
Brejik, during the Jedi Civil War era, was at the helm of the Black Vulkars. This swoop gang operated out of the Lower City on Taris, and under Brejik's command, they engaged in a gang war against their rivals, the Hidden Beks. He formerly served as lieutenant to Gadon Thek, who was the leader of the Hidden Beks, but Brejik turned to the Black Vulkars when his mentor declined to retire and let him take over. As the Black Vulkars' leader, the war he initiated brought immense chaos to the Lower City. His capture and enslavement of Jedi Knight Bastila Shan prompted the intervention of Republic agents Revan and Carth Onasi, which ultimately caused his downfall.


Mandalorian resistance

Brejik in 3963 BBY.

In the time leading up to the Mandalorian attack on Taris, Brejik took Sector Constable Noana Sowrs's children, intending to hold them for ransom and make a profit, as Gadon had instructed him. However, before he could make any demands, riots erupted on the planet. Instead of releasing the children, Brejik decided to keep them until he had a chance to contact the constable. He enlisted the help of fellow gang member Griff Vao to assist him in caring for the children and keeping his secret. When the Mandalorians launched their invasion, Brejik joined the other Beks in resisting them.

Soon after, Griff's sister Mission learned about her brother's secret activities, and shortly after Zayne Carrick arrived, she followed him with Zayne and his companion Marn Hierogryph. To keep his secret from being revealed, Brejik attacked Zayne with a vibrosword, but Del Moomo intervened before he could kill the former Padawan.

Although Gadon was angry that Brejik had not only kidnapped the children but also kept them hidden, he realized that they presented a good opportunity to persuade the Taris Resistance to form an alliance with their gang. Brejik accompanied the other Beks to the Resistance headquarters, where the temporary alliance was established. Brejik later participated in the mission to destroy the Jedi Tower, where he helped set up explosives in its foundation to bring the building down, hoping to kill Mandalorian military leader Cassus Fett. However, the mission failed because Fett had already left the building, and the Mandalorians had discovered and attacked the Resistance headquarters. Always eager to use his blaster, Brejik led Del Moomo back to the compound to fight the Mandalorians and return to the Beks' fallback point, the Pit.


Sometime between the Siege of Taris in 3962 BBY and the Sith occupation in 3956 BBY, Gadon Thek was involved in a serious swoop racing accident, which left him blind. This disability led many in the Hidden Beks, including Brejik, to expect him to retire. However, when Thek restored his vision with cybernetic implants, he refused to step down and make way for Brejik's succession, believing that Brejik was not yet ready. Outraged and impatient, Brejik decided not to wait any longer and defected to the rival gang, the Black Vulkars, taking many of the dissatisfied younger Beks with him.

Soon after, Brejik seized control as the new leader of the Black Vulkars with the help of his followers and initiated a devastating gang war with the Hidden Beks in an attempt to conquer the entire Lower City. Unlike the Beks, the Vulkars openly engaged in activities such as illicit drugs and slavery, and they fired indiscriminately at both gang members and civilians. Thek wondered if the gang war could have been avoided if he had chosen to step down, but Zaerdra pointed out that Brejik would have simply led the Beks against the Vulkars anyway; Brejik wanted this gang war to unite all the Lower City Gangs under his control.

Capture of a Jedi

In 3956 BBY, during the Jedi Civil War, the Sith Empire ambushed a Galactic Republic cruiser, the Endar Spire, hoping to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan who was on board, as her unique ability of battle meditation was crucial to the Republic's war efforts. As Sith forces boarded the Endar Spire, Republic officers, including Shan, retreated to Taris in escape pods. Shan's pod specifically crash-landed in the Undercity. Within hours of the crash, Black Vulkars arrived to scavenge the pods and found Shan alive. Hoping to sell her into slavery, they captured the Jedi and brought her to Brejik.

Although Brejik did not realize that Shan was a Jedi, he recognized her as a Republic officer and, therefore, a prisoner too valuable to simply sell to the Exchange or on the slave market. He came up with a plan to offer her as the grand prize of that year's annual swoop race, the Tarisian Season Opener, hoping that this would gain the loyalty of many of the smaller gangs, which could strengthen his forces against the Hidden Beks. With this scheme in mind, Brejik took steps to hide Shan in a secure location away from the Black Vulkar Base until the day of the swoop race, not even trusting his own subordinates to be near her.

