Noana Sowrs

Noana Sowrs, a Human female, held the position of Constable and served as the chief law enforcement officer on the Outer Rim planet Taris during the Mandalorian Wars. By 3964 BBY, this married mother of two children had risen to lead the Taris Civil Authority, facing the challenge of a growing swoop gang problem in Lower City. That year, a massacre occurred at the Upper City's Jedi Tower, targeting the graduating class. Sowrs led the hunt for Zayne Carrick, the accused killer and former Jedi Padawan, but Carrick's escape sparked riots and the withdrawal of the Jedi from Taris. Although Sowrs' children were kidnapped amidst the chaos, this paled in comparison to the subsequent siege of Taris by Mandalorian warrior clans; Sowrs then joined a makeshift resistance group in Lower City, headed by Senator Haydel Goravvus.

Amidst the relentless Mandalorian attacks, Sowrs and the Taris Resistance allied with the powerful Hidden Beks swoop gang, who returned Sowrs' children to gain favor. With the combined forces, Sowrs helped orchestrate a surprise strike to assassinate Cassus Fett, a key Mandalorian strategist. However, the Resistance was outmaneuvered and suffered a crushing defeat in an ambush. Sowrs survived and ensured her children's escape from Taris, but was forced to flee into the Undercity, a rakghoul-infested wasteland. There, she was cornered and infected with the rakghoul plague by a pack of rakghouls, before being killed by Jedi Shadow Celeste Morne.


Keeping the peace

Constable Noana Sowrs during the pursuit of Zayne Carrick.

During the Mandalorian Wars, Noana Sowrs, a native of the planet Taris, served as a law enforcement official within the Taris Civil Authority. By the year 3964 BBY, Sowrs, who was married, had two young children named Nahk and Tallie. Her career in law enforcement eventually led her to the position of Constable, making her Taris' top law enforcement officer. As Constable, Sowrs faced increasing challenges from the widespread swoop gang activity in the Lower City. She had been assisting in the supervision of policing efforts by the Jedi Padawan class at the Jedi Tower in the Upper City, and expressed hope in the Taris Holofeed that the apprentices would remain on Taris after achieving Knighthood to aid in controlling the gangs. However, these hopes were shattered when the class was killed in a prominent massacre during their knighting ceremony. Zayne Carrick, the sole survivor, was accused of the crime, and he and his Snivvian "accomplice," Marn Hierogryph, became the targets of a large-scale manhunt. Although Carrick was, in reality, an innocent scapegoat framed by the Masters of the Tower, Constable Sowrs believed the Masters' account and collaborated with them to track down Carrick and Hierogryph, assuring them of their imminent capture.

Sowrs delivered on her promise, locating Carrick in the Lower City and cornering him and Hierogryph in a desolate junkyard known as Junk Junction. Despite being outnumbered and facing the power of the Jedi Masters, Carrick and Hierogryph managed to escape in a concealed junk hauler owned by Arkanian Offshoot locals Jarael and Gorman "Camper" Vandrayk, breaking through the police cordon into interstellar space. As Sowrs' patrol cruiser was not designed for space travel, she had no choice but to abandon the pursuit as the craft reached temporary safety in an asteroid field. Carrick later surrendered to bounty hunter Valius Ying and was returned to Taris to face the Jedi Masters amidst intense media coverage and public outrage. However, Hierogryph, Jarael, and Vandrayk rescued Carrick from immediate execution, and the four fled Taris permanently. Carrick's escape undermined public trust in the Jedi and Taris law enforcement, leading to widespread riots that overwhelmed the Civil Authority. Within three weeks, the riots had spread to the Middle City, where rioters kidnapped Sowrs' children. Little remained to stop the lawlessness, as half of Sowrs' force had deserted, the other half had retreated to the Upper City, and the Jedi Tower Masters had been recalled to Coruscant.

Fight or flight

Within a few weeks, the riots in the Middle City would become the least of Taris' worries. The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, who were beginning a war for supremacy against the Galactic Republic, interpreted the Jedi's departure from Taris as an opportunity to attack, and they besieged Taris as the opening move of the Mandalorian Wars. Still seeking her children, Sowrs joined an armed resistance led by Senator Haydel Goravvus, which established a territory in the Lower City to fight the Mandalorian invaders. Although Sowrs quickly became one of Goravvus' top lieutenants, she actively tried to cut off the Resistance's connections with local swoop gangs also fighting the Mandalorians, believing they were responsible for her children's disappearances and intending to uphold Tarisian law despite the circumstances. However, as the Mandalorians continued their relentless attacks on the Resistance's territory, the Hidden Beks swoop gang contacted the Resistance. The presence of Zayne Carrick with the Bek detachment caused a brief standoff, which ended when Bek leader Gadon Thek revealed that he had brought Sowrs' two children with him.

