Tales of the Jedi – Redemption 5

title: Tales of the Jedi: Redemption 5: Master

The fifth installment in the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – Redemption comic book series is titled Tales of the Jedi: Redemption 5: Master. Dark Horse Comics released it on November 25, 1998.

Introductory Text


The Lesson at the Cliff's Edge

Ulic Qel-Droma is seen instructing Vima Sunrider amidst the frozen wastelands of Rhen Var. Vima playfully snips off Ulic's medallion after he cautions her against arrogance. The pair then engage in a friendly snowball fight, following Ulic's teasing. Ulic uses the edge of a precipice as a setting to teach Vima about the difficult choices and trials that come with being a Jedi.

He cautions her on how easily one can be trapped. Vima inquires about the path to becoming a Jedi Master, and Ulic responds that all Masters must endure hardships. However, he claims he is not a Master because he cannot sense the Force. He asserts that anyone can grasp it with enough effort.

A Renewed Bond

Nomi Sunrider arrives on Rhen Var aboard her courier. She is still bitter about Ulic's involvement in the Great Sith War and intends to confront him and bring her daughter home. Nomi holds herself responsible for Vima's decision to seek out Ulic, whom she sees as a fallen figure, due to her own neglect of her daughter's training.

She asks Vima to return home with her after locating her. Nomi locks eyes with Ulic, her former friend and lover. But Vima tells her mother she is staying because Ulic has already made her a Jedi.

Hoggon and the Jedi Knight Sylvar arrive at the abandoned fortress on his starship. Hoggon, impressed by the Jedi, offers her his blaster. However, the Cathar Jedi declines, stating she has no need for his weapons.

Back at the fortress, Vima tells Nomi that Ulic has taught her a great deal about the Force and that he is not the monster she thought he was. Ulic tells Nomi that he did not invite Vima and that he has taught her everything he could. He emphasizes that Vima is Nomi's daughter, not his. Ulic extends an invitation for Nomi to finish Vima's training.

Vima defends Ulic, telling Nomi that he saved her from a blizzard, recognizing this as one of the difficult situations Ulic had forewarned her about. Vima asks Nomi to give Ulic a chance, knowing that her mother wants her to become a great Jedi. Nomi gives in, and Vima shows her the ice sculptures of Master Arca Jeth and her father Andur Sunrider. Vima then shows Nomi the hologram of Andur that she had borrowed, and the mother and daughter embrace in tears.


Later, inside the fortress, Ulic thanks Master Arca for persuading him to live so that he could assist Vima in becoming a great Jedi like her mother. Ulic decides to reconcile with his past while holding his medallion. Sylvar, however, soon follows him, determined to kill him for his crimes against the Republic, his alliance with Exar Kun, and the death of her mate Crado.

Ulic responds that Crado was responsible for his own actions and that she influenced him as much as he did. He tells Sylvar that he had to overcome his guilt and asks if she can overcome hers. This infuriates Sylvar, who engages Ulic in a lightsaber duel. Sylvar wants to kill him, but Ulic asks her why she can't move on. Sylvar retorts that he hasn't been punished enough.

Ulic retorts that a Jedi Knight would bury their dead past. Sylvar replies that nobody can be punished enough for what he did. Vima and Nomi rush to Ulic's aid after hearing the commotion. Sylvar pushes Ulic to the edge of the cliff. He tells her that Crado paid for his decisions and actions. He reminds her that he is not the only one who lost someone in the Great Sith War. Ulic says he cannot change the past but that he has atoned for his wrongs. Ulic tells Sylvar that she is a pawn to her emotions and vows not to fight her as he deactivates his lightsaber.

Ulic's Final Stand

Sylvar initially reacts with anger, but she soon realizes Ulic was correct. She chooses to let go of her hatred and expresses her gratitude to Ulic for freeing her from her rage. However, the opportunist Hoggon then shoots Ulic in the chest, hoping to be remembered for killing a notorious Dark Jedi criminal. Sylvar, Vima, and Nomi respond with anger, shock, and sadness.

Sylvar angrily confronts Hoggon as Vima and Nomi rush to the fatally injured Ulic, telling him that she would have torn out his throat if not for the man he had killed. She throws him to the ground, prompting Hoggon to say that he can never understand Jedi.

While Nomi and Vima care for the dying Ulic, he encourages Vima to remember the possibilities and gives her his medallion. Ulic becomes one with the Force after taking his last breath, much to the amazement of the Sunriders. A tearful Nomi thanks Vima for helping Ulic see through his own darkness. Nomi wonders how Ulic could still be a Jedi despite being stripped of the Force and losing everything. Vima responds that Ulic may not have been able to touch the Force but that he understood it and had the heart of a Jedi.

Cover Images