Meanwhile, the Hidden Beks developed a prototype swoop accelerator that was expected to be far superior to the engines of all other swoop bikes in the race. Because the accelerator was designed to guarantee victory for the biker using it, the Black Vulkars stole it for themselves. With the prototype engine secured, Brejik hoped that the prize he offered would eventually fall back to the Vulkars anyway. However, he had not anticipated the intervention of Revan and Captain Carth Onasi, two other Republic soldiers who had survived the destruction of the Endar Spire.

Determined to rescue Shan, Revan and Onasi allied themselves with the Hidden Beks when Gadon Thek told them that their only hope was to win the Great Swoop Race by stealing back the prototype accelerator. With the help of the Twi'lek girl Mission Vao and her best friend, the Wookiee Zaalbar, the group infiltrated the Black Vulkar Base and killed Kandon Ark, the Vulkar in charge of the garage, to retrieve the accelerator. Brejik had lost the accelerator back to Thek just a day before the Great Swoop Race.

The Tarisian Season Opener

Before the race, Brejik discovered that Shan was a Jedi. As a result, when he had her brought out to be displayed in a cage at the swoop platform on the day of the Tarisian Season Opener, he restrained her with a neural disruptor collar, designed to disrupt her mental capacity and prevent her from using her Force powers to escape. He also ordered the guard to prevent anyone from approaching to speak with her, even though the collar also left her practically unconscious anyway.

At the Great Swoop Race, even the Vulkars' best racer, Redros, could not compete against Revan, whose swoop bike was equipped with the experimental accelerator. Despite being entirely new to the sport, Revan won the race and the grand prize, Bastila Shan. The furious Brejik then appeared, announcing to everyone that he was withdrawing the victory prize because Revan, he claimed, had cheated with his unique accelerator. Despite this accusation, the audience, including the race announcer, were appalled by what they saw as Brejik's sacrilegious violation of swoop racing traditions.

It was then that Shan suddenly interrupted the commotion by breaking free from her neural disruptor collar and her cage. As she proceeded to kill her guard and seize his vibro double-blade, the shocked Brejik rallied all the Black Vulkars present and called for them to slaughter the Jedi, Revan, and all the Hidden Beks. In the intense fight that followed, neither Brejik nor any of his cronies survived.


Despite Brejik's betrayal, his former mentor Gadon Thek mourned his death, spending time alone in his personal chambers to grieve. As Zaerdra explained to Revan and Mission, Thek likely hoped that Brejik would eventually reform, in which case he would have readily forgiven him. The decisive Bek victory led to a surge in recruitment immediately after the race.

The Hidden Beks took care to warn Revan and his companions to be wary of the surviving Black Vulkars, who would likely target them in revenge. However, the war between the two gangs would ultimately be brought to an end soon after, not because of Brejik's death, but because of the massive Sith bombardment and destruction of Taris.

Skills and abilities

Brejik was no stranger to combat and was accustomed to firing rapid volleys of blaster bolts at his enemies. He was skilled with a vibroblade and was particularly trained in taking advantage of opportunities when an enemy was outflanked or striking when an opponent was off-guard. Nevertheless, his martial skills, while proficient, were no match for a Jedi Knight and an amnesiac former Sith Lord.


Throughout the Mandalorian Wars and the gang war between the Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars, Brejik wore a military suit, which was a standard sturdy and durable suit of armor for its time. His personal belt and arm band, together, created a mild barrier against bludgeoning and slashing attacks, while his gloves were designed to improve his hand-eye coordination. As was common at the time, he fought using a basic blaster pistol with a vibroblade as a sidearm in case his enemies got too close.

Behind the scenes

Brejik is a significant antagonist on Taris in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where he is voiced by veteran voice actor Nathan Carlson.

In the non-canonical dark side playthrough, during the quest to rescue Bastila Shan, Revan accepts Kandon Ark's offer to betray Gadon Thek upon meeting him at the Black Vulkar garage in an attempt to steal back the prototype accelerator. Ark's deal is for Revan to kill Thek in exchange for being allowed to race for Shan on the side of the Black Vulkars using the prototype accelerator, along with a bonus of 500 credits. Like Thek, Brejik allows Revan to ride the modified swoop bike primarily because it is unstable and may explode, killing the rider. Regardless, even if Revan wins, the gang leader will still withdraw the prize, but under a different justification: that Shan is a Jedi and too dangerous to be a slave to any winner. While he assures Revan that he will compensate him in some other way, Shan will still break free from her restraints at that moment, provoking Brejik into calling for an attack against her, the Hidden Beks, and, curiously, Revan as well.

The video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which takes place 300 years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic, introduces a swoop racer named Milos Brejik, but states that he survived the destruction of Taris; therefore, they cannot be the same character.

