Raana Tey, a female Togruta, held the rank of Jedi Master and was one of the five individuals implicated in the infamous Padawan Massacre on Taris. Within the ranks of the Jedi Order, Tey was known for being intense and somewhat wild. This reputation stemmed from her unique approach to combat, which was largely influenced by her Togruta heritage. However, her natural Force sensitivity caused her to suffer from recurring nightmares and debilitating headaches. It was only after becoming a student of Jedi Master Krynda Draay that she found a way to manage these terrifying experiences.
Committed to her training, Tey rose to the rank of Sage Master and became a member of the First WatchCircle within the secretive Jedi Covenant. She later took on Kamlin, a Falleen girl, as her Padawan. The WatchCircle's intense focus on preventing the resurgence of the Sith led to a shared vision of a powerful Sith Lord. Driven by this vision, the members of the WatchCircle made the drastic decision to strike down their own Padawans during their Knighting ceremony. Zayne Carrick was the only Padawan to survive this massacre, and the Covenant framed him for the murders, leading to a galaxy-wide manhunt. The act of murdering her own apprentice caused Tey's sanity to deteriorate, exacerbating her headaches and nightmares. The WatchCircle, which she had relied on for support, was subsequently disbanded by the Jedi High Council.
Tey relentlessly pursued Carrick and his companions, employing bounty hunters and turning former allies against the fugitive Padawan. Their paths finally crossed again during the Mandalorians' siege of Taris. Though circumstances forced her to cooperate with Carrick due to the growing resistance against the Mandalorians, she eventually attacked him within the Jedi Tower. Their duel ended in a stalemate until Shel Jelavan stabbed Tey in the back, and Tey ultimately perished when the Tower was destroyed in an explosion.
As a young female Togruta, Raana Tey was plagued by intense nightmares and debilitating headaches. The doctors on her homeworld of Shili were unable to alleviate her suffering. However, a Jedi who happened to be visiting the planet recognized that Tey's nightmares were likely Force visions. Consequently, Tey was sent to Coruscant for specialized medical treatment under the guidance of Jedi Master Krynda Draay. Draay confirmed the Jedi's suspicions and took Tey as her apprentice.

To aid Tey in managing her thoughts and coping with daily life, Draay arranged for her to participate in therapy sessions with her other students. Tey was deeply grateful to Master Draay and dedicated herself to Draay's mission of preventing the return of the Sith following the devastating Great Sith War. Tey became renowned as one of the most gifted seers in the Jedi Order and was the youngest individual to be accepted into the prestigious First WatchCircle.
The WatchCircle became central to Tey's life, providing her with crucial support for her mental well-being. The members of the circle—seers Q'Anilia, Feln, Xamar, and the WatchCircle's "hand," Lucien Draay, Krynda Draay's son—helped her maintain stability to the point where she became heavily reliant on them. The WatchCircle maintained a close-knit bond, always stationed together across the galaxy, a fact that puzzled Master Vrook Lamar of the Jedi High Council, whose members were unaware of Krynda Draay's clandestine organization.
Despite her dependence on others, Tey cultivated a persona of a fierce and independent warrior, utilizing her inherent vigilance to gain an advantage over her adversaries. However, she remained second to Lucien Draay in terms of combat skill, often losing to him during practice sessions, which Krynda Draay reluctantly permitted. Tey once overheard a vision from the elder Draay after she and Q'Anilia experienced a shared vision concerning the Prophecy of the Five, which foretold the destinies of five individuals who would align themselves with different aspects of the Force.

Raana Tey and her fellow Circle members were assigned to the strategically important planet of Taris, which was not yet aligned with either the Republic or the Sith. Each member took on a Padawan learner, with Tey mentoring a Falleen girl named Kamlin. In 3964 BBY, while their students underwent their trials on Taris' Rogue moon, a location where the Force was particularly strong, the Covenant engaged in a collective meditation to glimpse the future. Tey envisioned herself on Taris amidst an invasion by Mandalorians and Sith, and then saw herself being struck down from behind by someone wielding a lightsaber. The other members experienced similar premonitions, all involving an assailant in a red space suit, the same suits their Padawans were wearing during their trials. Horrified by these visions, Tey advocated for the immediate elimination of the Padawans. However, after discussing the threat, the Covenant returned to Taris with their Padawans, outwardly appearing as if nothing had occurred, while secretly plotting to disrupt the shatterpoint of the events they had foreseen.
