Del Moomo

During the Mandalorian Wars era, a male Ithorian known as Del Moomo gained notoriety as one half of a bounty hunting team, working alongside his sibling Dob. A distinguishing feature of Del was a red scarf, contrasting with Dob's green one. He also had a scar across his right eye for easy identification. Possessing an innate violent streak that led to their expulsion from their herd, the Moomo Brothers became known for their dim-witted and reckless behavior, making them prominent figures in the Outer Rim criminal underworld. Despite their infighting and questionable success rate, the Moomos secured high-profile assignments, most notably their involvement in the pursuit of Zayne Carrick, a fugitive former Jedi Padawan, in 3963 BBY. Carrick, along with Snivvian criminal Marn Hierogryph, was falsely accused of massacring Jedi trainees on the planet Taris. Raana Tey, a Jedi Master and one of the actual perpetrators, employed the Moomos to monitor Carrick's father, hoping to draw Carrick out. Ignoring Tey's instructions, the Moomos instead abducted Carrick's father on Telerath, a banking world, only to be outsmarted by Carrick and Hierogryph, who successfully rescued their hostage.

In the aftermath of the Telerath incident, an unlikely alliance formed between the Moomos and the two fugitives, despite their earlier conflict. Subsequently, Jervo Thalien, an executive from Lhosan Industries, contracted the Moomos to collaborate with Hierogryph in locating Haydel Goravvus, a Tarisian Senator who had vanished from public view to lead a resistance movement against the Mandalorian siege of Taris. This endeavor led the Moomos to connect with Carrick and become entangled in Resistance activities, ultimately escaping the planet following a failed attempt to bomb Mandalorian headquarters. Motivated by the promise of access to powerful weaponry, the Moomos then joined Carrick's mission to clear his name. Their journey took them to Jebble and Odryn, where they aided in uncovering a secret Jedi conspiracy responsible for the Taris massacre and Carrick's framing. The Moomos accompanied Carrick to Coruscant, where he was eventually exonerated after the Jedi Covenant's plot was revealed to the public. The Moomos received public recognition for their role in apprehending Carrick and Hierogryph during the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic's attempt to suppress the incident, significantly enhancing their reputation.


Early life and exile

The Moomos in one of their typical fights with one another.

Del Moomo, an Ithorian, was not like others of his species, who were known for their pacifism. From a young age, Del showed a propensity for violence. His brother, Dob, was often the victim of his aggression. Del and Dob looked almost identical, but Del had a scar above his right eye. Dob had caused this scar when he shoved Del's head into an operating trash compactor when they were younger. The rivalry between Del and Dob started early. They once tried to kill each other by cycling an airlock while they were both inside. They were revived, but their violent behavior did not stop. Eventually, their herd exiled them. After being exiled, the Moomos became muscle-for-hire and sometimes worked as bounty hunters, even though they had a history of violence.

By 3963 BBY, the Moomo Brothers were famous in the Outer Rim underworld. They were known for being stupid and reckless. During the Mandalorian Wars, Del and Dob worked for several people, including "Bubbles" d'Breen and the Twi'lek pirate Valius Ying. Ying fired them because they were incompetent. The brothers fought all the time, including a big fight on Bogden. To help them with their jobs, the Moomos found a powerful Pelagia Duplex Command Assault Gunship in a scrapyard. They fixed it up and made it their flagship. They added many weapons to the ship, which they called the Moomo Williwaw. Buying the Williwaw was one of the few things the brothers agreed on. But they often fought over who would pilot the ship. The ship had two cockpits, so they would fight for control, causing the ship to spin for hours until they settled their argument.

Trouble on Telerath

The Moomos hold Arvan Carrick aboard the Moomo Williwaw.

