Dob Moomo

title: Dob Moomo

Dob Moomo was a male Ithorian, sibling to Del. A defining characteristic was Dob's ever-present green scarf, contrasting with Del's signature red one. During the tumultuous period of the Mandalorian Wars, they operated as bounty hunters, known collectively as the Moomo Brothers, though their success in the field was notably limited.


In their youth, the brothers were exiled from their herd for its protection. As they departed their home, their mother tasked Dob with ensuring Del's safety, a responsibility Dob questioned the necessity of.

In the year 3963 BBY, Raana Tey engaged their services to monitor Arvan Carrick on Telerath, a strategy intended to draw out the Jedi Zayne Carrick. Impatient with observation, the pair opted to capture Arvan directly, an action that earned them a reprimand from Raana Tey for deviating from the plan. This frustration led to a brief altercation between Dob and Del, with Dob emerging victorious and instructing his brother to guard their captive while he sought refreshment.

At a local tavern, Dob encountered Marn Hierogryph. Gryph, capitalizing on Dob's inebriated state, persuaded him to deliver Zayne Carrick personally, excluding Del from the arrangement. However, Zayne outmaneuvered Dob, reaching his ship, the Moomo Williwaw, and freeing his father. Gryph then revealed Dob's treachery by bringing a disguised Camper to the ship and calling out for Dob. Zayne then caused a box to fall onto Dob, referencing an old incident from Bogden. As Zayne and Arvan made their escape, Dob and Del engaged in another fight.

Subsequently, the Moomo brothers were hired by Jervo Thalien, the leader of Lhosan Industries, to abduct Marn Hierogryph from the streets of Chandrila, facilitating a joint effort to locate Senator Gorravus on Mandalorian-occupied Taris. Thalien also gave them Zayne Carrick's location on Omonoth. Dob, aboard the Moomo Williwaw with Trandoshan Slyssk, helped Zayne and his companions escape the collapsing Arkanian Legacy. Upon their return to Taris, Dob remained on the ship in orbit. When the Taris Resistance was ambushed by Cassus Fett, Constable Noana Sowrs compensated Del and Dob to transport her children to Alderaan. After completing this mission, they returned to collect Zayne and Gryph from Jebble.

With everyone now aboard, they vowed to aid Zayne in clearing his name and exposing the Jedi Covenant. They piloted their ship to Odryn, where [Jarael](/article/jarael] adopted the guise of Celeste Morne, and the Moomo Brothers - posing as hired muscle carrying a crate, ostensibly containing the Muur Talisman, but actually their laundry hamper - with Zayne and Gryph concealed inside. Upon entering the Sanctum of the Exalted, the Moomos attempted to seize as many Sith artifacts as possible, but Zayne intervened, cautioning them about the artifacts' inherent danger. Disregarding his warning, they surreptitiously acquired a considerable number of artifacts, a fortunate act, as shortly thereafter Feln destroyed the Sanctum, believing Zayne's allies had returned to plunder it.

Del and Dob later flew the Moomo Williwaw to Coruscant, where the ship was fired upon by the Republic blockade. Intercepted by Lance Squadron, the Moomo Brothers returned defensive fire under Zayne's strict orders to avoid harming anyone. To get Zayne past the blockade, Jarael, Del, and Dob flew the ship into the hangar of the Swiftsure, where they were promptly apprehended. This created the diversion necessary for Zayne, Gryph, and Slyssk to descend to the planet in another ship. Following the conclusion of Vindication, Del and Dob received official payment from the Republic for delivering Zayne and Gryph. Subsequently, the Moomos once again parted ways with Zayne's group.

Personality and traits

Dob, mirroring his brother Del, harbored a strong fascination with weapons of all types. They rarely used the same weapon twice, instead favoring new additions from their collection. While neither Moomo was particularly skilled, Dob was known for his extensive knowledge of melee weapons.

Behind the scenes

John Jackson Miller noted a discrepancy in the scarfs worn by Del and Dob Moomo. In Reunion, Part 1, Dob is depicted wearing a red scarf and bearing a scar across his eye, while Del wears a blue scarf. However, in part 2, Dob is shown with a green scarf and no scar, and Del with a red scarf and a scar. Miller has confirmed that the brother with the green scarf is Dob and the one with the red scarf is Del. He indicated that this would remain consistent in any future appearances. The color of Dob's scarf in part 2 has been corrected in the trade paperback, but the inconsistencies in the brothers' dialogue have not. Miller explained that resolving these inconsistencies was too complex, advising readers to disregard the identifying features from Part 1.