Lucien Draay contacted his mother and her advisor, Haazen, who had previously been his own master, and shared the details of the visions. Despite being instructed otherwise, Lucien Draay orchestrated a plan to murder each of their Padawans during their Knighting ceremony and then place the blame on Shad Jelavan, Q'Anilia's favored student and the most promising of the group. However, the students grew suspicious when the Covenant agreed to Knight the less skilled student, Zayne Carrick. The group attempted to conceal their true intentions, claiming that Carrick possessed a unique connection to the Force that would manifest in time. The students refused to believe them, and before Carrick could arrive, the Covenant was forced to strike them down. Just as the four Padawans fell, Carrick arrived, witnessing the Masters standing over their lifeless apprentices with their lightsabers drawn.

A chase ensued as Carrick fled the scene, managing to reach his speeder with the captured con artist, Marn Hierogryph. As he attempted to escape the Jedi Tower, Tey pursued him, only managing to sever Hierogryph's pod as he jumped onto the back of the speeder. The pursuit then moved to the skies as Tey, along with Draay, Feln, and Xamar, chased Carrick and Hierogryph. The pair crashed into a nearby school but evaded capture, and Tey interrogated students about the direction they had taken.
Despite Carrick's escape, the Covenant arranged for the Taris Civil Authorities to locate him. Using the Force, Tey and the other seers foresaw Carrick and Hierogryph heading into the Undercity of Taris. The group followed, but they only encountered hordes of rakghouls and Gamorrean slavers. Q'Anilia reasoned that Marn Hierogryph's involvement had clouded their senses, making their visions regarding Carrick less reliable. However, the Civil Authorities located the pair in the Lower City, heading towards refugee camps outside Machineville.
Accompanied by Constable Noana Sowrs and her forces, the Covenant invaded an area known as Junk Junction. This alerted two of its residents, whom Carrick and Hierogryph had recently met, to reactivate the systems of an old junk hauler called The Last Resort. While Tey attempted to board the hauler, she failed and was forced to watch it take off. Carrick and Hierogryph once again evaded capture, this time joined by two more companions, Arkanian off-shoots known as Camper and Jarael.

With the criminals hiding in the asteroid field surrounding Taris, bounties were placed on Carrick's head after Draay's failed attempt to capture him on the Rogue Moon. The bounty hunter Valius Ying eventually "captured" Carrick and returned him to Taris, where Tey and her fellow Masters awaited to pass judgment. When brought before them, Carrick revealed everything he had learned, including their visions. Draay recounted the events of the Knighting ceremony, and as he prepared to kill him, the power in the Tower failed, and an explosion was heard. Initially, Tey suspected a bomb, but in reality, the Tower had been struck by blaster fire. Suddenly, a red-suited figure wielding a lightsaber crashed through the glass ceiling. While the Covenant believed this to be the Sith Lord they had foreseen, it was actually the Arkanian girl, Jarael. As Tey and the others reached for their lightsabers, Carrick hurled their weapons from the tower. Jarael and Carrick escaped aboard The Last Resort, along with Camper and Hierogryph, beginning a long chase across the galaxy to thwart the Sith threat.
Three weeks after the incident, riots erupted in the Lower City, and the Jedi were unable to maintain order. The constable's family had been taken captive, and the senator, Goravvus, was missing. While Tey wanted to remain on Taris to restore peace, Draay disagreed, knowing they had to leave. At that moment, Q'Anilia arrived with a holographic message from Carrick, stating that he had also had a vision: each of the Masters would be hunted down until one of them confessed and cleared his name. This message terrified Tey, and her nightmares intensified.