Despite their bad reputation, the Moomo Brothers kept getting recommended for high-level jobs in Republic society. In 3963 BBY, they got another chance. Raana Tey, a Jedi Master, hired them to watch Arvan Carrick, a banker. Tey and the Jedi Covenant, a secret Jedi group, were after Carrick's son, Zayne. Zayne, a former Jedi Padawan, was being blamed for a massacre that Tey and other Jedi Masters had committed. He was one of the Republic's most wanted criminals. Tey hoped that targeting Zayne's father would make him come out of hiding so they could capture and kill him. Dob brought Del along on the job because their mother told him to. The Moomos found Carrick on the banking world of Telerath. After watching Carrick for three days, Del got impatient. He wanted to kidnap Carrick, even though they were only supposed to watch him. Del thought it would be easier to grab him and then watch him. This led to an argument with Dob, who thought it was a stupid idea. After arguing, they realized they had lost sight of Carrick. They panicked and chased him down, trying to grab him. One of Carrick's clients tried to fight them off with a frying pan, but Del stunned her with a headbutt so the brothers could take Carrick. They were chased, especially by Zayne Carrick, who had come to Telerath. But Del, carrying Zayne's father, made it back to the Moomo Williwaw.

With Carrick captured, the Moomos called Raana Tey using a holo-call. Tey was furious because they had disobeyed her orders. She told them to stay where they were while she figured out a new plan. She warned them not to do anything. This caused another fight between the brothers. Dob worried that Del's kidnapping plan would cost them their payment. Dob knocked Del out and left him to watch the banker while he got a drink. When Del woke up, he called Raana Tey again. She told him to take off as soon as Dob returned, wait in orbit for her, and let her deal with the "Arvan Carrick problem." But things did not go as planned. Dob met Marn Hierogryph, Zayne's Snivvian "partner," at a nearby bar. Hierogryph tricked him into trading Arvan Carrick for his son Zayne without Del knowing. When Dob got back, Del wanted to listen to Tey and leave right away, but Dob wanted to take the prisoner to make the trade. This led to another fight between the brothers, which distracted Arvan. Arvan escaped with his son Zayne, who had snuck onto the Moomo Williwaw and freed his father.

Trial on Taris

Del Moomo inspects a powerful explosive on Taris.

Even though the Carrick job failed, the Moomo Brothers were soon hired by Jervo Thalien of Lhosan Industries. Del and Dob went to Taris, a planet on the front lines of the war between the Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. The planet was under siege by the Mandalorians. Thalien wanted the Moomos to find Haydel Goravvus, Taris' Senator and the leader of a local resistance. Goravvus used to be a Lhosan executive, and Thalien wanted to get rid of him before he revealed Thalien's illegal dealings that helped Taris become a Republic member. Thalien gave the Moomos a powerful transmitter to contact him because the Mandalorians were blocking most signals from Taris. Thalien also had the Ithorians pick up Marn Hierogryph from Chandrila to help. The Moomos and Hierogryph planned to meet the Hidden Beks, a swoop gang fighting in Taris' Lower City. To find Goravvus, the Beks needed to connect with his Resistance, and they needed something to trade. Zayne Carrick, the wanted criminal, was perfect. So, the group split up: Del and Hierogryph went to Taris to join the Hidden Beks, while Dob and Slyssk, a Trandoshan friend of Hierogryph's, went to Omonoth to find Carrick.

The Moomos' missions rarely went as planned, but this one went smoothly. Del and Hierogryph contacted Gadon Thek, the Bek leader, who welcomed them. Noana Sowrs, Taris' top law enforcement official, was there, which made it hard for the Beks to connect with the Resistance. But Dob and Slyssk found Carrick, who arrived on Taris soon after. Del and Hierogryph had planned to use Carrick as a bargaining chip, but their plans changed. Carrick learned that Brejik, a Hidden Bek lieutenant, had kidnapped Constable Sowrs' two children, which was against Thek's orders. Brejik attacked Carrick when he realized he had been discovered, but Del stopped him. Del wanted to protect his investment in Carrick. Finding Sowrs' missing children was a big opportunity, so Del and the Beks went to the Resistance base. They had to go through a Mandalorian-infested area. Del rode on a swoop bike piloted by Carrick and shot at Mandalorian warriors during a firefight. They reached the Resistance base, but Carrick's arrival caused a problem. Shel Jelavan, a Resistance agent whose brother Shad was one of the Jedi Padawans Carrick supposedly killed, shot at him and hit Thalien's transmitter instead. Moomo tried to protect his "bounty" and aimed blasters at Jelavan, but Raana Tey, who was now with the Resistance, surprised him. Del fired at Tey, but she dodged the shots and destroyed his weapons with her lightsaber. Goravvus stepped in and made a deal between the two sides to work together, which calmed the situation.

