The clandestine group known as the Jedi Covenant operated from Coruscant during the Old Sith Wars era, and was comprised of Jedi. Krynda Draay founded it following the Great Sith War, as she blamed herself for failing to foresee Exar Kun's descent into the dark side. The Covenant aimed to use Jedi Consulars as Shadows to locate a potential shatterpoint that could enable the Sith's return, and then prevent it at all costs. Their intense hatred for the Sith contradicted the principles of the Jedi Code. They were convinced that if such an organization had existed previously, it could have identified the danger Exar Kun posed while he was still a Jedi.

Krynda Draay, as the Covenant's originator, personally instructed a significant number, if not all, of its most skilled Consulars. However, her fixation prevented her from recognizing the real threat when it eventually materialized. She displayed a particular interest in the Miraluka and was known to house several of them simultaneously for instruction.
The Jedi Order as a whole was unaware of the Covenant's existence and its motivations. Even members of the Jedi Enclave Council and the Jedi High Council were uninformed about it. Nevertheless, Krynda maintained numerous allies throughout the Republic. Despite her separation from the Order, many Jedi sent their students to her for training, although she only accepted the most talented. Seers became scarce after the Sith War, and the available ones required training from the best. Jedi from across the galaxy dispatched students to the Draay Estate, and upon completion of their training, they were granted a trial period within the Order and were frequently accepted.

To prevent the Sith's resurgence, the Covenant was prepared to go to extreme measures. This resolve led the Covenant's First WatchCircle—Feln, Q'Anilia, Raana Tey, Xamar, and Krynda's son Lucien—to execute the Padawan Massacre on Taris. This occurred after the Tarisian Jedi Masters experienced a vision foretelling the destruction caused by the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, and the First Jedi Purge. The massacre appeared to be committed by a Sith Lord clad in red armor, possibly symbolizing that one of their Padawans would succumb to the dark side, especially considering they were all wearing red environmental suits when the visions occurred.
The Padawan Massacre of Taris did not achieve complete success, as one Padawan managed to escape. Much to their astonishment, Lucien's own Padawan, Zayne Carrick, survived. The masters knew he had to be eliminated to ensure their vision did not materialize. After being captured by bounty hunter Valius Ying, Zayne was returned to the Jedi Tower. However, he once again evaded his fate with the assistance of Jarael, who had disguised herself as the Sith Lord from the masters' visions. Consequently, riots erupted on Taris, compelling the Covenant to retreat to Coruscant. Before their departure, they received a message from Zayne, vowing to hunt down each of them, sparing only the one who confessed and cleared his name of the atrocity they had committed. He also warned them that if he did indeed bring about the Jedi Order's downfall, they should remember that it originated with them.

