Ivaar Workan was a Sith Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith, a Human male who held a position on the governing Circle of Lords of the planet Kesh.
Around 41.5 ABY, Workan took part in an ambush targeting a Damorian s18 light freighter. By the time 44 ABY arrived, he had ascended to the role of High Lord within the Circle of Lords, which occurred after the death of Sarasu Taalon. In that year, as part of the Lost Tribe's scheme to conquer the galaxy, Workan secretly entered the galactic capital world of Coruscant, using the alias Kameron Suldar. Posing as Suldar, he feigned being a senator representing the planet B'nish in the Galactic Alliance's Senate. While undercover, he was invited to join the Lecersen Conspiracy, but viewing the conspirators as a threat to the Sith, he played a part in their destruction. While on Coruscant, Workan was involved with the Sith network known as BAMR, which disseminated anti-Jedi sentiment. Acting as Senator Suldar, he put forward Padnel Ovin as a possible Chief of State after the ruling Triumvirate fell apart. Later, after Abeloth revealed her presence as Senator Rokari Kem and murdered Grand Lord Vol, he suggested her as Ovin's replacement, resulting in him being appointed as Chair of the Senate. Later, during the Jedi re-invasion of Coruscant, he fought against Luke Skywalker's team and was fatally shot by Ben Skywalker, leading to his death.