Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Exalted

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Exalted marks the ninth story arc within the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga.

Plot summary

On Coruscant, Lucien Draay ascends to a position on the esteemed Jedi High Council. Following the induction, he receives communication from Haazen, who bears incredible tidings: Celeste Morne's mission has been a success, and she has returned. Simultaneously, the Moomo Williwaw touches down on Odryn, the native planet of the Feeorin species. Jarael, disguised as Celeste Morne, and the Moomo Brothers, transporting a sizable crate, are escorted by Borjak toward the Sanctum of the Exalted. Once Borjak departs, Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph emerge from their hiding place within the crate. Utilizing Celeste's key, the group gains entry into the Sanctum. Inside, they discover a multitude of Sith relics and artifacts, all encased in a green substance that shields them from the effects of the Force. Soon after, Jarael and the Ithorians depart, leaving Zayne and Gryph to document the activities of the Jedi Covenant through photographs. Approximately thirty-six hours later, having gathered sufficient evidence, they prepare to leave. However, on their return journey to the Moomo Williwaw, they are discovered and apprehended by the Feeorin. Compounding their predicament, Jedi Master Feln arrives to personally confront Carrick.

Feln gets in touch with Lucien and recounts the situation. They both infer that Zayne murdered Celeste, seizing both her key and the Muur Talisman. Lucien commands Feln to destroy the Sanctum if its security is at risk. At that moment, Haazen enters the conversation, explicitly prohibiting Feln from destroying the Sanctum. As Lucien and Haazen engage in a dispute, Feln resolves to deal with Zayne Carrick first. However, just as he is about to strike him down, Borjak intervenes, reminding him that Rime Feeorin law forbids the use of weapons against anyone who has entered the Sanctum of the Exalted. Feln opts to engage Zayne in hand-to-hand combat, but Zayne strikes first and flees. When Feln catches up and prepares to finish him off, he is once again interrupted – this time by news that the Moomo Williwaw has returned to the system. Convinced that Zayne's allies are planning to raid the Sanctum, Feln initiates Option Ossus, detonating the explosives planted beneath it. However, the explosion not only destroys the Sanctum but also obliterates the entire Feeorin village. Initially stunned by his actions, Feln decides to eliminate Zayne once and for all. He returns to his mount to retrieve his lightsaber, but – mirroring his Vision on the Rogue Moon – finds only a wooden stick in its place. At that moment, Borjak stabs him in the head with a crude knife, declaring that by destroying the Sanctum, Feln has violated the Rime Feeorin code, which allows the Feeorin to alter the rules. Severely wounded and defenseless, Feln is killed by the enraged villagers.

That evening, Zayne and his companions bid farewell to Borjak, the newly appointed Exalted, and prepare to leave Odryn. Initially disheartened by the loss of all their evidence, Zayne and Gryph are heartened to discover that the Moomo Brothers had pilfered an artifact from the Sanctum within the same crate they used to transport Zayne and Gryph. On Coruscant, Q'Anilia and Xamar discuss Feln's demise with Lucien. He urges them to continue their mission and discloses that he has informed Admiral Saul Karath aboard the Swiftsure that Zayne will be attempting to raid Coruscant for Mandalorians, knowing that Karath will try to stop him. He instructs Xamar to join Karath within the hour, despite the prophecy foretelling Xamar's death among the ranks of the Republic Navy, a victim of friendly fire. Unable to dissuade Lucien, Xamar decides to address the threat in his own way.



  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 6: Vindication
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 2

Notes and references