With Taris abandoned, Tey and her fellow Circle members were summoned to Coruscant to meet with the Jedi High Council. However, the group first stopped at the Draay Estate to discuss Zayne Carrick with Krynda Draay. Unfortunately, Draay refused to see any guests, denying them entrance to her home. Lucien Draay, frustrated by his mother's refusal, threatened to send Tey, whom he referred to as "the wild one," to monitor the Republic security forces' progress if they did not act quickly in the search for Carrick.
Shortly thereafter, the Covenant met with the Jedi High Council in the Jedi Temple. During the meeting, holographic displays of the slain Padawans stood before them. Vrook Lamar reprimanded the five for their failures as instructors and protectors, invoking the wisdom of Master Vandar Tokare.
Despite Lamar's criticism, Tokare continued to blame himself for the Padawans' deaths, believing he should have recognized the Masters' reluctance to take them as students in the first place. Lucien Draay requested permission for himself and the others to lead the search for Carrick, but Lamar denied the request, unimpressed. He ordered them to be reassigned and separated to different postings. Tey protested this order, but Lamar dismissed them. As they left the Temple, Tey passionately criticized the Council for their lectures on neutrality.

For some time, Tey had been developing a plan to lure Carrick out. When she presented the plan to Draay, he remarked that she was "dancing with the dark side." However, he approved the plan as long as their involvement remained secret.
Tey's plan involved using the Draay Trust, a company founded by Lucien Draay's late father, Barrison Draay, to form a consortium with other companies like Czerka Arms and Adascorp. The consortium then acquired a bank on Carrick's homeworld of Phaeda, using Arvan Carrick, his father, as bait. While capturing the younger Carrick on Phaeda would attract too much attention, they arranged for Arvan Carrick to be transferred to the world of Telerath. Tey hired bounty hunters to monitor Carrick's father and see if he contacted his son. However, the bounty hunters were not of the desired caliber. Del and Dob Moomo, known as the Moomo Brothers, misinterpreted Tey's instructions and kidnapped Arvan Carrick instead.
The two returned to their ship and contacted Tey about their captive. Tey was enraged and ordered them to remain alert and do nothing while she consulted the other Covenant members for an alternate plan. Later that night, Tey contacted the Moomo Brothers and informed them that Arvan Carrick could not be allowed to leave. Tey's and the Covenant's solution was to meet the Brothers in orbit around Telerath and eliminate Carrick's father once and for all. While she was relaying the plans to Del Moomo, Zayne Carrick had already arrived on Telerath and discovered his father's capture, overhearing her conversation and placing Tey at the top of his list of Covenant members to pursue.
At this time, Tey was on a special assignment, serving under the Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa. The Chancellor requested her assistance in locating Taris' missing senator to obtain testimony regarding Jervo Thalien and Lhosan Industries. This assignment proved challenging, as her nightmares worsened without the support of her fellow Circle members, rendering her nearly useless as a seer. She suffered from insomnia, and her characteristic vigilance waned, although she welcomed it, knowing Zayne Carrick would return to Taris.
Despite receiving medication from doctors, she experienced a particularly vivid nightmare while traveling on a fast space liner to Taris. In the nightmare, Tey was a young Togruta on Taris during a Mandalorian and Sith invasion. She entered the Jedi Temple and apologized to the Masters for being late. Inside, she found not the Masters but the students she and the others had murdered, standing over the bodies clad in the red environmental suits she had foreseen. While the young Togruta claimed they had abandoned the tower, Zayne Carrick and the dead Padawans asserted that they had never left. Carrick reminded her of his vision, in which the one who confesses to the murders lives. The Padawans Gharn and Oojoh seized Tey and brought her closer to a body she tearfully refused to see. Carrick removed the helmet and told her she might recognize someone.
The nightmare ended, and while a droid on the space liner suggested she ask the ship's doctor for a higher dose of medication, she refused, knowing that the only way to end her nightmares was to kill Carrick. But Carrick was not her only target; she also vowed to hunt down Jarael, the "white-haired witch" who had rescued him.
