The year 3960 BBY, a designation within the Galactic Standard Calendar for "before the Battle of Yavin," marked the conclusion of the conflict known as the Mandalorian Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian warrior clans. Alternatively, this year is also identified as 32,503 TYA ("After the Tho Yor Arrival"), 307 BTC ("before the Treaty of Coruscant"), 2,960 before the Ruusan Reformation, and 3,925 BrS ("before the Great ReSynchronization"). A key event of this year was the Battle of Malachor V, during which Revan triumphed over Mandalore the Ultimate in personal combat, and the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator led to the near annihilation of the Mandalorian forces. From the dying words of Mandalore, Revan learned of Sith influence over the Mandalorians, setting him and Malak on a path of discovery that ultimately resulted in their corruption by the Sith Emperor. The consequences of this year were far reaching, precipitating the Jedi Civil War spanning 3959-3956 BBY, and the subsequent Dark Wars.
- In the year, the Galactic Republic secured a victory over the Mandalorians during a battle on the planet of Onderon, as well as another victory within the Lianna system. [10] [11]
- Revan, a Jedi Knight, strategically guided the Mandalorians towards a decisive confrontation on Malachor V. Amidst the ongoing Battle of Malachor V, he challenged Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorians, to a duel to the death. Revan emerged victorious, claiming Mandalore's mask after killing him, and uncovering the truth that the Mandalorian Wars were masterminded by the Sith. [3]
- The [Mandalorian Wars](/article/mandalorian_wars], along with the battle itself, [12] reached their conclusion when Meetra Surik, [3] Revan's lieutenant and a Jedi, acting on Revan's orders, activated the Mass Shadow Generator. This event resulted in the destruction of the Mandalorian fleets, as well as significant losses for the Republic forces and the Jedi, including Arren Kae. [1]
- Witnessing the widespread destruction caused by the weapon and experiencing the deaths through the Force, Surik chose to sever her connection to the Force. [2]
- Revan and Malak departed into the Unknown Regions with a third of the Republic fleet, [13] though they journeyed alone to Rekkiad following Mandalore's instructions. There, they found the tomb of Dramath the Second, and Revan left Mandalore's Mask in the tomb before they left for Nathema. [3]
- After observing the devastation on Nathema, Revan and Malak tracked the Sith survivors to Dromund Kaas. Following months of working undercover as mercenaries, they were ensnared in a trap, mentally dominated by the Sith Emperor, and corrupted to the dark side of the Force. As Dark Lords of the Sith, they received orders to locate the Rakatan space station referred to as the Star Forge. [14]
- Darth Revan, along with his apprentice Darth Malak, experienced a crash landing on Lehon. They successfully gained entry to the Rakatan Temple of the Ancients, which subsequently granted them access to the Star Forge. [13]
- During the Night of the Upside-Down Meteor, Lillia Venn, the Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith, attempted to flee the planet of Kesh using an Aurek-class tactical starfighter that belonged to the Jedi Jelph Marrian. However, she was killed along with her subordinates Sawj and Flen Luzo when the fighter exploded due to explosives planted by Marrian. [4]
- Battle of Malachor V [2] [11]
- Mission to Dromund Kaas [14]
- Search for the Star Maps [14]
- Mission to Rakata Prime [14]