Knights of the Old Republic 0

Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads functioned as a companion comic, enriching the Dark Horse's broader Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga. It found its home within the pages of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Rebellion flip-book.

The concept of creating this kind of flip-book originated with John Jackson Miller while the Knights of the Old Republic comic series was already underway. This diverted Brian Ching's attention from his work on the primary series, leading Travel Foreman to illustrate the fifth issue instead. Despite its "issue 0" designation, it was launched following issue 1 and operated as a sort of prequel story. However, for the trade paperback release, the issues were arranged according to chronological order.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

After another failed attempt to apprehend Marn Hierogryph, Zayne Carrick is saved from danger by a young Jedi known as Squint. Squint informs him that he and his master are on their way to the Outer Rim Territories to participate in the Mandalorian Wars. Squint also tries to enlist Zayne to join their cause, but his efforts are unsuccessful because Zayne is determined to fully dedicate himself to his Jedi training. The issue concludes with Lucien Draay and Q'Anilia in conversation, discussing a necessary "change" to their established plans.