On Taris, the Mandalorians, led by Cassus Fett, had already besieged the planet. Tey managed to locate the missing senator, Goravvus, who was leading the Taris Resistance. Aligning herself with them, Tey met Shel Jelavan, the sister of one of the deceased Padawans. Before leaving Taris, Tey and the other Masters had removed the lightsaber crystals from the Padawans' lightsabers and sent them to their families as keepsakes. Tey had given Jelavan the crystal she wore around her neck, the same crystal Jelavan still held when Tey gave her a mission: to find Carrick and avenge her brother, Shad Jelavan.
As fate would have it, Carrick arrived on Taris and allied himself with the Hidden Beks gang in the Lower City. The Hidden Beks, with Carrick in tow, came to the Resistance headquarters to forge an alliance. Almost immediately, Jelavan emerged from the crowd that had gathered to see the visitors. While Carrick was pleased to see Jelavan, she drew a blaster and shot him. Tey also emerged from the crowd and drew her lightsaber. While the blast only stunned him due to the briefcase he carried, Jelavan had Carrick at her mercy. Tey ordered Jelavan to finish him off.

However, Carrick was accompanied not only by the Hidden Beks but also by Marn Hierogryph and Del Moomo, one of the bounty hunters Tey had hired on Telerath. Moomo wanted the bounty for himself, and Tey, still angry at him for his failure, became enraged and attacked him. The ensuing scuffle distracted Shel long enough for Gryph to disarm her. Before she could harm the Ithorian, Gadon Thek and his Hidden Beks gang members raised their weapons and ordered her to back off. The Resistance forces did the same towards Thek. Senator Goravvus emerged and asked Tey to stand down. She protested, arguing that both Carrick and the Hidden Beks were criminals. Thek offered Goravvus help, revealing that Carrick had found Constable Sowrs's children, Nahk and Tallie. Tey continued to protest Carrick's acceptance into the resistance, believing him to be a Sith. However, after the Hidden Beks refused to join the Resistance unless Zayne was left unmolested, Tey reluctantly agreed to work with him, still planning to carry out her own agenda.
Marn Hierogryph, also tasked with finding the senator, contacted his employer, Jervo Thalien, on Coruscant. Before Goravvus and Thalien could discuss their past secret dealings, Goravvus was seized by Del Moomo, who was attempting to claim the bounty Thalien had placed on Goravvus. Tey sprang into action and attacked Moomo again. The senator was flung into Tey, and Moomo began attacking her directly. Tey and Moomo ceased fighting when a bomb, placed inside the communicator, was about to explode. However, the communicator had been damaged when Jelavan shot Carrick and failed to detonate. Tey confessed to the senator that she knew nothing about the weapon upon examining it. Moomo, on the other hand, identified it as a MM-40 Thermal Charge, and the blaster shot had overloaded the connection. Goravvus ended the communication and terminated their dealings with Thalien.

Later, Tey overheard Carrick, Jelavan, and Hierogryph arguing about the Padawan Massacre. She joined their conversation and stated that she could not have killed Shad Jelavan. While Carrick agreed, knowing she had actually killed Kamlin, Tey further manipulated Jelavan into believing that he was using the dark side to persuade her. Zayne retorted that he knew about her nightmares, which he attributed to a guilty conscience. Frustrated by both of them, Jelavan stormed out, regretting ever meeting them. Goravvus, Gadon, and Sowrs reported to Tey that Cassus Fett was using the Jedi Tower as his command center. Tey suspected that Goravvus wanted her to participate in military activities against him and refused, citing the Jedi Order's strict stance on remaining neutral in the war.
Goravvus and the Resistance quickly devised a plan to attack Cassus Fett in the Tower. While the Resistance initially wanted to simply use explosives on the Tower, Carrick intervened, considering the potential harm to prisoners and people living nearby. Goravvus agreed and asked Tey for ways to sneak into the Tower to properly reconnoiter the situation and confirm that only Mandalorians would be caught in an explosion. Goravvus asked Tey to show them the way, but she still refused to disobey the Jedi. Carrick and Jelavan volunteered instead. Tey saw an opportunity to eliminate Carrick and volunteered to protect Jelavan against Carrick and the Mandalorians, still believing him to be the incompetent Padawan from his training.

