
In the era following the Great Sith War, a Falleen female named Kamlin underwent Padawan training at the Jedi Temple situated on Taris. Initially, she was instructed at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, but later she journeyed to Taris to be mentored by Jedi Master Raana Tey. Raana Tey held membership in both the Jedi Covenant and the First WatchCircle, a collective of Jedi dedicated to thwarting the Sith's resurgence, irrespective of the cost. Kamlin demonstrated exceptional skill and promise during her time on Taris, and she was recognized for apprehending the criminal figure known as P'den Robalt. For her final Padawan trial, she skillfully navigated the "Rogue Moon," a planetoid within the Taris system that followed a contraflow orbit through a hazardous asteroid field. Despite being dropped onto the surface and enduring constant bombardment, she successfully reached her master, who awaited her in a meditative state at an elevated location, even without the aid of sight.

However, during their meditative session, the Jedi Masters experienced a vision foretelling their own deaths, which they attributed to the rise of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Through deliberation, the masters linked their apprentices to the figure in the vision and resolved to take action. Driven by their commitment to prevent the Sith's return at all costs, they conspired to murder the Padawans, planning to execute their scheme during the knighting ceremony. Having earned the honor of being knighted, Kamlin attended the celebratory banquet for the graduates. Following the disruptive arrival of fellow Padawan Zayne Carrick, she assisted in repairing the damage to a large window and several tables. Subsequently, she arrived punctually at the ceremony and engaged in discussion with her masters. Initially, she expressed excitement that her friend, Carrick, was also to be knighted. Nevertheless, she detected an unsettling atmosphere due to the masters' evident disapproval of Carrick. Under pressure, the Jedi Masters expedited their plans and struck down the Padawans, falsely accusing the tardy Carrick. Eventually, Carrick was exonerated of Kamlin's murder.


Jedi training

During the era of the Old Republic after the Great Sith War, there existed a Falleen female named Kamlin. Discovered to be Force-sensitive, Kamlin underwent training as one of a group of younglings at the Jedi Enclave located on Dantooine. Among her peers were Zayne Carrick, a Human; Gharn, a Nagai; Shad Jelavan, another Human; and Oojoh, a Ho'Din. These five trainees, having been deemed worthy to study the ways of the Force, were raised together, eventually being transferred to a small training facility on the planet of Taris. There, each was assigned to one of five Jedi Masters to further their education. Kamlin was placed under the guidance of Jedi Master Raana Tey, a member of the Jedi Covenant, whose mission was to prevent the return of the Sith at any cost.

Kamlin, and the other Padawans being dropped onto the Rogue Moon for their trial

Throughout her training, Kamlin distinguished herself as one of the most promising students in her class. In one particular training exercise, Kamlin successfully captured the notorious criminal P'den Robalt, an achievement that garnered recognition on the Taris HoloNet feed. In 3964 BBY, Kamlin and the other four members of the upcoming graduating class were taken to the "Rogue Moon," a planetoid within the Taris system known for its frequent and perilous bombardment from asteroids. Equipped with red environmental suits, the Padawans were tasked with reaching a high point where their masters were in meditation. Kamlin, like the other Padawans, lacked any shielding against the asteroid impacts, and the blast shield within their visors obscured their vision. Instead, the trainees were expected to rely solely on the Force to safely reach their masters. During their meditation, the Jedi Masters, who as Consulars specialized in precognition, shared a vision through the Force of their own death and the downfall of the Jedi Order at the hands of someone wearing red. Together, the Jedi Masters concluded that the individual in red, likely one of their apprentices in their red environmental suits, would succumb to the dark side and bring about the resurgence of the Sith in the galaxy. Consequently, the masters agreed that the situation required immediate action.

Despite not being the first to complete the ascent, Kamlin waited inside the magnetic shield for Zayne Carrick, the last of the Padawans, to arrive after reaching her master. Upon returning to Taris, the masters secluded themselves within the temple for several days. When they finally reappeared before their Padawans, they announced their decision to host a banquet and ceremony for the knighting of the five trainees. Even at the party for Kamlin and the other Padawans, the masters expedited the evening's proceedings due to the sudden and late arrival of Carrick. Having pursued the criminal Marn Hierogryph through the Tarisian skylanes, Carrick crashed through a window and into a table. His disapproving master, Lucien Draay, instructed him to cover the cost of the meal and the damages. Due to the expense, Kamlin and his other friends contributed some of the necessary credits.