Del had succeeded in finding Goravvus. Hierogryph told the Senator that Jervo Thalien had sent them, and the three of them discussed business. Del was supposed to capture and kill Goravvus at the first chance, but Hierogryph did not know this. When Hierogryph activated the transmitter and called Thalien, Del tried to kill the Senator. However, Raana Tey arrived and stopped him. Moomo threw Goravvus at Tey, and during the fight, Thalien tried to set off a big explosive inside the transmitter to get rid of everyone. But the explosive did not go off. Moomo knew a lot about explosives and recognized the device as an MM-40 thermal charge wrapped in detonite. He figured out that Jelavan's earlier shot had broken the detonator. Moomo kept the detonator, and his knowledge of explosives became important to the Resistance's plan. Goravvus learned that Cassus Fett, a top Mandalorian strategist, had come to Taris to watch the operations from the former Jedi Tower in the Upper City. Thalien's detonator could be used to destroy the Tower with Fett inside, so Goravvus tasked Moomo with fixing the detonite cord. Moomo also volunteered to push the button to set off the explosives, which he was excited about.

When the operation began, Moomo was chosen to be part of a small group that went to the Jedi Tower. Moomo, Hierogryph, Thek, and Brejik wired the base of the Tower with explosives while Carrick, Tey, and Jelavan went ahead to make sure Fett was still there. But they learned that the Mandalorians had attacked the Resistance base while they were gone. Moomo saw a chance to shoot at someone, so he left on his swoop bike to chase the Mandalorians, leaving the detonator with Hierogryph. Fett was not there, but Hierogryph used Moomo's explosives anyway, destroying the Tower and killing Raana Tey. Moomo escaped Taris after the Mandalorian attack and met up with his brother on the Moomo Williwaw. Jarael, Rohlan Dyre, and the Jedi Alek, who were Carrick's friends, were also there. Carrick and Hierogryph were missing. Several weeks after the mission to the Jedi Tower, the Moomos flew the Williwaw to Jebble and rescued Carrick and Hierogryph from rakghoul beasts before the Mandalorians destroyed the planet.

Squabble at the Sanctum; clash at Coruscant

Del and Dob Moomo attempt to steal a number of Sith artifacts from the Sanctum of the Exalted.

The Moomo brothers did not really care about Carrick's mission to clear his name. They only helped him because he promised them powerful weapons that they could sell. This was partly true. Their next stop was Odryn, a primitive world where Carrick had learned that the Jedi Covenant was storing Sith artifacts. The Feeorin natives were fiercely independent and did not like outsiders. They had an agreement with the Covenant that allowed only one foreigner per visit. But the group found a way around this rule. Jarael pretended to be Celeste Morne, a Covenant agent. The Moomo brothers carried Carrick and Hierogryph inside their laundry hamper. When Borjak, the local Feeorin chief, threatened violence, Jarael beat him. Borjak reluctantly led them to the Sanctum of the Exalted, the storehouse. Inside, they found many Sith artifacts. Dob and Del were disappointed and wanted to take and sell all the artifacts. But Carrick convinced them not to by telling them that he had seen one of them destroy an entire army on Jebble. The Moomos and Jarael went back to the Moomo Williwaw, leaving Carrick and Hierogryph to document their findings. On their way out, the Moomos filled their hamper with artifacts. This was helpful later. The Moomo Williwaw returned to find the Sanctum destroyed after a fight between Carrick and the Covenant Jedi Master Feln. All the evidence was gone. By hiding the artifacts, the Moomos had saved Carrick's hope of clearing his name.