Tey was pulled aside by her comrades, who informed her about the strategy and her deteriorating health. They believed Carrick would soon end her life, leading her to demand Jelavan vow to eliminate the fugitive Padawan if she were to fall. She was given explicit instructions on how to reinstall Shad Jelavan's lightsaber crystal, the very weapon destined to bring about Carrick's demise. While Carrick and Jelavan infiltrated the tower disguised in Mandalorian armor, Tey gained entry via a subterranean shaft. She emerged into the tower when Jelavan unsealed a grate from within a storage chamber. Tey was aware that Jelavan had an opportunity to kill Carrick but chose not to act. Driven by her mission, Tey hastened to locate Carrick. Eventually, she found him within the Council chambers and confronted him. As she lunged at him, determined to destroy the one she believed would usher in the Sith, Carrick realized the extent of Tey's madness. Despite his improved lightsaber skills since their initial encounter, he was still no match for Tey's ferocious and unpredictable combat style. Employing a jetpack to evade her, he was ultimately disarmed of his lightsaber, forcing him to resort to a blaster pistol. In desperation, Carrick pleaded with Tey to remember her Jedi teachings. This only fueled her rage, causing her to hurl Carrick into the glass ceiling, showering her face with shards and disabling his jetpack. Now defenseless and at her mercy, Carrick watched as she retrieved his lost saber. She then spoke of the Prophecy of the Five, convinced that he and his deceased companions were destined to bring about the downfall of the Jedi Order and the Republic. Zayne countered that it might refer to "traitorous, evil Jedi Masters," but Tey dismissed the notion, raising her sabers to strike. Just as she was about to deliver the final blow, Jelavan impaled her from behind with a lightsaber.
Hierogryph and Gadon Thek arrived to extract Jelavan and Carrick from the situation. As they attempted their escape, Tey somehow managed to regain her footing. Though mortally wounded, she made a desperate attempt to stop them by leaping onto the roof, aiming to kill Carrick. Even after all that had transpired, Carrick extended his hand to Tey, offering to rescue her and bring her to the healer at the Resistance base. Raana initially refused, suspecting that Zayne wanted her to confess. Zayne clarified that he no longer cared, stating that enough lives had been lost in the tower. This act of compassion finally made Raana realize that she had been wrong about him, and she attempted to escape. However, her hand became trapped. She tried to use her saber to free herself, but Hierogryph misinterpreted her actions as an attack on Carrick and detonated the charges planted in the Tower. Realizing her impending death, Tey instructed Carrick to convey her apologies to Krynda Draay. As Carrick and Jelavan escaped, the tower exploded, resulting in the destruction of Raana Tey. Lucien Draay and Q'Anilia immediately sensed her demise, although Q'Anilia was more concerned that Carrick was now aware of their Master and the mastermind behind the Padawan Massacre of Taris.
A statue and memorial were erected on Coruscant, outside the Draay Estate, to commemorate the life of the fallen Togruta. Lucien Draay, Q'Anilia, Feln, and Xamar were present at the memorial service, which was disrupted by a vision of the Muur Talisman. Having learned from his previous mistake of sending Tey, a seer rather than a hunter, to capture Carrick, Draay instead dispatched agent Celeste Morne to Taris to retrieve both the Talisman and Carrick.
However, Morne's mission to capture Carrick and the Muur Talisman was unsuccessful. Instead, she provided him with a key to the Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn. This led to Feln's demise when his own people turned against him, but it also provided Carrick with evidence to present to the Jedi High Council. Jelavan informed them of Tey's actions on Taris. Despite this shocking revelation, Vrook believed that Krynda Draay was too influential to accuse, as it would fracture the Order. However, Krynda soon died during Haazen's insurrection of the Covenant after being removed from stasis, which she had been in since the Rogue Moon prophecy. Prior to her death, Xamar was killed by orbital bombardment, and Q'Anilia committed suicide, believing Krynda to be dead. Lucien Draay, however, turned against Haazen and destroyed him and the Draay Estate, effectively ending Krynda's Jedi Covenant. Lucien survived the explosion and went on to establish a new covenant that would embrace the beliefs of Krynda and his father, Barrison Draay, facing the future with humility.
