A High Lord occupied a leading position within the Circle of Lords. This council governed the Lost Tribe of Sith, who resided on the Wild Space planet of Kesh. Their assemblies took place inside the capitol building situated in Tahv, the capital city. The Circle of Lords included seven High Lords, who were of a higher rank than the thirteen Lords also on the Circle, yet subordinate to the Grand Lord. At any given time, the Lost Tribe maintained a complement of seven High Lords.
In the year 41 ABY, two of the High Lords were women, addressed with the title "Lady."
- Candra Kitai (?— 3960 BBY ) [3]
- Dernas (?— 3960 BBY ) [3]
- Pallima (?— 3960 BBY [3]
- Sarasu Taalon (— 44 ABY ) [1]
- Ivaar Workan (44 ABY—?) [2]
- Takaris Yur ( 41 ABY —?) [4]