Prototype accelerator

Located on the garage floor of the Black Vulkar Base, one could find the prototype accelerator. The prototype accelerator was designed as an enhancement for a swoop bike. Crafted by Hidden Beks swoop bike mechanics on the planet of Taris, this specific prototype was engineered to provide enhanced acceleration and overall performance to a swoop bike. However, a significant drawback was its tendency to heat up at a much faster rate compared to standard swoop accelerators, leading to reduced stability and a higher risk of overheating and subsequent explosion when subjected to intense operational conditions.

The Black Vulkars gang pilfered the prototype accelerator from the Hidden Beks for their own purposes in the Tarisian Season Opener. However, Revan later retrieved it from the Vulkars and subsequently utilized the accelerator to win Bastila Shan from Brejik, the leader of the swoop gang.

Three centuries later, during the reconstruction efforts on Taris, a businessman named Tarkos Sund sought to acquire the prototype accelerator with the intention of modernizing and repurposing it. Sund contracted an individual aligned with the Republic to locate the accelerator, who successfully located it and delivered it to him.

Behind the scenes

This documentation is based on the canonical light side narrative found in Knights of the Old Republic. Alternatively, a player following the dark side path can choose to assist the Black Vulkar gang by assassinating Gadon Thek, the leader of the Hidden Beks, in exchange for the opportunity to use the prototype accelerator in the Tarisian Season Opener.

Furthermore, this documentation assumes complete game completion of Star Wars: The Old Republic, including the Republic storyline on Taris, which implies that Sund successfully obtained the accelerator.

