Medriaas revolution

Prior to the year 5000 BBY (as per Legends continuity), Tenebrae usurped his biological progenitor, Dramath, seizing control and becoming the new sovereign of Medriaas, a world he subsequently rechristened Nathema.


Lord Dramath

In the time preceding the Great Hyperspace War, Tenebrae's birth occurred on Medriaas, a planet characterized by its fertile lands and thriving agriculture, situated on the distant edges of the Old Sith Empire. Born into a family of humble farmers, it was said his eyes mirrored the blackness of the void. Even as an infant, he remained silent, never shedding tears, and animals instinctively avoided him. His voice, when he spoke, possessed a resonance and authority beyond his years. At the age of six, he began to exhibit potent abilities in the Force. His parents, lacking any Force sensitive abilities themselves, grew suspicious, particularly his father. The father confronted his wife, who confessed to infidelity with the Sith Lord governing the planet. Consumed by rage at his wife's betrayal, the farmer attacked her. Tenebrae, drawing strength from his father's fury and hatred, channeled the dark side, using telekinesis to break his neck with a mere thought. He then subjected his mother to months of Force-induced torture for her betrayal, ultimately ending her life. Following this, he compelled the remaining villagers to submit to his authority, torturing and executing those who resisted through the Force. Over the ensuing years, his influence and notoriety expanded throughout the neighboring settlements. He amassed legions of followers, some driven by fear, others by fanatical devotion. His ascent to power was marked by the slaughter of thousands, many of whom were subjected to prolonged public executions to satisfy his insatiable hunger for suffering, relishing their agony.



Lord Dramath, Tenebrae's biological father, had received reports regarding his illegitimate son's actions, but they were occurring in a remote and insignificant region. He had long since forgotten the farm woman who had borne him a son, and he initially dismissed the events in those small villages as inconsequential to him. It wasn't until four years had passed that he decided to personally investigate Tenebrae, intending to assess whether Tenebrae was suitable for service or should be eliminated. However, Tenebrae harbored no desire to die or merely serve. Upon their meeting, Tenebrae demonstrated his superior power. Despite being only ten years old, he stripped his father of his authority and his sanity, leaving Lord Dramath weeping in terror in his final moments, staring into his son's dark eyes. It required Tenebrae an additional three years to fully subjugate Medriaas. While Dramath's firstborn son fled Medriaas, other Sith Lords attempted to claim the vacant throne, only to be defeated by Tenebrae, who grew increasingly ruthless and formidable with each triumph.


At the age of thirteen, Tenebrae presented himself before Marka Ragnos, the Dark Lord of the Sith and supreme leader of the Sith Council and Sith Empire. Lord Ragnos, impressed by the youth's power and ambition, recognized him as the ruler of Medriaas, bestowing upon him the title of Lord Vitiate. Lord Vitiate returned to his homeworld, which he renamed Nathema, and dedicated himself to ruling and studying the Dark Side. He erected a palace on the site of his childhood home, the location where he had murdered his parents. His reign endured for a century.

