A solitary planet situated within the Outer Rim's Noonian sector, Odryn served as the primary colony world for the bellicose Feeorin species. Distinguished by its extreme climate variations, Odryn's landscape consisted of both dense jungles and towering mountains, where the Feeorin constructed their settlements along the mountainsides. Although often mistakenly considered the Feeorin homeworld, the true origin of the Feeorin had been forgotten; by the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Odryn housed a larger Feeorin population than any other location in the galaxy, leading to the development of a highly conservative and isolated culture. Feeorin existence on Odryn was predominantly tribal until the renowned warrior Feln united the feuding villages under his leadership, thereby achieving the revered status of Exalted. Feln later departed Odryn to undergo training with the Jedi Order, eventually returning to his home planet as both a Jedi Master and a member of the clandestine Jedi group known as the Jedi Covenant. Ultimately, Feln incurred the wrath of his people by offering Odryn's sacred Sanctum of the Exalted for the Covenant's use as a repository for Sith artifacts, and was eventually killed by his own people after destroying the Sanctum to prevent the Covenant's secrets from leaving the planet.

Located within the system bearing its name, in the Noonian sector of the Outer Rim, Odryn was regarded as the original homeworld of the Feeorin species. The topography of Odryn was rugged, featuring mountains and cliffs where the native Feeorin constructed their settlements, and it was also characterized by expansive jungles and forests. Largely cut off from galactic civilization, Odryn was known for its extreme weather conditions; however, by 3963 BBY, the climate had become particularly erratic due to the presence of Sith artifacts in the revered Sanctum of the Exalted, resulting in unusual occurrences such as summer snowfall, monsoons, volcanic ash, and nearly constant rain. The typical climate of the world was actually rather mild, with average temperatures that Humans generally found uncomfortably hot, but which the Feeorin enjoyed. Due to the reclusive nature of Feeorin society, little else was widely known about Odryn, and the few outsiders who returned from the planet spoke of a world that was well-suited for the Feeorin, but not for others. Odryn possessed two moons, with days lasting 41 standard hours and years consisting of 303 local days. The planet had a standard level of gravity.
Despite the common belief that it was the original homeworld of the Feeorin species, Odryn was actually their largest colony world, as their original home had been lost long before recorded history. Until the Mandalorian Wars, Odryn remained largely detached from galactic affairs. Tribal conflicts among Feeorin villages characterized much of Odryn's history, a period that was brought to an end by the actions of a single great warrior named Feln. Feln, who was one of the most powerful Elders in Odryn's history, conquered and unified all neighboring villages under his rule, eventually becoming the Feeorin's revered Exalted: a title given to the oldest, and therefore strongest, of the Feeorin. Feln's martial prowess was so great that his people believed him to possess magical abilities, which, in a way, he did—after his numerous victories on Odryn, a Jedi scout arrived on Odryn and confirmed his Force-sensitivity. Feln soon left Odryn to undergo Jedi training, and eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master while continuing to serve as the Exalted on his home planet. During his time with the Jedi, Feln became a member of the Jedi Covenant, a secret Jedi organization composed of seers dedicated to watching for the rise of the Sith. One of the Covenant's primary objectives was to gather and contain potentially dangerous Sith artifacts, and Feln volunteered Odryn's sacred Sanctum of the Exalted as a storage facility for these items. This decision angered Feln's people, who believed that he was violating their ancient laws by opening their most sacred site—where the spirits of deceased Feeorin were believed to reside—to outsiders, while still keeping it closed to all Feeorin except the Exalted. The presence of one of these Sith artifacts, the Helm of Dathka Graush, caused significant climatic disruptions in the vicinity of the Sanctum.

