Flen Luzo

Once a male Human Sith Saber belonging to the Lost Tribe of Sith, Flen Luzo lived around 3960 BBY. Because of his loyalty to the Grand Lord Lillia Venn, he was elevated to the position of Sith Lord, along with his younger brother Sawj Luzo, following the Korsinata events. Within the Sith Saber hierarchy, the Luzo brothers were rivals with Orielle Kitai. They served as executioners under Lillia Venn, finding joy in their duties, such as the public executions of Dernas, head of the Red Faction, and Pallima, who commanded the Gold Faction. Some days later, they were dispatched to Jelph Marrian's farm to eliminate Ori Kitai's uvak, Shyn, and deliver two scrolls to her. These scrolls indicated that her mother, Candra Kitai, had conspired with the High Lords of the Red and Gold factions to assassinate Grand Lord Venn. Both scrolls were signed by her mother, also stating Candra's pledge of eternal loyalty to the Grand Lord, now Venn's slave. The Luzo brothers seized Orielle's lightsaber, presented her with a shovel symbolizing her new life as a slave, and then went back to Tahv.

Following a tip-off from Candra regarding her daughter's discovery of a functional starship, they returned to the farm a few days later. This time, they were accompanied by Grand Lord Venn herself, where they confronted Orielle unexpectedly. Venn used the Force to immobilize Kitai, while several guards restrained her. Venn revealed that Candra had betrayed her daughter by informing Venn of the meeting, in exchange for what Venn termed "improved working conditions." While Venn boarded Marrian's starfighter, her guards kept Kitai restrained. Former Jedi Knight and Covenant Shadow, Jelph Marrian, came to Kitai's rescue disguised as someone else. He shot her captors from behind, fired blaster shots at the Luzos, and guided her towards the river as Venn powered up the starfighter, unaware that he had used the ship's proton torpedoes and thousands of kilograms of ammonium nitrate-based explosives, derived from common fertilizer, to create an anti-theft system for the vessel. As Venn ascended, the torpedoes detonated, resulting in the deaths of Venn, the Luzos, and the guards. Orielle and Marrian escaped the farm, which, along with the entire riverbank, collapsed into the river due to the explosion.


Sith Saber

Flen, along with his younger brother Sawj Luzo, belonged to the Lost Tribe of Sith, who were descendants of a group of Human Sith stranded on the planet Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War. He matured almost a millennium following the reign of Grand Lord Nida Korsin, who had ruled for 79 years. By that time, the Force-sensitive members of the Tribe had risen to become the new ruling elite on the continent of Keshtah Minor, dominating the native Keshiri, who had become a large serf underclass that worshipped the Sith as gods known as the Protectors. The Tribe also faced internal divisions, with the Red and the [Gold Factions](/article/gold_faction], led by High Lords Dernas and Pallima, respectively, emerging as two significant political factions.

Flen and Sawj advanced through the Tribe's ranks, becoming prominent figures in the Sith Sabers, the Tribe's version of the Jedi Knights. As Sith Sabers, they also had apprentices. Sawj and Flen also had a tense relationship with their fellow Saber Orielle Kitai, the daughter of High Lord Candra Kitai, who was a rival contender for the Saber leadership. The two brothers were close allies of High Lord Lillia Venn, who became the Grand Lord in 3961 BBY. They acted as her bodyguards during public events such as Donellan's Day. Lillia Venn was elected as a compromise candidate because the Red and Gold Factions couldn't agree on a successor. Lillia, politically independent, was chosen due to her age as the oldest High Lord, with the other Lords anticipating a short reign. While the Red and Gold Factions pledged allegiance to Grand Lord Lillia, they continued to vie for her position. Aware of these ambitions, Lillia sought to orchestrate the downfall of her rivals.

Donellan's Day

In 3960 BBY, Flen and Sawj accompanied Grand Lord Lillia Venn to the Donellan's Day rake-riding games held at the Korsinata stadium in the Sith capital of Tahv. They were positioned in Lillia's luxury compartment at the stadium's peak. Donellan's Day, a public holiday in the Sith calendar, honored the life of Nida's son Donellan, who died before his mother, ending the Korsin family line. Consequently, Nida established a merit-based succession system before her death, where future Grand Lords would be elected from the Circle of Lords. For the Sith, this day symbolized the importance of patience in achieving successions. Rake-riding games, violent blood sports involving teams of flightless uvak and their uvak wranglers, were held in public arenas like the Korsinata in Tahv on Donellan's Day.

Prior to the games, the two brothers glared menacingly at Orielle, who believed they were annoyed by their inability to sabotage her at that moment. Orielle and her mother Candra were seated in the opposite luxury compartment due to the latter's high position within the Circle of Lords. Candra had been appointed High Lord to fill Lillia's vacancy upon her ascension to the Grand Lordship. As Candra was not aligned with the two major factions, she became the second most important person within the Tribe, serving as a tiebreaker with the power to select Lillia's successor if the Grand Lord died. Acknowledging Candra's importance, Lillia publicly showed her the highest respect and invited her to public events like the rake-riding games in Tahv.

