Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement

Commencement stands as the most expansive narrative sequence within the Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga. Although it was the initial story arc to be released, the Knights of the Old Republic 0 comic, which saw publication a mere eight days following Part 2, actually precedes it in the timeline of events.

Plot summary

Marn Hierogryph, a Snivvian engaged in the illicit trade of stolen merchandise, finds himself caught off guard by Zayne Carrick. Carrick, a Jedi Padawan, had been tasked with apprehending the black marketeer and bringing him to justice. Despite Carrick's efforts, Hierogryph manages to evade capture, causing Carrick to plummet from a considerable height. Through his Jedi abilities, Carrick manages to arrive at a banquet held by the Jedi. After discussing the matter with his master, Lucien Draay, Carrick is assigned to compensate the Besalisk proprietor for the dinner and the damages incurred at the establishment. Later, Carrick successfully locates Hierogryph, apprehends the Snivvian, and escorts him to the Jedi Temple on Taris. However, upon their arrival, they are confronted with a horrifying scene: Carrick's comrades lie murdered, with the Jedi Masters standing over them, lightsabers raised menacingly.

Carrick, accompanied by Hierogryph, makes a hasty escape through the city aboard his Urban Navigator swoop. They manage to evade the pursuing masters by seeking refuge in a restaurant, only to inadvertently descend into the Lower City through a garbage disposal chute. Zayne attempts to elucidate the situation to Gryph, explaining why his masters are relentlessly pursuing him. Hierogryph utilizes Carrick's lightsaber to disable a Taris Civil Authority surveillance droid. Emerging onto the street, they encounter a prominent wanted poster in the [SoroSuub Landing],(article/sorosuub_landing) offering a reward for Carrick's arrest in connection with the Padawan killings, with Hierogryph dismissively labeled as "an accessory." Hierogryph guides Carrick to a Kedorzhan bar, believing it to be a safe haven due to the Kedorzhans' impaired vision resulting from their work in the mines. Carrick determines that their only recourse is to leave the planet, and Hierogryph reveals that the sole means of off-world travel is through the Undercity. Meanwhile, back at the Temple, the masters engage in meditation, monitoring the fugitives' conversation, and prepare to pursue Carrick.

Carrick experiences a vivid dream, recalling a past event with his fellow Padawans during their final training exercise in an asteroid field, before Hierogryph rouses him. They find themselves concealed in the back of a Wookiee's garbage wagon within the Lower City. Upon disembarking, they are confronted by Black Vulkar thugs seeking to claim the bounty on their heads. Hierogryph manages to dissuade them by claiming that spice is concealed within the Wookiee's harness. He also informs Carrick that he had left a trail leading to the gate of the Undercity, but they had already passed it, deeming it too dangerous to enter due to the plague and the presence of Rakghouls. Simultaneously, within the Undercity, Masters Lucien Draay, Q'Anilia, Feln, and Raana Tey are engaged in combat with swarms of rakghouls, having been misled by Gryph's deception. Master Xamar reports that the fugitives have been sighted in the refugee camps. Gryph leads Zayne to The Last Resort, the residence of an individual who had previously assisted him by smuggling Zovius Mendu to Corellia. Upon their arrival, they are ambushed by Jarael, who demands that they leave. As Hierogryph converses with Camper, a senile old mechanic, the Jedi Masters arrive accompanied by the Taris Civil Authority. Camper activates The Last Resort, an antiquated junk hauler, and they all flee into space. However, as soon as they exit the atmosphere, the ship's power fails.

With the Civil Authority orbital patrol ships closing in, Camper manages to restore power, allowing them to escape and conceal themselves within an asteroid belt. Once everyone else is asleep, Carrick maneuvers clear of the asteroid belt's interference and contacts Master Vandar Tokare, his former instructor at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine before he became Master Draay's apprentice. He recounts the events that transpired. Master Tokare believes him but he is unsure if Carrick was that much innocent and thinks that he may have been under the influence of the Dark side of the Force. Jarael incapacitates him and pilots them back into the asteroid belt. Carrick realizes that all of the masters are Consulars except Lucien. He determines that they must investigate the last location where the Padawans were seen before their deaths: the rogue moon, a low-gravity moon within the asteroid belt constantly bombarded by debris and the site of the Padawans' final trial. Upon their arrival, Carrick recalls that Elbee, the Jedi's loader droid, had fallen over a cliff, potentially witnessing the events that transpired with the Masters. He and Jarael venture to recover his remains, and Carrick deduces that Elbee had been deliberately thrown down, as the moon's gravity is insufficient to cause such extensive damage. While they are collecting the parts, Draay and Civil Authority troopers descend upon them from a police cruiser. Despite having successfully evaded the Council, Jarael convinces Carrick that he must surrender himself, as the Jedi will relentlessly pursue him, ultimately leading to the destruction of everything he holds dear in his attempts to escape. Returning to Taris alongside Valius Ying, a bounty hunter, Carrick is brought before the Council, where it is revealed that the other Padawans were killed because one of the Padawans, Shad Jelavan noticed Master Draay had his lightsaber which meant that Carrick would be being Knighted. He deduced what the Masters planned to do and attempted to attack them, leading to their deaths ahead of the plan.

As he accepts his fate, Carrick is rescued by Jarael, who wields his lightsaber and is disguised as the 'Sith' from the vision. The Council is caught off guard and fails to prevent their escape. As he departs the system aboard The Last Resort, Carrick leaves a message informing the Jedi that they need not search for him, as he will hunt them until he uncovers the truth behind their actions.



  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1: Commencement
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1

Behind the scenes

John Jackson Miller was the writer for all issues in the story arc. Michael Atiyeh did the coloring, Michael Heisler did the lettering, and Jeremy Barlow and Dave Marshall were the editors. Travel Foreman pencilled Part 6 as a temporary artist while Brian Ching, the regular artist, worked on Crossroads. John Jackson Miller originally intended to name it Renegade.

Notes and references

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Vol. 1: Commencement on Faraway Press: The Online Home of John Jackson Miller (backup link)