Celeste Morne strikes down a mutated Noana Sowrs in the Undercity.

Sowrs was overjoyed to be reunited with Nahk and Tallie, a moment that, according to Thek, had been facilitated by Carrick, who had returned to Taris to reconnect with his old friend Marn Hierogryph. In reality, they had been kidnapped for ransom by one of Thek's top lieutenants, Brejik, against Thek's orders. Thek brought the children to the Resistance base in a police speeder that was also Sowrs', and had been stolen during the riots. This was Thek's way of ingratiating himself with the Resistance and protecting Carrick from Raana Tey, one of the Jedi Tower Masters who was also working with the Resistance. Sowrs decided to set aside her distrust of the swoop gangs and follow Goravvus' lead when he decided to join forces with the Beks. After the reunion, Sowrs, Goravvus, and Thek learned that Cassus Fett, a top Mandalorian strategist, had arrived on Taris to personally oversee the siege effort. They convened a meeting of the Resistance and the Beks to devise a plan to seize the opportunity and assassinate Fett. Sowrs provided the layout of the Jedi Tower, where Fett had established operations, and together they planned a mission in which a small strike team, including Thek and Carrick, would scout the Tower and then detonate the building with explosives if Fett was still inside.

Carrick's reconnaissance mission revealed that Fett had already left, and the Mandalorians launched a surprise attack on the Resistance's base. Sowrs survived the initial strike and, in the ensuing chaos, paid Ithorian bounty hunter Del Moomo to transport Nahk and Tallie back to his ship, the Moomo Williwaw, and from there to her husband on Alderaan, away from the war. There was only one remaining spot on Moomo's shuttle. Although the spot was offered to Senator Goravvus, he declined to abandon Taris, and Sowrs refused to leave him behind. Instead, Sowrs sent Resistance operative Shel Jelavan to watch over her children, bidding them farewell and retreating from the Mandalorian ambush. The Mandalorian assault was relentless, forcing Sowrs and the remaining Resistance survivors into the Undercity, a rakghoul-infested wasteland. Isolated and armed only with a blaster, Sowrs attempted to survive in the Undercity but was eventually hunted down by a large pack of rakghouls, who trapped her in a dark corner. A Jedi operative named Celeste Morne happened upon the scene and saved Sowrs from the rakghouls, only to discover that Sowrs had been bitten and infected with the rakghoul plague, which would transform her into one of the beasts within moments. Finding solace in the fact that her children were safe, Sowrs pleaded with Morne to end her life before she changed, but Morne waited until she mutated into a rakghoul before striking her down.

Personality and traits

Noana Sowrs, an unforgiving and pragmatic law enforcer, was singularly focused on maintaining peace and apprehending criminals on Taris. This drove her deep distrust of the swoop gangs in the Lower City, as she consistently struggled to control them and ultimately—correctly, as it turned out—blamed them for the disappearance of her children. Even as the Mandalorians besieged the planet, Sowrs was determined to uphold Tarisian law, continuing to view Gadon Thek and his associates as criminals even as they fought to liberate Taris from the invaders. Beyond her role as Constable, Sowrs was a devoted mother who prioritized her children's safety after rescuing them from the Hidden Beks. However, her commitment to Senator Goravvus and his Resistance outweighed her need to stay by their side, as she chose not to abandon him on Taris after the Mandalorian ambush, instead sending her children away from the planet with Shel Jelavan. Despite the separation from her children, Sowrs found comfort in the fact that they were safe from the war, and her final thoughts were of reassurance regarding their security. Sowrs had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.

Behind the scenes

Noana Sowrs was initially introduced in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition and made her first physical appearance in Knights of the Old Republic 3, the third issue of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, written by John Jackson Miller and released in 2007. Sowrs later reappeared in Knights of the Old Republic 23 and Knights of the Old Republic 25; the latter issue marked the first use of her given name and her death. In her three appearances in the Knights of the Old Republic series, Sowrs was illustrated by Brian Ching, Dustin Weaver, and Scott Hepburn.