The group took the Moomo Williwaw to Coruscant, the Republic capital, hoping to find someone to hear their case. But their arrival was expected. Republic warships surrounded Coruscant. A Republic starfighter squadron engaged them. The Moomos fought back in the Williwaw's gun turrets, but Carrick told them to shoot to disable. They seemed trapped, but Carrick came up with a plan to reach Coruscant by tricking the Republic forces. The Williwaw, with the Moomos and Jarael aboard, changed course and headed straight for the Republic flagship, crash-landing in the ship's hangar. Carrick and Hierogryph slipped past the Republic cordon in a small shuttle. On Coruscant, Carrick and Hierogryph cleared their names, which was good for the Moomos. The Jedi Order was embarrassed by the reveal of the secret Jedi Covenant conspiracy, and they paid off the bounties on Carrick and Hierogryph. The Jedi also paid the Moomos, who were officially credited with capturing the two fugitives. This significantly improved their reputations.

Personality and traits

Del Moomo (right) with his brother Dob.

Del Moomo's most noticeable feature, setting him apart from his brother, was a scar that marked his right eye, coupled with his signature red scarf, a contrast to Dob's ever-present green one. A member of Del Moomo's own herd once quipped, "The most generous statement one can make about the Moomo Brothers is that they serve as a stark reminder against stereotyping based on species." This was because, contrary to the Ithorian's peaceful reputation, Del and Dob displayed a pronounced inclination towards violence from a very young age, though their primary targets were usually each other. The Moomo siblings were in constant conflict ever since they were younglings, resisting all attempts at reform and frequently jeopardizing each other's lives. Del fancied himself the brains of the operation, a sentiment Dob mirrored—both, according to Marn Hierogryph, were mistaken. Their arguments often centered around intelligence, with fierce debates over whose plans to implement, each belittling the other's intellect. Yet, their collaboration persisted despite their mutual aggression, providing Del with a sense of reassurance, even in perilous circumstances, as he was convinced Dob would eliminate him before anyone else could.

However, like his sibling, Del possessed a tendency for impulsiveness and impatience, which, when combined with his lack of intelligence, contributed to the Moomo brothers' status as figures of ridicule within the Outer Rim's criminal circles. While they were notorious for their aggression and recklessness, both Moomos exhibited remarkable talent with weapons, and Del was a specialist in the field of explosives. Del's passion was bombs, possessing the ability to not only identify various explosive types instantly but also to modify and repair them with expertise. Both Moomo brothers had an obsession with weaponry, and the acquisition of powerful arms—and the funds to secure them—held greater significance than anything else, including his relationships with Marn Hierogryph and Zayne Carrick. Consequently, Del was fiercely protective of his potential earnings, often placing himself in harm's way to safeguard his interests. Del's other interests included food—a costly indulgence in his brother's view—and pazaak, a card game in which Del frequently cheated Dob. Moomo was proficient in both Basic and Ithorese.

Behind the scenes

Del Moomo's character made his debut in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion, a story arc within the Knights of the Old Republic comic book series, penned by John Jackson Miller and published in 2006. Throughout his appearances in Knights of the Old Republic, Del typically appeared alongside his brother Dob, with their appearances being nearly identical—Del was distinguished by a red scarf and a scar over his eye, while Dob sported a blue scarf and lacked a scar. However, this distinction was inadvertently reversed in the Moomo brothers' first appearance, where Del was depicted with a blue scarf and no scar. Miller attributed this error to the simultaneous production of the issues, with pages being returned from two different artists. During his appearances in Knights of the Old Republic, Moomo was drawn by six different artists: Brian Ching, Harvey Tolibao, Dustin Weaver, Scott Hepburn, Bong Dazo and [Alan Robinson] (alan_robinson)