Lucien Draay stipulated that the knighting ceremony would commence one hour after his departure from the banquet and instructed the Padawans to be punctual. Kamlin arrived on time, along with Gharn and Oojoh, but Shad Jelavan and Zayne Carrick were delayed. Jelavan arrived shortly thereafter and expressed surprise that Carrick was to be knighted alongside the others. While Jelavan was friendly with the other Human trainee, he sensed something amiss, as he knew that Master Draay held Carrick in low regard and never took him seriously. Kamlin echoed this sentiment, expressing disbelief and questioning whether everything was in order. Under pressure, the masters hastily executed their plan. Raana Tey, along with the other Jedi Masters, activated her lightsaber and executed the Padawans, with Tey slicing Kamlin across her torso and right arm.


Kamlin, laying dead at the hands of Raana Tey, her master

Zayne Carrick arrived late to the knighting ceremony, only to discover his friends murdered by their masters. He fled the scene and was falsely accused of their deaths. Carrick was then pursued by the Jedi and Republic authorities for the crime. While on the run, he prophesied that he would eventually clear his name of the crimes committed by the masters. Shortly thereafter, the five Jedi Masters known as the First WatchCircle were reassigned to different positions, separating them from one another. Nevertheless, Raana Tey returned to Taris. During her journey, she experienced a nightmare in which she witnessed the Jedi Tower under siege. Rushing into the tower, she stumbled upon a knighting ceremony, much like Zayne Carrick had. In the vision, however, she saw Kamlin standing in her place with a lightsaber drawn. The other murdered apprentices occupied the positions their masters had held during the massacre.

Later, in 3963 BBY, the truth behind the Covenant and the Padawan Massacre came to light when Master Xamar testified before the Jedi Council. Xamar confessed to the plot and revealed the details of the Covenant, exonerating Carrick. The Jedi never publicly disclosed the truth, but Kamlin's parents were privately informed about the circumstances of their daughter's death. Following the Vindication insurrection, Carrick gathered the family members of the murdered Padawans, including Kamlin's sister. Her sister became involved in the Rogue Moon Project, an organization founded by Carrick and Shel Jelavan to assist other wrongfully accused individuals. Carrick further honored Kamlin by using her name as an alias when infiltrating the slave-trading organization known as "the Crucible."

Personality and traits

Kamlin was a promising student of the Force who apprenticed under Master Raana Tey. She reached a notable level in her training, demonstrated by her capture of the criminal P'den Robalt, which was reported in the Taris Holofeed. Furthermore, she successfully navigated the Rogue Moon to reach her masters, despite not being the first to arrive, and was expected to be knighted soon after. Kamlin displayed generosity, as evidenced by her contribution to Zayne Carrick to help cover the damages he caused at the banquet, and she was genuinely happy that Carrick was also "expected" to be knighted at the ceremony. However, Kamlin was aware of the masters' views on Carrick and questioned why he was to be knighted. Ultimately, she could not evade the surprise attack by the Jedi Masters and was killed by Raana Tey. During her final days on Taris, Kamlin wore a blue robe with a purple vest and orange trim.

Behind the scenes

Kamlin, held by Zayne Carrick following her death. While depicted on the cover, the scene never takes place within the comic.[1]

Kamlin was conceived by John Jackson Miller for the Dark Horse comic series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. She debuted in the comic's 2006 premiere, Knights of the Old Republic 1. Kamlin subsequently appeared in all other issues of the Commencement story arc, with the exception of issue 5. However, she was first identified by name in the in-universe news bulletin The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, which was featured in the back of Knights of the Old Republic 0. Kamlin also appeared in this issue, as well as in a hologram in issue 9 and in a Force vision in issue 16. The first canon confirmation of Kamlin as Tey's Padawan occurred in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook. Furthermore, Kamlin is depicted on the cover of the first issue of the Knights of the Old Republic comic, being held by Zayne Carrick after her murder, though this scene does not occur within the comic itself. She is also directly referenced in the 48th issue, where it is revealed that Kamlin had a sister involved in Carrick's newly established Rogue Moon Project.

