
Feln, a celebrated Feeorin warrior of renown, forsook his ancestral world to embrace the path of a Jedi Master, ultimately becoming one of the most distinguished seers of his time. Arguably the most triumphant war leader in Feeorin annals, Feln achieved the subjugation and unification of all neighboring tribes on his home planet, Odryn, eventually ascending to the revered position of Exalted among his people—a title reserved for the most ancient, and consequently, the most powerful Feeorin. Following a series of significant victories, Feln's latent Force-sensitivity was detected by a Jedi scout, prompting his departure from Odryn to undergo Jedi training. Feln's extraordinary aptitude for precognitive abilities immediately captivated the attention of Jedi Master Krynda Draay, who imparted her wisdom to aspiring seers at her estate situated on Coruscant. Progressing onward, Feln attained the rank of Jedi Master and became an integral member of the Jedi Covenant, a clandestine order of seers established by Draay. This group vigilantly monitored for the resurgence of the Sith and meticulously collected dark side artifacts for cataloging and secure storage. In support of this endeavor, Feln generously offered the sacred Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn as a repository for Sith relics, thereby contravening numerous long-standing Feeorin laws. In the years preceding the Mandalorian Wars, Feln, alongside four other Jedi Masters—collectively forming the Covenant's First WatchCircle—was dispatched to the Outer Rim world of Taris. There, each Master assumed the responsibility of mentoring their own Padawans; Feln's student was a young Ho'Din named Oojoh.

In 3964 BBY, the culminating phases of their apprentices' instruction were disrupted by a harrowing premonition: united, Feln and the First WatchCircle envisioned their own demise and the apparent annihilation of the Jedi Order, all orchestrated by a shadowy figure whom they interpreted to be one of their pupils. Vowing to prevent this grim future from materializing, Feln and his comrades carried out a massacre of their apprentices during a sham Knighting ceremony held within the Taris Jedi Tower. However, the last surviving Padawan, Zayne Carrick, successfully evaded capture with the assistance of the local criminal, Marn Hierogryph. Carrick persistently eluded the Covenant's grasp, and following the death of fellow WatchCircle member Raana Tey in an attempt to apprehend him, Feln personally committed himself to avenging his friend's demise and eliminating the fugitive Padawan. Ironically, it was on his native Odryn that Feln eventually tracked Carrick down, who had been drawn to the Sanctum of the Exalted in his efforts to expose the Covenant's clandestine activities. After a frenzied pursuit and battle, Feln obliterated the Sanctum utilizing pre-set explosives, aiming to prevent its secrets from leaving Odryn. This action proved to be Feln's ultimate miscalculation—the destruction of the Feeorins' most sacred site incited his people to turn against him, resulting in the Jedi Master being torn to pieces amidst the ruins of his home village.


Early life

Feln, a male Feeorin, entered the world as a warrior on the remote Outer Rim planet of Odryn, several centuries prior to the Mandalorian Wars. As a member of a species that revered its elders and experienced increased strength with age, Feln, after centuries of existence, became the most senior Feeorin, thereby earning the title of Exalted among his kin. The attainment of the Exalted status also granted Feln access to the sacred edifice known as the Sanctum of the Exalted, believed to be the abode of deceased Feeorin elders who influenced Odryn's seasonal cycles. It was following his ascension to the Exalted position that Feln established his legacy as one of Odryn's most celebrated warriors. During the era of inter-village conflicts on Odryn, Feln conquered and united all neighboring territories under his command, displaying such unprecedented martial prowess that his people attributed magical abilities to him. While this perception might not have been entirely accurate, the reality was remarkably close.

Exalted Jedi

Feln and the members of the Jedi Covenant's First WatchCircle.

Following Feln's remarkable triumphs on Odryn, a scout from the Jedi Order arrived on Odryn and revealed Feln's Force-sensitive nature. In a move unprecedented in Feeorin history, Feln departed from his planet to undergo training with the Jedi, while retaining his position as Exalted among his people. Subsequent to his discovery by the Jedi Order, Feln's talents garnered the attention of Jedi Master Krynda Draay, who provided instruction to Jedi seers at her estate on Coruscant. Draay was astounded by Feln's precognitive capabilities and promptly admitted him to a promising class that included the young Miraluka Q'Anilia, the Belnar Xamar, and the troubled yet talented Togruta Raana Tey. Having experienced the loss of her husband, Barrison, in the Great Sith War, Draay sought a group of seers who, according to her prophecy, would one day avert the return of the Sith. After several years of training Feln and his cohort, Draay declared them to be the individuals she had foreseen. Consequently, Feln, Tey, Xamar, and Q'Anilia became the First WatchCircle of the clandestine cabal known as the Jedi Covenant, operating in the shadows to monitor for the rise of the dark side. As they embarked on their journeys as Jedi, they were joined by Krynda's son, Lucien Draay, who, while not a seer, was a skilled Jedi in his own right, assigned to the group to provide practical support and protection.

