Kandon Ark

Kandon Ark, a male Twi'lek distinguished by his green skin, resided on Taris during the period of the Jedi Civil War. In the midst of the Bek–Vulkar gang war, he managed the swoop bike repair shop located within the confines of the Black Vulkar Base.


Brejik's lieutentant

Sometime before the year 3956 BBY, Ark became a member of the Black Vulkars, a swoop gang operating on Taris. In time, he ascended to the position of a key lieutenants under Brejik, who was the leader of the Black Vulkars, and oversaw the operations of their garage situated inside their headquarters. As a Vulkar of considerable influence within the swoop gang, Ark had numerous assistants and a dedicated bodyguard.

Guarding the prototype accelerator

In 3956 BBY, his assignment was to protect a prototype accelerator, a device designed to enhance swoop bikes. This item had been pilfered from the Hidden Beks, a rival gang, and was being stored within the Vulkars' garage.

A soldier of the Republic named Revan was employed by the Hidden Beks to retrieve the stolen prototype accelerator. Revan infiltrated the Black Vulkars' garage, where he encountered Ark, his bodyguard, and several other Vulkar gang members. Ark made an attempt to persuade Revan to betray the Beks and kill their leader, Gadon Thek. Revan, however, declined this offer and was compelled to eliminate Ark, his bodyguard, and the other Vulkars present. Following this confrontation, Revan secured the accelerator and delivered it to the Hidden Beks.

Behind the scenes

If the player chooses the dark side path in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Revan does not kill Ark. Instead, Revan accepts Ark's offer to join the Black Vulkars and assassinate Gadon Thek. Subsequently, Ark promotes Revan to the position of a swoop rider within the Vulkar organization. Should the player revisit the Black Vulkar Base after having killed Brejik, Ark will not be present; however, his bodyguard and other members of the gang will be there and will engage the player in combat.

