Arvan Carrick

Arvan Carrick was a male Human banker hailing from the planet Phaeda, who lived during the Mandalorian Wars period. He married Reiva Carrick and became the father to five children, one of whom was his son, Zayne. At the young age of five, Zayne was accepted for Jedi training. Carrick dedicated years to his work at a bank on Phaeda, while Zayne pursued the path of a Jedi on Taris, until the devastating events of 3964 BBY. In that year, Zayne's entire class was massacred by their own Jedi Masters, with Zayne miraculously surviving. Now a fugitive, Zayne was falsely accused of the massacre, making him one of the most sought-after individuals in the galaxy.

Carrick, steadfast in his belief of his son's innocence, was unexpectedly transferred to Telerath, a renowned resort world and a corporate gem. Carrick suspected that this transfer was related to Zayne's situation. Just a few weeks later, Carrick was reunited with his son, who had come to Telerath to recover funds from a frozen account belonging to his Snivvian criminal "associate", Marn Hierogryph. Subsequently, Carrick was abducted by a pair of Ithorian bounty hunters, the Moomo Brothers, who had been hired by the Jedi Master Raana Tey to keep an eye on Zayne's father. However, Zayne swiftly rescued him from the hunters' clumsy ship. Following this, Carrick assisted his son and Hierogryph in retrieving the money and later relocated to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine at his son's request, to work there.


Family tragedy

Arvan Carrick's only son, Zayne

A male Human from the planet Phaeda, Arvan Carrick was employed as a banker during the Mandalorian Wars era. He eventually married a woman named Reiva, with whom he fathered five children, including four daughters. Their third child, and only son, Zayne, was born in 3982 BBY. Demonstrating [Force potential](/article/force-sensitive-legends] from an early age, shortly after his fifth birthday, Zayne was taken to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine with the hope of being accepted for Jedi training. Despite Jedi Master Vandar Tokare acknowledging Zayne's limited connection to the Force, he was impressed by the child's ability to form connections with others, leading to his acceptance into the Jedi Order. By 3964 BBY, Zayne had become a Padawan stationed at the Jedi Tower on Taris, training under Master Lucien Draay. Meanwhile, Carrick continued his work at the bank, maintaining contact with his son and visiting him on at least one occasion.

In that year, Zayne was nearing the completion of his Jedi training, awaiting the decision on his promotion to the rank of Jedi Knight. The five Jedi Masters of the Jedi Tower organized a banquet and a private ceremony for the occasion, to which Carrick and his wife were invited but unable to attend. During the ceremony, four of the five Padawans in the Taris Jedi class were murdered by their own Masters; Zayne, arriving late, was the sole survivor. He was then falsely blamed for the massacre and forced into hiding as a wanted fugitive of the Galactic Republic. Back on Phaeda, Carrick and his family remained steadfast in their belief of Zayne's innocence. A few weeks after the news of the massacre, Carrick was unexpectedly transferred to Telerath, after working at the same bank without notice for years. Telerath, a corporate crown jewel and the focus of the Telerath Interstellar Banking Initiative, was not only a banking hub but also a resort destination, where clients enjoyed luxurious accommodations while meeting with representatives. Carrick arrived on Telerath before his family and began working as a "personal dispute resolution advocate."


Arvan Carrick, kidnapped by the Moomo Brothers

After a brief period on Telerath, Carrick was assigned a peculiar case involving a pair of Arkanian Offshoots, "Chantique" and "Baron Margryph," who claimed that the baron's account had been frozen due to the similarity of his name to Marn Hierogryph, a Snivvian criminal believed to be Zayne's accomplice. While Carrick attempted to resolve their issue, he was suddenly attacked by the Ithorian bounty hunters, the Moomo Brothers, who had been hired by Jedi Master Raana Tey, one of those responsible for the Padawan Massacre, to monitor him. Disobeying Tey's instructions to simply observe him, the Moomos kidnapped Carrick. His new clients pursued them but failed to catch the Moomos. However, Carrick was shocked to see his son, Zayne, also present, attempting to rescue him from the bounty hunters. Ultimately, the Moomos escaped with Carrick, taking him to their ship, the Moomo Williwaw.

