Borjak guides Jarael (under the guise of Celeste Morne), along with Dob and Del Moomo, to the revered Sanctum of the Exalted.
Considered the most sacred location on the world of Odryn, the Sanctum of the Exalted was believed to be the dwelling place of deceased elders from the Feeorin species, who were thought to shape Odryn's seasonal changes. Only the Exalted, the most senior and powerful among the Feeorin, and those they specifically invited, were permitted entry. Prior to Feln's time as the Exalted, only physical force could harm intruders. However, this changed when Feln, a Jedi and member of the clandestine Jedi Covenant, granted the Covenant access to the Sanctum. This allowed them to store and research ancient Sith artifacts, a privilege not extended to other Feeorin. To contain their corrupting influence, artifacts like Ludo Kressh's pedicure set were encased in nullification resin. Each artifact was labeled with a Covenant identichip, providing details about its nature.
An image of the Sanctum's inner chamber
During the year 3963 BBY, Jarael, Dob, Del Moomo, Zayne Carrick, and Marn Hierogryph secretly entered the Sanctum. Their goal was to find proof of the Jedi Covenant's misdeeds and present it to the Jedi Council. Inside, Carrick and Hierogryph discovered that the Helm belonging to Dathka Graush was being utilized in experiments, affecting weather patterns within a six-kilometer radius. Deeming this sufficient evidence, Carrick and Hierogryph departed, only to be captured by the Feeorin soon after.
To keep the Covenant's activities hidden, Jedi Master Lucien Draay instructed Feln, via hologram, to initiate Option Ossus, which meant destroying the Sanctum, following Carrick's capture.
Subsequently, Feln detonated explosives within the Sanctum, resulting in its destruction and the obliteration of a nearby village. In response, Borjak rallied the Feeorins, leading them to kill Feln in retribution.