Orielle knew that the Luzo brothers had been watching for months, waiting to exploit any mistake. She privately hoped that Grand Lord Venn's death would also mean the end of the Luzo brothers. However, Candra, sensing her daughter's thoughts, warned her that they were friends for the day. Orielle reluctantly accepted her mother's wishes but was pleased that their booth was more colorful and decorated than the others. Candra and her daughter had sponsored Campion Dey, a rake-rider from the southlands, for the rake-riding game. However, Dey attempted to assassinate Grand Lord Venn by riding his uvak towards her luxury compartment. Venn killed his uvak with force lightning. The Luzo brothers quickly intervened, killing the would-be assassin with their Sith lightsabers. Candra and Orielle were horrified by this unexpected event, as they had not ordered Dey to attack the Grand Lord and were unsure of his motives. They feared being accused of orchestrating the assassination attempt.

In reality, Grand Lord Lillia Venn had staged her own assassination attempt to intimidate her rivals. Her intention was not to execute High Lord Candra and her family but to make them "living examples" by enslaving them. Under her orders, Flen and Sawj executed Dernas and Pallima on the grounds that they had conspired with Candra to assassinate the Grand Lord. Under duress, Candra was forced to confess to conspiring with Dernas and Pallima to murder Venn. As punishment, Candra became Lillia's eternal slave, forced to shovel uvak manure at the zoo, a public uvak enclosure in Tahv. The two Luzo brothers and their Sith apprentices also raided the Kitai family mansion at Starfall. Under their supervision, the Kitai family's Keshiri laborers burned their former masters' belongings in a large bonfire. While the Luzo brothers went inside the building, two of their apprentices guarded the doorway.

Minions of the Grand Lord

However, Orielle Kitai escaped capture, having left the stadium to return to her family estate. She witnessed the sacking of her home, which she had foreseen in a Force vision during her second day as a Sith Tyro, the lowest rank in the Tribe's hierarchy. Orielle narrowly avoided capture by the Luzos and fled with her uvak Shyn to her friend Jelph Marrian's farm on the Marisota River. Jelph, officially an enslaved Human horticulturalist specializing in fertilizer production for Keshiri farmers, had provided Orielle with dalsa flowers on that fateful Donellan's Day. She sought refuge with him, and Jelph agreed to shelter her as she had nowhere else to go.

After several days, the Luzo brothers learned of Orielle's location from Keshiri traders who frequented Jelph's farm. They rode their uvak to Jelph's farm, where they slaughtered Shyn, who was housed in a stable, claiming that slaves were not allowed to own status beasts. When Orielle entered the barn to aid her uvak, she encountered the two Luzo brothers. Upon seeing Orielle, Flen remarked that they only needed to follow the "stench of failure" to find her. When Orielle threatened to kill her tormentors, Sawj retorted that they had already killed two High Lords earlier in the week and were unwilling to dirty their hands with a slave. When Orielle protested the killing of her uvak, Sawj reminded her that the Sabers were responsible for maintaining law and order, and slaves were not permitted to keep uvak. Orielle was about to charge at the two brothers when Flen retrieved a saddle bag containing two scrolls.

Flen announced that they had come to make a trade with Orielle. Orielle read the scrolls and discovered that her mother had confessed to conspiring with the Red and Gold Factions to assassinate the Grand Lord. When Orielle retorted that the confession could have been obtained under duress, Flen acknowledged that this was likely the case. Flen also announced that Lillia Venn would appoint three replacement High Lords of her own to block any moves by her rivals. Based on Flen's voice, Orielle deduced that the two brothers were likely candidates for replacement High Lords due to their loyalty to Venn. Flen then demanded that Orielle surrender her lightsaber, as slaves were not allowed to possess lightsabers, another status symbol on primitive Kesh.

When Orielle refused, Flen reminded her that her mother had said she would cooperate and would suffer even more if she refused. Flen added that Candra was already suffering and threatened to send the Sith Sabers to burn down Jelph's farm and kill the "farmer boy," as they had orders to do so if the Luzo brothers did not return with her lightsaber. While the Luzo brothers did not care how slaves lived, they insisted that she surrender her lightsaber. To emphasize their message, Sawj and Flen ignited their lightsabers in unison. Outnumbered and wanting to save her friend's life, Orielle yielded her lightsaber. Sawj confiscated Orielle's lightsaber. Before departing on their uvak, Flen left Orielle with a shovel to mark her new career as a slave. They then flew away, laughing at their defeated rival.

Night of the Upside-Down Meteor

Ultimately, Flen and Sawj's actions set off a chain of events that led to their deaths. Humiliated, Orielle Kitai descended into a rage and damaged Jelph Marrian's farm and belongings with her shovel. While searching through his barn, she discovered a starship beneath a mound of manure. This was a "Kesh-shaking" event because the Tribe had no access to hyperspace travel since their ancestors' arrival in 5000 BBY. Orielle believed this new technology would allow her people to return to the stars and her family to restore their fortunes. In fact, her "farmer friend" Jelph Marrian was a Jedi Shadow and a member of the Jedi Covenant, a secret Jedi faction determined to prevent a repeat of the Great Sith War. Orielle traveled to Tahv, encountered her mother in the zoo, and shared her discovery.

