Lecersen Conspiracy

The Lecersen Conspiracy represented a secret network of individuals driven by the ambition to topple the Imperial Remnant and reconstruct the Galactic Empire into its original, idealized version, all while simultaneously usurping authority over the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

Established in 44 ABY and spearheaded by Kuati Senator Haydnat Treen, the group of plotters included Senator Fost Bramsin, the Alliance's Chief of Starfighter Command Merratt Jaxton, the Alliance's Chief of Naval Operations Sallinor Parova, and Moff Drikl Lecersen hailing from the Imperial Remnant.

Their scheme revolved around reinstating the Empire to its state immediately after the Clone Wars, with Lecersen taking the place of the deceased Palpatine as the Emperor and Treen becoming Grand Moff. They manipulated events to increasingly isolate Chief of State Daala, even from her own security forces, and to convince the Jedi that she posed a threat to them. This involved Operation Duusha, an attempt to falsely implicate Daala in an attack against Han and Leia Solo, thereby damaging her reputation as Chief of State, and the thwarted assassination of Nek Bwua'tu. The latter attack provided an opportunity to replace him with Parova, also eliminating a crucial supporter of Daala and a key liaison between her administration and the Jedi Order. Just as the conspiracy was poised to seize control of the Imperial Remnant, the Jedi launched their own coup against Daala. Recognizing the imminent collapse of their original strategy, Treen swiftly adapted their plans.

The newly formed transitional government was led by the Triumvirate, consisting of Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne, Treen, and Jaxton, effectively granting the conspirators control over two-thirds of the new executive power. Subsequently, they recruited General Stavin Thaal as a new member and initiated preparations to overthrow Fel. However, their critical error was inducting the new senator Kameron Suldar into the conspiracy, who was in reality the Lost Tribe High Lord Ivaar Workan. Consequently, they became entangled in the conflict between the Jedi and Abeloth, along with her Sith allies. During this period, Natasi Daala, the ousted Chief of State, discovered that Lecersen had orchestrated the creation of the Freedom Flight, which had played a significant role in her downfall. Using this knowledge, she blackmailed him, compelling him to support her campaign to seize control of the Imperial Remnant.

With Lecersen's departure, the conspiracy lost its central figure, and Workan's actions crippled its operations. Recognizing the situation, Treen and Thaal decided to dissolve the conspiracy and eliminate any potential threats. By this time, Nek Bwua'tu had regained consciousness and suspected the existence of a conspiracy within the Imperial Remnant. He initiated an investigation with a small group of allies. They captured Admiral Parova and attempted to extract a confession from her, but Workan silenced her before she could reveal any information.

This event aided Treen and Thaal in their cover-up efforts. They decided to place the blame on their deceased co-conspirators: Treen poisoned Fost Bramsin, making it appear as though he had died from natural causes, while Thaal coerced Jaxton into committing suicide after forcing him to write a note claiming that he, Bramsin, and Parova had conspired to rebuild the Empire. Subsequently, Treen retired to Kuat, and Thaal vanished. Later, the Wraith Squadron uncovered and apprehended General Thaal and the head of Galactic Alliance Security, General Borath Maddeus, who was also revealed to be a member of the conspiracy.

