chief of Army Operations within the Galactic Alliance Army. Unbeknownst to many, he was secretly involved in the Imperial-Alliance conspiracy. An assassin once attacked Thaal, leaving a scar across his neck and rendering him unable to speak normally. To overcome this, he had a vocabulator surgically implanted in his throat.


Galactic Empire Instructor

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Thaal worked for the Galactic Empire, instructing small units at the Caridan Military Academy. He was among the last officers to evacuate when Carida's destruction occurred in 11 ABY, caused by Jedi apprentice Kyp Durron using the Sun Crusher to transform the planet's sun into a supernova. Shortly after this catastrophic event, Stavin Thaal switched his allegiance and joined the New Republic, becoming a part of its army.

New Republic

In 12 ABY, Thaal, who held the rank of captain at the time, entered into marriage with his first wife, Zehrinne.

When the Yuuzhan Vong successfully conquered Coruscant in 27 ABY, Colonel Thaal, who was stationed on the captured planet, volunteered to command an elite unit on Vandor-3. This unit, known as the Pop-Dogs, provided intelligence on the movements of the extra-galactic invaders within the system and conducted raids throughout the remainder of the conflict. Following the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat, Thaal received a promotion to the rank of General in recognition of his courageous actions.

Galactic Alliance General

As part of the Imperial-Alliance conspiracy in 44 ABY, he collaborated with Haydnat Treen, Merratt Jaxton, Drikl Lecersen, and others to plot the overthrow of both the Galactic Alliance and Imperial governments. However, the conspiracy unraveled after its discovery by Natasi Daala and the clandestine manipulations of Abeloth and the Lost Tribe of Sith. In response, Thaal orchestrated the deaths of numerous conspirators, even compelling Jaxton to commit suicide himself.

Several months after the conspiracy's demise, suspicions arose regarding Thaal's involvement, thanks to fellow former conspirator Borath Maddeus, who led Galactic Alliance Security. Maddeus enlisted Garik "Face" Loran to reform Wraith Squadron to establish Thaal's culpability and bring him to justice. However, Loran harbored doubts about Maddeus's motives and secretly created two Wraith Squadrons, one under Bhindi Drayson and the other under Sharr Latt, to investigate Thaal's potential guilt, while Loran himself simultaneously aided the Wraiths and investigated Maddeus's potential wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, Thaal was making preparations to retire from service and assume a new identity as Thadley Biolan. He arranged for the kidnapping of renowned identity forger Usan Joyl and his grandson Dashan, imprisoning them in a cell within the basement of the Caridan animal exhibit on Vandor-3, which Thaal secretly owned. Thaal underwent gene therapy facilitated by the elder Joyl to ensure that his transformation into Biolan would be completely convincing. He extended this process to numerous other Pop-Dogs who remained loyal to him, completely altering both his and their personal histories. Thaal planned to retire to Kuratooine to marry the celebrated pop singer Ledina Chott. In the interim, he maintained his public persona by using makeup to appear as Stavin Thaal rather than Thadley Biolan.

Upon returning to Vandor-3 to investigate the escape of unidentified hostiles from Mount Lyss Meteorological Station, Thaal arrived just as the station was destroyed. This destruction was caused by one of his own soldiers inadvertently triggering a booby trap set by the Wraiths. Thaal correctly attributed the action to Wraith Squadron, but incorrectly believed that they were being led by the supposedly deceased Ton Phanan, whom he thought had only faked his death decades prior.

Later, Thaal was tricked into visiting Kuratooine earlier than planned by Wraith Squadron member Turman Durra, who was disguised as a member of a species native to the planet's underground caverns and claimed to possess valuable gems to offer Thaal. In exchange for these nonexistent valuables, Thaal offered the disguised Durra a fraudulent deed to the Imperial capital of Bastion. Shortly thereafter, Thaal briefly assumed his Thadley Biolan identity to visit Chott, with whom he had developed romantic feelings. However, upon arriving at her apartment, Thaal was shocked to discover that she had been kidnapped shortly before his arrival.

Ultimately, Thaal was lured into a public plaza on Kuratooine after Wraith Squadron created sufficient chaos on the planet to draw his attention. As Wraith Squadron had become aware of Thaal's suspicions that Ton Phanan was still alive, they decided to continue the charade by using a droid equipped with a hologram to depict Durra disguised as Phanan, accusing Thaal of being an impostor. The accusation seemed to be confirmed when Thaal's recently divorced ex-wife, Zehrinne, arrived from Coruscant and, having seen through his makeup, declared that Thaal was not the real Stavin Thaal but an impostor named Thadley Biolan. Thaal attempted to evade arrest but was paralyzed by a dart fired by Wraith Drikall Bessarah.

Sometime later, Thaal was freed from imprisonment on Coruscant by General Maddeus and hidden one level below Maddeus's office. However, Loran tricked Maddeus into revealing Thaal's hiding place by having a Wraith impersonate Thaal. Wraith Squadron then ensured that both he and Thaal were returned to prison for good.