Upon returning to Coruscant, the Covenant members attempted to meet with their leader and associate, Krynda Draay, but were denied entry to her estate. Subsequently, they convened with the Jedi High Council, where Vrook Lamar mandated their separation due to the events that had unfolded on Taris, although the Council remained unaware of the masters' specific actions.
During their separate missions, several Covenant members experienced visions of catastrophic events: Q'Anilia sensed the many deaths on Serroco, Raana suffered nightmares of Zayne's potential revenge, and Lucien was betrayed and captured by his former friend, Arkoh Adasca, who reunited him with Zayne on Omonoth. Zayne later escaped back to Taris after Adasca was killed by his family's own creation.
Upon Zayne's return to Taris, Raana had preemptively ordered Shad Jelavan's younger sister, Shel, to assassinate Zayne. However, the Taris Resistance required everyone's assistance to drive the Mandalorians away from the planet, including fugitives like Zayne. Raana opposed having a "future Sith" as an ally. Raana became the first Covenant member to perish, caught in the explosion of the Jedi Tower on Taris.
Zayne then encountered Celeste Morne, an agent of the Covenant. Lucien had ordered Morne to kill Zayne, but she was unable to do so after witnessing Zayne risk his life to save others. After she fell under the influence of the Muur Talisman, Zayne chose to assist Morne by placing her in stasis until he could find help for her. Before entering stasis, Morne urged Zayne to reach Krynda and halt the Covenant's corruption, believing that she would not have permitted the massacre on Taris. Zayne then resolved to dismantle the Covenant once and for all.
On Coruscant, Haazen (a former "failed" Padawan of Arca Jeth, servant of Barrison Draay, close associate of Barrison's wife Krynda Draay, member of her Jedi Covenant, and the former mentor of her son) secured Lucien a position on the Jedi High Council so that the Covenant's agents could operate without restriction.
Accompanied by his companions, Zayne journeyed to Odryn, the location of the Sanctum of the Exalted, a repository of Sith artifacts. He and Marn Hierogryph gathered as much evidence as possible to expose the Covenant. They were captured by the locals and imprisoned within the Sanctum. Feln arrived and destroyed the Sanctum upon learning that Zayne's allies were returning. His arrogance led to his demise as his own people turned against him and killed him. Zayne departed the planet with several Sith artifacts that the Moomo Brothers had smuggled onto their ship when they initially dropped Zayne off.
Zayne traveled to Coruscant. After evading a Republic fleet tasked with destroying his ship, Zayne and Gryph landed on the planet, only to be apprehended by Xamar. However, this proved advantageous: Xamar confessed to the Jedi Council that Zayne was innocent shortly after capturing him. Xamar realized that the Rogue Moon Prophecy was unfolding and sought to ensure Krynda's safety from it.
Xamar brought both Gryph and Zayne (disguised as a Dark Jedi) to the Draay Estate as part of a plan to get Krynda to safety. After Zayne was revealed to be working for the Jedi Council, members of the Order stormed the Estate. Haazen, secretly a servant of the Sith, seized this opportunity to usurp leadership of the Covenant from Krynda and ordered the Covenant Jedi to destroy the Jedi High Council, falsely claiming that it had been corrupted by the dark side. He commanded them to seize the Council's collection of Sith artifacts. He also exploited a vulnerability in the Vanjervalis Chain to gain control of the Republic fleet in orbit, ordering them to fire upon the Jedi Knights, thereby instigating a civil war among the Jedi that began to devastate Coruscant. Once Haazen had acquired the artifacts, he killed the couriers and prepared to eliminate the Jedi Council, intending to establish an emergency Council under his control. However, Zayne and Lucien outsmarted and killed him, leading to the Covenant's ultimate dissolution.
The Covenant's existence highlighted the dangers of internal cabals within the Jedi Order and strengthened their opposition to the Revanchists.
Unbeknownst to the Covenant, the Sith had not been completely eradicated long before the Great Sith War, contrary to the beliefs of the Order and the Republic. After being driven from Korriban during the final stages of the Great Hyperspace War, remnants of the original Sith Empire had secretly retreated into uncharted space and reorganized and restrengthened under their new leader. For over a millennium, the Sith remained concealed until their surprise attack on the Republic.
The Covenant was also unaware of the Lost Tribe of Sith, descendants of the crew of the Omen who crashed on Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War. When former Covenant Shadow Jelph Marrian accidentally discovered this in 3960 BBY, he attempted to alert the Republic but was chased off by Sith Saber Orielle Kitai, and his starfighter was destroyed, leaving him stranded.
The Jedi Covenant was organized into multiple WatchCircles, each specializing in different types of visions. The five Masters of the Taris Jedi Tower—Lucien Draay, Q'Anilia, Feln, Xamar, and Raana Tey—were known as the First WatchCircle. The first four were considered among the most skilled Consulars within the Jedi Order and were regarded as the Covenant's foremost prognosticators, with Lucien acting as its "hand." Another WatchCircle was referred to as "WatchCircle Vodo," although some masters believed it to be less effective.
The Economic Study Circle was a group of seers employed by the Covenant to analyze fluctuations in the Draay Trust's investments and safeguard it from financial ruin.
In addition to the Seers, the Covenant also employed agents known as Shadows. All records of their existence were expunged, known only to a select few Covenant members. The Shadows were tasked with hunting down Sith treasures, including the Muur Talisman on Taris. Shadow Celeste Morne was known to have destroyed the last copy of the Epistle of Marka Ragnos and recovered Jori Daragon's amulet and the Eye of Horak-mul. Any recovered items had a microtag attached to them and were distinctive Covenant identichips. This was only after these artifacts were coated in Nullification resin.
Haazen, a failed Padawan, was taken under Krynda's wing and became her Hand, responsible for managing the Draay Trust and utilizing contacts and resources to maintain the Covenant's operations.
Each WatchCircle was overseen by a Jedi Guardian holding the title of Executor, who served as a facilitator, managing logistical details to enable the group to perform its duties. Executors were selected from individuals lacking precognitive abilities to prevent them from influencing the WatchCircle's findings. In addition to this role, they reported the WatchCircle's findings and activities to Haazen. Furthermore, they operated independently, providing general security for the Jedi Covenant.