Once aboard the ship, Carrick was tied up and left in the cargo hold under the watch of Del Moomo. Meanwhile, Zayne and Marn Hierogryph, who was also on Telerath, devised a plan to free Carrick. Hierogryph met with Dob Moomo at a nearby cantina to arrange an exchange: Zayne for his father. As the meeting progressed, Zayne sneaked onto the Moomo Williwaw and freed his father. By this time, a drunken Del had returned to the ship to retrieve Carrick. When Hierogryph arrived with a hooded figure posing as Zayne, Del realized something was amiss and began arguing with his brother. Zayne then used telekinesis to strike the brothers with an object, and as they fought, he seized the opportunity to escape with his father. The group returned to Zayne's ship, The Last Resort, where Carrick learned the full story. "Chantique" and "Baron Margryph"—the latter of whom had impersonated Zayne during the escape—were actually named Jarael and Camper and had been traveling with Zayne and Hierogryph since shortly after the massacre. Still on the run, the group was on Telerath to withdraw funds from Hierogryph's frozen account. Zayne was unaware that his father was working on Telerath, and it was purely coincidental that he had been assigned to their case.

Aiding his son

Arvan Carrick and his son, Zayne, aboard The Last Resort

With the immediate threat resolved, Carrick was able to access the account. At his son's request, Carrick transferred a portion of Zayne's share to Shel Jelavan, a friend from Taris whose brother had been killed in the massacre. After learning that Raana Tey had hired the Moomo Brothers to target his father, Zayne suggested that Carrick relocate to Dantooine, believing that the family would be safer from the rogue Jedi Masters there. Though initially hesitant, Carrick agreed and was warmly welcomed by Master Vandar Tokare. Sympathetic to the Carrick family's situation, Tokare assigned Carrick to manage the Jedi Enclave's finances. Carrick worked as Tokare's accountant for some time, eventually investigating the Draay Trust—the financial trust holding the fortune of the Draay family, including Zayne's former Master, Lucien Draay—at Tokare's request. Carrick discovered a significant amount of previously unknown wealth within the trust, which Tokare suspected could have been used to create Jedi shadow agents loyal only to the Draays.

Zayne eventually cleared his name and chose to forgo the opportunity to rejoin the Jedi Order, instead opting to enter business with his friend, Marn Hierogryph. Carrick's son also had another project in mind—an initiative he called the Rogue Moon Project, an organization dedicated to assisting refugees, wrongly accused fugitives, and other individuals in need. To this end, Carrick helped manage his son's finances, investing money that Zayne acquired from a con on the Metellos Exchange auction house and from a bounty collected on the "Corellian Strangler," Toki Tollivar. This money funded a headquarters for the Rogue Moon Project, concealed within a warehouse on Coruscant.

Personality and traits

Following his son's alleged crimes on Taris, Arvan Carrick and his family refused to believe that Zayne was guilty, and even if he was, they believed he had been coerced into committing the acts. Although deeply affected by his son's situation, Carrick concealed his emotions while working on Telerath. His transfer to Telerath was unexpected, leading him to believe it was related to his son rather than his own merits. As a representative, Carrick was courteous to his clients and tolerant of "Baron Margryph's" frequent outbursts. Carrick was defenseless against the Moomo Brothers and easily kidnapped. While being escorted to the Moomo Williwaw, Carrick was astonished to see his son, Zayne, who later rescued him. Carrick was initially hesitant to move to Dantooine as Zayne suggested but ultimately agreed, trusting his son's judgment for the family's safety. Carrick had light skin with brown hair and eyes, and he sported a mustache during his time on Telerath.

Behind the scenes

Arvan Carrick made his first appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion, the third story arc of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, written by John Jackson Miller and published from December 2006 to January 2007. Carrick had been mentioned in previous installments as the father of protagonist Zayne Carrick, but he was not identified as Arvan Carrick until Reunion. In the two issues of Reunion, Carrick was drawn by two different artists, Brian Ching and Harvey Tolibao. Carrick was subsequently mentioned in several later Knights of the Old Republic issues.