Candra reluctantly told her daughter to contact Gadin Badolfa, an architect closely connected to the leaders of the Red and Gold factions, and provided her with the secret passcode indicating a "Kesh-shaking discovery." From Badolfa, Orielle learned that the Luzo brothers had been promoted to Sith Lords as a reward for their loyalty. Orielle also encountered Jelph, who had come to find her, and they reconciled after a brief argument. Orielle and Jelph then returned to the farm by uvak, attempting to conceal their discovery from the High Lords. Unbeknownst to them, Candra secretly contacted Grand Lord Venn, informing her of the meeting in exchange for "improved working conditions." She doubted the existence of her daughter's discovery and the arrival of the other High Lords. Lillia traveled with her entourage, including the two Luzo brothers.

The two Luzo brothers and the Grand Lord flew on their uvak to Jelph Marrian's farm, intending to see this "Kesh-shaking discovery" and eliminate any High Lords who had come. They flew in a V-shaped formation, using a jet stream to arrive before Orielle and Jelph. Upon landing, the Luzo brothers and their Sith Sabers secured the perimeter and found the starship in the barn, as Candra had indicated. Knowing visitors were present, Orielle attempted to mislead them by claiming she had found a sack containing four blasters, a technology unknown to the Tribe. Meanwhile, Jelph hid behind the bushes. Upon meeting the newcomers, Orielle realized they were not the High Lords but the Grand Lord and her followers. She was quickly captured.

The Grand Lord called into the barn. Flen and Sawj opened the stable doors behind Venn, revealing the Jedi starship. Sawj revealed that the Tribe's leadership had allowed Badolfa to deliver Orielle's messages to the other High Lords. He also revealed that Orielle's mother had made a deal with the Grand Lord for "improved working conditions." While Lillia had planned to execute the other High Lords for treason if they came, she was pleased with her prize. Flen led his liege through the excavated manure towards her discovery. Lillia was triumphant, having lived to see the day the Tribe discovered a starship. She commented that she had spent years reaching the pinnacle of power only for others to think it was time for her to die. When the Luzo brothers assured her of their loyalty, she dismissed them and vowed to conquer the stars.

Unbeknownst to the others, Jelph had used the Force to levitate the sack of blasters towards him. Orielle witnessed this and heard Jelph's telepathic call but did not inform the others. At the right moment, she fell to the ground, surprising her captors. This distraction allowed Jelph to emerge from the farmhouse and open fire on Venn's entourage. The Sith Sabers, unfamiliar with blaster technology, were struck down. The remaining Sith attempted to deflect the blaster bolts with their lightsabers. Orielle took advantage of the chaos to break free and steal one of her captors' lightsabers. Meanwhile, Venn entered the Aurek starfighter's cockpit while the Luzo brothers guarded the barn's doorway. Jelph and Orielle fled into the Marisota River. Since the stable's doorway was large enough for wide-winged uvak, Lillia and her followers believed they could drive the starfighter through it.

As the starfighter hovered towards the exit, Flen and Sawj realized the vehicle was still connected to its moorings. Two mono-filament cords had been tied around the starfighter's landing struts. These cords were part of an anti-theft system constructed by Jelph to destroy the starfighter and its occupants if it was discovered by the Sith. The lines were connected to two proton torpedoes surrounded by thousands of kilograms of ammonium nitrate-based explosives. The resulting explosion destroyed the Aurek starfighter and the barn, killing the Grand Lord, the Luzo brothers, and the remaining Sith Sabers. The explosion leveled the surrounding riverbank, erasing all evidence of the farm and its occupants. Thus, the Luzo brothers, along with their ally Lillia Venn, were completely wiped out. Lillia's death triggered a millennium-long power struggle known as the Time of the Rot, which devastated much of Keshtah Minor.

Personality and traits

Flen Luzo, like his younger brother Sawj, believed in Sith self-glorification and was skilled with lightsabers. He had a good relationship with Sawj, and both aspired to lead the Sith Sabers. The brothers were large and barrel-chested. Due to their ambitions, they viewed Orielle Kitai as a rival and sought to humiliate and break her. They treated her with disdain and took pleasure in her suffering. Flen and Sawj were known for their cruelty and willingness to kill without hesitation, as demonstrated by their execution of Campion Dey, the High Lords Dernas and Pallima, and Orielle's uvak Shyn.

Behind the scenes

Flen Luzo and his brother Sawj first appeared as minor antagonists in John Jackson Miller's two eBooks Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory and its sequel Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel, released on October 25, 2010 and February 21, 2011, respectively. These are their only known appearances in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Most of their lines are presented from the perspective of Orielle Kitai, one of the series' two main protagonists.