In addition to monitoring for the resurgence of the dark side, the Covenant actively sought to gather Sith artifacts for examination and containment. When the faction required a concealed repository for their collection, Feln volunteered the Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn, permitting outsiders to enter his people's most sacred site, much to the displeasure of the fiercely independent Feeorin. By this time, the Exalted himself was rarely seen on his homeworld, instead entrusting operations to one of his trusted lieutenants, Borjak. Through the machinations of the Covenant, Feln and his colleagues were consistently stationed together, eventually being assigned to the Jedi Tower on the Outer Rim world of Taris, where they reluctantly accepted apprentices. Feln was assigned a young Ho'Din named Oojoh, recognized as a promising talent after dismantling the notorious Leverby smuggling ring while still a Padawan.

Dark prophecy

In 3964 BBY, as the First WatchCircle's Padawans neared the completion of their training, Feln and the other Taris Masters led their charges to Taris' rogue moon, a precarious planetoid constantly bombarded by meteors, for their final trial. The Padawans were deposited on the far side of a vast valley to navigate the treacherous terrain unaided, relying solely on the Force to "see." While their apprentices braved the moon's challenges, Feln and his compatriots seized the opportunity to meditate beneath a deflector shield. Abruptly, without warning, all four members of the First WatchCircle were simultaneously struck by a shared vision. Together, each seer witnessed the apparent destruction of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, as well as their own deaths. Feln found himself back on his home planet of Odryn, his lightsaber replaced by an ordinary stick, before being slain by a mysterious figure clad in a red environment suit. Although each seer's premonition differed, the individual in the red suit served as a common thread, and Feln realized that the suits in the visions were identical to those worn by their Padawans during the test. Interpreting this to mean that one of the Padawans would bring about the doom they had foreseen, Feln and Raana Tey advocated for their immediate execution. However, Xamar characteristically protested, refusing to act until they had returned to Taris and consulted with Coruscant. This intervention stayed their hands. After their apprentices successfully completed the test, they returned to Taris, feigning normalcy. Feln and his fellow Masters secluded themselves in the Jedi Tower for several days, contemplating their next course of action, and once they had secured the Covenant's consent, they formulated their plan to eliminate their Padawans.

The aftermath of the Padawan Massacre.

The WatchCircle initiated their plan shortly thereafter, but it quickly went awry. Feln and the Masters intended to execute the Padawans at a false Knighting ceremony following a banquet in the Jedi Tower, but Lucien Draay's Padawan, the inept Zayne Carrick, arrived late, crashing through a window in pursuit of the local Snivvian criminal Marn Hierogryph. While Carrick cleaned up the mess, he spotted Hierogryph in the street below and gave chase, ultimately apprehending the Snivvian but arriving late to the ceremony. While they waited, Shad Jelavan, Q'Anilia's Padawan, realized that something was amiss. The fact that Master Draay had his lightsaber drawn suggested that the incompetent Carrick was about to be Knighted, which he found implausible. Despite attempts to bluff their way out of it, the Masters failed to deceive their Padawans and were ultimately compelled to strike down their apprentices sooner than anticipated. Carrick arrived shortly afterward to discover his friends dead and immediately fled the room as Feln and his compatriots gave chase. The pursuit soon spilled into the airways of the Upper City when Carrick reached his speeder, where Hierogryph was still cuffed in a sidecar. The Masters boarded their own speeders, with Feln riding alongside Xamar, as they pursued Carrick and Hierogryph through the streets. The chase eventually reached a dead-end in a nearby restaurant, where the trail went cold. Feln returned to the Jedi Tower afterward, where a call to Tarisian Constable Noana Sowrs implicated Carrick and Hierogryph in the murders, making them two of the most wanted fugitives in the Republic.

Now with the full support of the Taris Civil Authority, Feln and the First WatchCircle embarked on a relentless manhunt for Zayne Carrick. One of their initial forays led them into the rakghoul-infested wasteland known as the Undercity, after one of Q'Anilia's visions suggested that the two fugitives were headed in that direction. Feln and his comrades battled through numerous rakghouls but found no trace of their targets, with Q'Anilia concluding that the involvement of a wildcard such as Hierogryph could be clouding their ability to interpret the situation. The Masters, along with a sizable law enforcement contingent, managed to locate Carrick and Hierogryph shortly afterward in a desolate Lower City junkyard known as Junk Junction. Feln descended into the dump from a Taris Civil Authority personnel carrier, but before he could apprehend the pair, they managed to escape in a hidden junk hauler known as The Last Resort, once again evading their pursuers. However, after a prolonged game of cat and mouse, Carrick returned to Taris and surrendered himself to local bounty hunter Valius Ying, who brought him to the Jedi Tower to face judgment. As the Masters prepared to finish what they had started, Carrick's friends arrived on The Last Resort, bombarding the Tower with blasterfire and facilitating Carrick's escape while Feln fumbled for his lightsaber.

