An ancient Sith Empire was once home to Dramath the Second, a Sith Lord. Prior to the Great Hyperspace War, Dramath the Second was the offspring of Dramath the elder, who governed the world of Medriaas.
During the time his father was in power, Tenebrae, a young individual exhibiting Force-sensitive abilities, started to cause the fall of villages on Medriaas. Eventually, Tenebrae amassed sufficient power to challenge Dramath the elder for control of the world.
Tenebrae was, in reality, the illegitimate son of Dramath the elder, making him Dramath the Second's half-brother, a fact that remained hidden from most individuals at that time. Tenebrae, after murdering their father, also attempted to eliminate Dramath the Second. However, the Sith Lord managed to escape Medriaas with a band of loyal supporters, establishing a new existence on the snowy planet of Rekkiad.
Dramath the Second met his end on Rekkiad. His followers interred him within a concealed crypt located in the first of the two plateaus forming the Twin Spears. More than a millennium years afterwards, Mandalore the Ultimate guided a Sith who served Tenebrae to Dramath the Second's crypt.