Raana Tey was widely recognized within the Jedi Order as a fierce and untamed warrior, but also for her inflexible and unpleasant demeanor, which alienated her from the Padawans of her fellow Circle members, who jokingly rhymed her name with "runaway." Her aggressive tendencies led Lucien Draay to avoid assigning her to diplomatic missions or those requiring patience and sensitivity.

Despite her quick temper and tendency to become enraged, she remained dedicated to the Jedi Covenant's cause. Nevertheless, she occasionally harbored doubts about the measures the Covenant employed to achieve its goals. Similar to her fellow Watchcircle member, Lucien Draay, Raana Tey resorted to deception and lies to further her objectives, such as attempting to manipulate Shel Jelavan into turning against Zayne Carrick. She carried a heavy burden of guilt for murdering her Padawan, Kamlin, and for framing Zayne Carrick for the crime. This guilt was amplified by the increasingly disturbing nightmares she experienced following the Padawan Massacre. As the nightmares intensified, she even began to fear Carrick's revenge, which only strengthened her desire for his demise, as well as that of his companion, Jarael. Her descent into madness, triggered by the Massacre, ultimately led to her death when she launched a violent attack on Carrick upon his return to the Jedi Tower. Convinced that she was preventing the rise of the Sith, she became reckless and failed to notice Shel Jelavan entering and stabbing her in the back with her brother's lightsaber. While this did not immediately kill her, it inflicted a mortal wound. However, her immense anger fueled her body, enabling her to continue pursuing Carrick for a brief period. As the Tower collapsed around them, Tey realized that Carrick was not evil or aligned with the Sith, and she pleaded with her master, Krynda Draay, for forgiveness.

Even before commencing her Jedi training, Tey possessed uncontrollable Force visions as a child, causing her significant distress in the form of nightmares and severe headaches. After being sent to the Jedi for treatment, she was "cured" by Master Krynda Draay, who also became her Jedi instructor, forming the First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant together. Draay considered Tey to be the best of the Togruta, with the other members also representing the best of their respective species. Tey had the ability to perceive the distant future, and although the details were not always clear, she foresaw her own death on Taris at the hands of a Sith Lord. Regrettably, her murder of Kamlin caused her nightmares to return, leading to sleep deprivation and rendering her ineffective as a seer. Even with her sanity diminished and after being impaled by a lightsaber, her strength in the Force sustained her and briefly reanimated her until explosives finally ended her life.
Despite her abilities as a seer, Tey remained a skilled and formidable combatant. Due to her Togruta nature, she developed into a "wild" member of the WatchCircle, displaying aggression towards her opponents and instilling fear in those she pursued. Within the WatchCircle, she was likely second only to Lucien Draay in terms of combat prowess, as he had consistently outperformed her and the other members during lightsaber training as Padawans on Coruscant. To gain an advantage in battle, she utilized her precognitive abilities, allowing her to anticipate when and where to strike. However, as her health deteriorated due to the nightmares, this ability diminished.
Raana Tey was conceived by writer John Jackson Miller for the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, making her debut in the initial story arc, Commencement, with artwork by Brian Ching. Initially appearing as a supporting character in Commencement, she distinguished herself from her fellow masters in the Reunion story, illustrated by both Brian Ching and Harvey Tolibao, by being the only one, aside from the main antagonist Lucien Draay, to appear in the series without the support of her fellow Jedi Masters. Tey ultimately became the primary antagonist for Zayne Carrick in the Knights of Suffering storyline, with artwork by Dustin Weaver, while Draay only appeared in a single panel in the final issue of the arc after Tey's apparent death.
In Knights of the Old Republic 5, Tey is depicted with brown eyes. However, in subsequent issues, her eyes are consistently colored blue, although in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 12: Reunion, Part 2, the sclera of her eyes is black while the iris remains blue.
Artist Brian Ching characterized Raana Tey as the Wolverine of the Jedi Covenant, the one who acts as the first to kill and is prone to berserk rages. He also expressed his desire to depict her "growling" and "sniffing" at some point in the comic series.