Covenant afloat

Feln and the First WatchCircle are struck with a strange vision of the Muur Talisman.

Carrick's escape from the heart of the Jedi Tower humiliated the Order on Taris, leading to a breakdown of civil order on the planet. Amidst riots and lawlessness throughout the Tarisian cityscape, Feln and the Jedi were recalled to Coruscant, effectively removing all Jedi presence from Taris. Before departing, however, they received a transmission from Carrick: a warning that he would hunt each of them down until one confessed and cleared his name. With Carrick's threat adding urgency to the hunt, Feln returned to the Draay Estate with his fellow Masters in a futile attempt to consult with Krynda, only to find that they were denied entry to the grounds. Subsequently, the group was summoned before the Jedi High Council to address the events of the massacre. There, they were reprimanded by Master Vrook Lamar, who informed them that they would not only be permitted to formally participate in the manhunt for Carrick but would also be reassigned to separate postings. Meanwhile, Carrick commenced his promised crusade, and amidst the Mandalorian invasion of Taris, Raana Tey became the first member of the Covenant to fall. Feln and the remaining members of the First WatchCircle soon returned to the Draay estate to commemorate their fallen comrade, where they were collectively struck by a vision.

Together, the Covenant envisioned Coruscant besieged by vicious rakghoul beasts, the end of civilization within an odd nexus of time, surrounded by unknown figures from the future, and Zayne Carrick. Upon awakening, Lucien Draay expressed his belief that a strange amulet they had all seen was an ancient artifact known as the Muur Talisman, which they surmised to be located in the rakghoul-infested Undercity of Taris, possibly alongside Carrick himself. Although Feln volunteered to travel to Taris to locate the Talisman and eliminate Carrick, Draay opted to dispatch one of the Covenant's Jedi Shadow agents, Celeste Morne. However, this plan went awry. After succumbing to the Talisman's influence, Morne chose not to return to the Covenant, instead sealing herself within a life-preserving oubliette to contain the artifact's dark power. Having developed sympathy for Carrick, Morne provided the fugitive Padawan with the key to the Sanctum of the Exalted before sealing the lid, requesting that he store her with the other artifacts gathered on Odryn. Morne's fate remained unknown to the Covenant, and Draay soon sent Feln back to Odryn to meet with Morne, hoping that the presence of the Muur Talisman would lure Carrick into the open. Their hunch proved correct, as Feln returned to his homeworld to find Carrick and Hierogryph in the custody of Borjak, who had apprehended them attempting to sneak out of the Sanctum of the Exalted.

Rumble in the jungle

Feln battles Zayne Carrick in the ruins of his home village on Odryn.

Feln thoroughly searched the pair of captives, discovering only several pieces of recording equipment—which Feln promptly destroyed—and Celeste Morne's key to the Sanctum, leading Feln to believe that Carrick had been consumed by the Talisman's dark power and had slain Morne. Following these developments, Feln made a holo-call to Draay, and surmising that Carrick intended to expose their secret collection of Sith artifacts to the Jedi Council, Draay ordered Feln to execute "Option Ossus"—the destruction of the Sanctum with previously planted explosives—if Carrick appeared likely to escape. Feln recoiled at the thought of destroying the Sanctum, and Draay's suggestion was overruled by Krynda Draay's assistant, Haazen, who had been monitoring the call and instructed Feln not to detonate the charges under any circumstances. Enraged and conflicted, Feln stormed off to deal with Carrick. The Feeorin Jedi Master ordered Carrick and Hierogryph to be freed from their restraints, taking special care to hurl the fugitive Padawan's lightsaber as far as possible, and prepared to swiftly execute the Human—only to be interrupted by Borjak, who reminded Feln that, according to Feeorin tradition, as Carrick had been inside the Sanctum of the Exalted, he could only be challenged to unarmed combat.