In 3963 BBY, unexpected events brought the Covenant's adversaries to Odryn, altering the course of future events. In the year prior, the Covenant's First WatchCircle, including Feln, massacred their students on the planet Taris after misinterpreting a vision that suggested one of them would cause the downfall of the Jedi Order. The surviving Padawan, Zayne Carrick, was falsely accused of the murders, becoming one of the most wanted fugitives in the Republic, and began his own mission to expose the Covenant's treachery and clear his name. His quest led him to Jebble, where he encountered Celeste Morne, a Covenant agent, whom he helped to seal within a life-preserving oubliette to protect her from the corrupting influence of the dark artifact known as the Muur Talisman. Although she had been ordered to kill Carrick, Morne began to sympathize with the fugitive and instructed him to take her to Odryn and the researchers at the Sanctum of the Exalted, hoping that they could help her overcome her predicament. After the Mandalorians bombed Jebble shortly afterward, Morne was presumed lost, but Carrick decided to investigate Odryn regardless. By that time, the Covenant had been using Odryn as their primary location for storing and testing Sith artifacts for a decade, making it a crucial resource.
Traveling aboard the starship Moomo Williwaw, Carrick and several companions journeyed to Odryn to explore the Sanctum, circumventing the one-outsider quota by concealing Carrick and his partner, Marn Hierogryph, within their luggage. Upon entering the Sanctum, the outsiders discovered hundreds of Sith artifacts, which Carrick believed could provide the evidence he needed to expose the Covenant. After spending over a day cataloging their findings, Carrick and Hierogryph were captured while attempting to leave and were brought before a vengeful Feln. Feln wanted to execute Carrick immediately to prevent news of the events on Odryn from reaching the public, but he was dissuaded by his main lieutenant, Borjak, who argued that Feeorin tradition dictated that, since Carrick had been inside the Sanctum, he could only be challenged to unarmed combat. Once freed, Carrick resorted to using unfair tactics and fleeing, although Feln eventually managed to catch him. However, before he could deliver the killing blow, Feln was informed that the Moomo Williwaw had been detected at the edge of the system. Fearing that Carrick's friends had returned to raid the Sanctum, Feln felt compelled to resort to the last measure: destroying the Sanctum with pre-set explosives. The resulting explosion, amplified by the dark power of the artifacts within, devastated much of the surrounding area and led Feln's tribesmen to turn against him and kill him. Borjak then became Odryn's new Exalted and led his people to rebuild away from the ruins of the Sanctum.
During the Galactic War several centuries later, the Feeorin people were disturbed by ominous signs, causing considerable panic among the superstitious natives. However, an investigation by an offworld agent revealed that these disturbing signs were the result of enemy operatives attempting to manipulate the Feeorin, and the exposure of this information caused those plans to fail. Sometime later, a Republic corporation established a presence on Odryn to trade in prefabricated goods. Odryn proved to be a profitable market, as the company was able to replicate existing tools at one-hundredth of their original price, leading to the closure of some artisan businesses.

Odryn was the home of the Feeorin, a warlike humanoid sentient species that maintained a relatively primitive, tribal society centered around simple, wooden villages built into the sides of Odryn's cliffs and mountains. Feeorin society was highly traditional and emphasized veneration of elders—according to both Feeorin tradition and biology, the oldest Feeorin were the strongest and, therefore, held the most important and prominent positions on Odryn. The eldest Feeorin, known as the Exalted, was regarded as the leader of Feeorin society, and only he was permitted to enter the sacred Sanctum of the Exalted, where the spirits of deceased Feeorin were believed to reside.
Feeorin society on Odryn was largely closed off to outsiders, which contributed to the limited knowledge about Odryn. Very few Feeorin were known to ever leave Odryn, and those who did typically sought contact only with other Feeorin. However, the Feeorin of Odryn were not entirely isolated from the wider galaxy: they occasionally imported luxury goods and technology from offworld, and their security force carefully monitored any off-world visitors and space traffic around the planet. This security force was believed to be responsible for the disappearances of several ships and their crews that landed on Odryn. Although the planet was almost entirely populated by Feeorin, there was a very small minority of non-Feeorin inhabitants. Odryn, a lush world, was inhabited by a variety of fauna, most notably the Khadarok, a type of furry pack animal used as mounts by the Feeorin.

By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Odryn was still relatively sparsely populated—although the planet housed the largest number of Feeorin in the galaxy, it lacked major cities, and settlements were few and far between. Feeorin settlements were generally primitive, consisting of ramshackle villages with wooden houses built into the sides of mountains and cliffs. One of these villages, the home of the legendary Feeorin warrior Feln, was located near the grand structure known as the Sanctum of the Exalted, a sprawling mountain complex that served as the holiest site for the Feeorin people. The natives believed that the spirits of deceased Feeorin elders continued to reside in the Sanctum, influencing Odryn's seasons. Only the Exalted was allowed to enter the Sanctum, although Feln violated this rule when he permitted agents from the Jedi Covenant to use the structure as a storage facility for Sith artifacts. The Sanctum was destroyed during Feln's battle with Zayne Carrick in 3963 BBY, leading to changes in Feeorin tradition and the role of the Exalted.
The planet Odryn made its first appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Exalted, a story arc within the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, which was written by John Jackson Miller and published in 2008. While the Feeorin species had already existed in the Star Wars canon at that time, Odryn was Miller's original creation. In Exalted, Bong Dazo provided the illustrations of Odryn.