Capitalizing on the distraction, Carrick quickly blindsided Feln, knocking the Jedi Master into the mud and fleeing into the jungle. However, Feln swiftly regained the upper hand and was about to end the Padawan's life when he was once again interrupted by Borjak—the ship The Last Resort, which had transported Carrick to Odryn, had been sighted at the edge of the system. Fearing that Carrick's friends had come to raid the Sanctum in force, Feln detonated the charges, obliterating his people's most sacred place. However, the sheer quantity of dark side artifacts contained within the structure amplified the explosion, creating an inferno that destroyed Feln's home village and claimed the lives of many of his people. Feln survived the blast and still attempted to kill Carrick, only to discover that his lightsaber had been replaced with an ordinary stick, mirroring the vision he had experienced months prior on the rogue moon of Taris. At that moment, Feln was shocked to feel a knife in his back. His assailant was Borjak, supported by several dozen surviving Feeorin tribesmen, who had turned against Feln for betraying his people. Although Feln argued that he could not be attacked with weapons as he had been in the Sanctum, Borjak retorted that since the Sanctum no longer existed, the rules no longer applied. Outnumbered and unarmed, Feln was defenseless as the warriors descended upon him and tore him limb from limb—his fate sealed by a bit of sleight of hand, as Hierogryph had been the one to swipe his lightsaber in the confusion.

Personality and traits

Feln in his Jedi robes.

Feln, a Jedi Covenant member known for his direct and forceful approach, was considered the group's seasoned veteran. He held the distinction of being the WatchCircle's oldest member and had established himself as a renowned warrior long before his induction into the Jedi Order. While Feln intentionally obscured details of his past, he developed close bonds with his Covenant colleagues, particularly Lucien Draay, who became a dear friend. Feln, a playful individual with a sharp wit, spent years unsuccessfully attempting to elicit a smile from the humorless Draay. He also felt a strong connection to Raana Tey and deeply desired to personally avenge her death by eliminating Zayne Carrick. Feln had participated in mocking Carrick during his apprenticeship and later derived great pleasure from torturing him during his brief captivity on Odryn.

As time passed, Feln's loyalty shifted, becoming more aligned with the Jedi Covenant than with his own Feeorin people. Despite maintaining his position as Exalted among the Feeorin, he gradually became less visible on his homeworld. He openly disregarded the Feeorins' time-honored customs and rules to advance the Covenant's objectives, including permitting outsiders access to the Sanctum of the Exalted and eventually—though reluctantly—overseeing its complete destruction. Feln operated under the conviction that he was exempt from all rules, even going so far as to try and reshape them on Odryn. This was largely driven by his intense desire to harm Zayne Carrick, as Feln swiftly attributed the blame for the Sanctum's destruction to the renegade apprentice after initially expressing remorse. Feln was known as a pragmatic and ruthless individual, consistently prepared to take immediate action when required, and he placed unwavering trust in his visions, to the point of being instantly prepared to execute his apprentice the moment he foresaw his death on the rogue moon.

Feln was characterized by his blue complexion and orange eyes, and instead of hair, tendrils extended from his head.

Powers and abilities

Feln, a towering and imposing figure in comparison to his Jedi Covenant peers, was a formidable warrior with a remarkable natural aptitude for precognition, a skill that proved invaluable during his time as a warrior on Odryn. As a Jedi Consular, Feln primarily concentrated on developing his mental Force abilities, excelling in this area. Despite the rarity of Jedi among his people, his exceptional talent prompted the esteemed teacher Krynda Draay to eagerly accept him as a student. Despite his focus on Force-based visions, Feln never shied away from combat, and like all Feeorin, his strength grew with age. He achieved legendary status as a warrior on his home planet, harnessing his latent Force abilities to conquer all the neighboring Feeorin tribes and unite them under his rule, cementing his legacy as one of the most formidable fighters to ever hold the title of Exalted. However, his close friend Lucien Draay managed to best him in training sessions on Coruscant, and he was frustrated by Zayne Carrick's guerilla tactics during their final confrontation on Odryn. Feln was a skilled rider of the khadarok, a furry, horned creature commonly used by the Feeorin.


Feln carried a lightsaber with a green blade and a brown hilt, though he was unable to reach it in his final moments, as Marn Hierogryph seized the weapon to aid in saving Zayne Carrick's life. As a Jedi Master, Feln donned armored robes with a red cape.

Behind the scenes

Feln made his debut appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement, the inaugural story arc of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, penned by John Jackson Miller and published in 2006. After playing a supporting role for the majority of the series, Feln took center stage in the story arc Exalted, which Miller conceived as Feln's narrative and in which he met his end. When developing Feln's character, Miller initially envisioned him as a king among his people, drawing a parallel between him and the high society figure Lucien Draay. The inspiration for Feln's name came from Miller's family, with the letters in his name representing the second letters of the names of Miller's four nieces and nephews: Daniel, Christopher, Joey and Laurie. Throughout his appearances in Knights of the Old Republic, Feln was brought to life by four different artists: Brian Ching, Travel Foreman, Scott Hepburn and Bong Dazo.

